
So, we do not have lookback per say. They ask for a bank statement, X goes in, X goes out, cancelled checks not looked at.

So G in my house with help from POS son yesterday, transferred $2500 to Germany so daughter can come visit Aug 16th, even though, she's a coke wh*re to be blunt and her ticket is being paid for by a "friend."

Medicaid DOES NOT track these things. What is my next step? I am losing it and dealing w daughter may get me committed.

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The daughter has no right to be in your home unless you let her as far as I can see, Stacy. The son can take G. to see her in her motel room. Any chance G. may consider moving back to Germany with her daughter. Certainly would get her medical care and get her out of your hair. As to her account, I guess G. can send money wherever she likes since seems no one has said she is incompetent. Seems whomever is acting as her POA or guardian now (is that the state) has no control over her money? I think as long as you are involved with this family there will be little hope for any relief for you.
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sp19690 Jun 2021
If G leaves to go see daughter could she lock her out permanetmy? Consider it her moving out on her own? Just an idea to get this woman out.
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Your story is one if the strangest I have ever seen. You have a strange German woman living in your house against your will. You can't get her out and her children come into your house as freely as if they lived their and own your house. Why would this old woman want to live somewhere she is not wanted.

And why would you let the coke whore daughter come stay in your house? What if she never leaves like the old lady?
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Stacy0122 Jun 2021
You were not here long ago so recap, M, my sons father and I moved into her and her husbands home. When he died in 2016, his brother, S, was dirty and violent. My grandma passed in early 2018, and left me a substantial amount of cash which was my escape, bought a house, got my doctorate. In late 2019, M could not care for G anymore and asked if he could stay at my place to get on his feet. So Jan 2020, G's bday, S and G changed her address to mine so M would care for her. L is S wife who posts here at times, shes an ex social worker, flake who tells G she has rights not to go into a facility but gets on the board, whines and cries over her kids and how G should not be important to hubs, no offense here but you all eat it up and it would not be a problem if she just shut up. So, L & S rented an RV to go to KY and dropped her at my door late Feb 2020 with address chage. Covid hit, could not evict. M is in rehab for a stoke, should be out next week.

Hope that all makes sense but you can ask for clarification.

I told coke whore no but she does not listen. When I lived at G's doing care, M and I were into Scuba Diving. For college graduation, my mom sent M and I on a vacation for a week. Came back, B sold a pool table, all the scuba equipment, the jacuzzi boxed to be installed. She comes here to get money pawning everyones crap and get money. Do you know she even used my toothbrush once, how disgusting is that?

She will leave because her unemployed butt has a trip to Holland, a cruise to the canary islands and a cottage in the alps she needs to do by Dec 15th because you, like I do not understand how stressful unemployed life is and it is important to vacation.
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I would move elsewhere.
Helpful Answer (3)
AlvaDeer Jun 2021
Except that I believe Stacy owns this home; so she would literally be running away from home.
The eviction moratorium ends July 31st. Will you start eviction proceedings against G after that date?
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Stacy0122 Jun 2021
I have a guardianship hearing to get her placed scheduled at 10 am Oct 11th. Her and Medicaid asked for trial by jury which is allowed here. Lawyer said that is my best bet since her house is condemned.
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But I have been thinking, A (lawyer buying the ticket) is a CELA so he should know the rules about gifting, correct? So, if I call him or have my lawyer call him about the "gifting" would he not be legally obligated not to give duplicate fund or report it? G is not his client.
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Well, I got G and B in a huge fight today. So if you read the I am an A$$hole on reddit soon it may be me 😈.

I played dumb, bought an SD card for memory so G could watch her grandaughter's totally not age appropriate YouTube channel. Then somehow, my whatsapp was installed so she could read and hear all of the messages B sent including pawning off G's engagement ring and other things. Uh oh, do not know how that happened.

She started bawling, called B told her to keep the money and not to come. I guess for the rest of the day, I'm her bestie.
Helpful Answer (2)
cwillie Jun 2021
Have you always been this evil or has this experience brought out the devil in you 😈😂
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Alva, if you ask me wound care is awesome. At 12:11 am, I am 11 days into not throwing up. The wound Dr and PCP may say I suck though, actually they have.
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Medicaid pulled the workers from the house for the weekend. I was at the store getting groceries, gas etc. I received a phone call the worker walked out at 10:30 and due to present circumstances they needed to pull help.

I got home and S&L dropped their kids off for G to babysit til Sunday morning because they need couple time. These kids are brats that need to be spanked. One finished 2nd grade, the other 4th and they are bad. G cannot take care of herself much less these 2 brats the workers complain about cleaning up after on their 45 min biweekly visits.

So far, they destroyed the new shrubs and mini hydranges I just planted, kicked the pea stone into the grass and broke the bird feeder and fountain. I am blocked so cannot tell S&L to pick up their kids, who does this sh!t?

I have locked myself into my area and cannot go out or I will lose it. I have already yelled at the kids. I am not feeding them or watching them. Police said it was not abandonment because they left kids in care of grandma, lol.

I am ready to cry.
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AlvaDeer Jul 2021
As long as this woman is in your life your life will be misery, personal opinion only. I don't know how to get her out of your life, but not doing ANY CARE at all would be one way, and telling the guardians you resign. That means not accepting the 800.00 stipend per month, which in no way compensates you for the misery this all is. I sure don't have any answers. As long as G resides in your home your life will be hell. At this point I would be leaving my own home with her in it. No wound care, no shopping and no anything. I would rent a room somewhere, and at the point she is out of my home I would return to it. I can't see another way. It certainly is a lesson about watching about taking ANYONE into your home.
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Can you not call S&L and tell them they need to pick the kids up? It is your home and should have been asked. If they are having couple time at home then take them home and drop them off. Tell them you will be sending them a bill for the damage they have done. Tell them G is not capable of caring for them and you aren't.
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FU, sp19690, you have no clue.
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AlvaDeer Jul 2021
Stacy, don't get triggered by someone who name-calls. Let that person's own words speak FOR them. Sorry G. has you pushed to the edge again. Find a way to pry her out of your life; there's no reason you have to take on all the responsibility. Like I said, run away from home. LONG vacation/staycation somewhere else. There has got to be a way. I know you have a lawyer in all this and there just MUST be a way.
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With Medicaid "in home" isn't G only allowed a certain amount of money in her acct. When her yearly renewal comes up, does she not have to send a bank statement? Won't the transfer show up on the bank statement? Is gifting allowed after you are on Medicaid?
You don't think that $2500 will be questioned?

I pray that you get this guardianship. Then you can place her. At least go back to court and tell the judge that COVID is over. The woman has her own home, such as it is. And homecare. Time for her to leave. 😊
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