
He is diabetic and has multiple heart issues. Now he refuses to eat or take his meds and is verbally abusive to my mother. any ideas?

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My dad always asks these sorts of things, or tells us he is going to "do" it. We just tell him we/he has one, This slows him down for awhile! Actually we do have a bass boat.. just not the cabin cruiser he used to have.. But it takes his mind off buying another one!
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Not unheard of actually. His name is not Noah, I hope. Encourage him to share his vision with his MD, who, after careful consideration, may give him either an Exelon patch or several pairs of animals.
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We'll let him fantasize and hopefully he won't act on it. Don't fight it or tell him no, because then it just makes them more defiant and more likely to prove you wrong and act out. Tell dad, "ohh, hope your not buying that one, heard they lose their value, better get the 32' boston whaler, hear less maintenance, yada, yada...Bobs dad just got one with the fancier Bimini, ohh, Joes dad got one with the nice GPS.." You'll give him sticker shock and maybe he'll stop. If not, encourage him to buy one you will like!!! LOL.

When my dad said stuff like that, we would encourage it and say, "oh that'll be great, when something happens to you, we all love it.." Well, he never spent the money thinking we kids would get it.
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BTW, I don't think anything is wrong with the boat idea. I thought that was pretty cool. It was the personality changes that went along with it and your father not taking his medicines. Boats cool; other things not.
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His erratic behavior suggests something else is going on. I think instead of buying a boat he should be visiting the doctor. A man I knew started acting peculiar like this, except with him he wanted to start a singing career. This man had erratic personality changes. A few months later he was diagnosed with a rapidly progressing dementia. In his case, it was probably vascular, because he had a history of strokes.

Diabetes is associated with vascular problems that can affect the brain so strongly. I don't know how you can get your father to the doctor, but I hope you can. If there is some problem, they may be able to slow or stop what is going on.
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Brenda~ Does your father plan to leave the boat in a boatyard with a slip?
I don't know if cardiac issues (as long as he is taking his meds) make him unable to drive a boat. Does he drive a car?
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