
My step father is pushing 70, and has had thyroid problems, now that his thyroid has been diagnosed, and a medication has been prescribed, he is constantly talking about how he is going to explode, he just needs to see a woman, he is thinking about women. His wife has passed and he has female care givers.. How do I handle this? Is buying him a "magazine" a good idea, or would that only enhance the problem?

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Send him to my house. I could use a good...........Opps. Did I type that out loud? Sowwy.
Helpful Answer (13)

Don't worry, at his age he won't commit rape. The worst crime he could be charged with is assault with a dead weapon.
Helpful Answer (6)

69 yrs really is not that old in that dept., I know my parents were "active" until 80 ish and my FIL 87 has a 92 YO GF. I doubt they are doing anything, but the attraction is still there. If he is inappropriate then that is a whole other problem that needs to be addressed. Otherwise, I would encourage him to go to the senior center, clubs etc to meet ladies he may want to date. Older guys are in BIG demand! YOU are not in charge of that part of his life, nor do you need to hear about it. Just provide social opportunities for him to meet others and he has to do the work...or not!
Helpful Answer (5)

My husband is 87 and still wants sex. In my experience, it's got nothing to do with meds - some, I expect many, men have a sexual desire that exists for their entire lives. Whether or not the ability to perform the full act is there - the drive always is. Even if you hired a prostitute - how long would that be remembered? I lie down and cuddle with my hubby - it seems to help - as he knows I love him.
Helpful Answer (4)

I remember a documentary from back in the mid 70s. What, my then, wife could not believe is a statement made by an ELDERLY woman; it went like this, 'If all I have to look forward to is eating & sleeping and No Sex, then I'd rather die.' That woman was in her late sixties; I still have that documentary on tape.

So what does that have to do with the question here (?), really simple, get the ole-man l**d. Just because there is snow on the mountain does not mean there no fire in the stove. Heck, Picasso was active well into his eighties; though surely you don't want anymore heirs. So don't let him be silly....have him wrap the willy.
Helpful Answer (4)

I'd call is doctor ASAP and ask for a little medication to knock that drive right down! What you don't need is his female caregivers leaving because of unwanted advances!!
Helpful Answer (3)

heres a kinda fun sexist joke. a lady confided to her doc that her husband had an ongoing rage problem and she was becoming fearful of him. doc told her to get a mouthfull of water and just quietly swish it back and forth till the old man calmed down. at a later visit the woman told doc that the water swishing worked magnificently and asked him to explain why. doc told her that all the time she was swishing the water her mouth was closed. hehe
Helpful Answer (3)

There's an old joke I've heard for over 20 years in nursing homes: "They say the mind is the second thing to go. What's the first? I can't remember!"

All joking aside, the first thing is often sex. The biological impetus to procreate is actually stronger than the need to eat. Put in other words, the ability to pass on one's genes is a much stronger drive than survival.

In your profile, you have specified age-related decline. If your SD's health is on the slippery slope toward dementia or any either kind of impairment, you may be dealing with his inability to filter inappropriate behavior in addition to the increase in his libido due to the correction of his thyroid deficiency.

This may become a problem of whether systemic health should override psychological well being and the only way that can be determined is in consultation with his medical care team.
Helpful Answer (2)

An elderly man went to the doctor after having a heart attack. The doctor went over the medications, diet, exercise and told him he was improving nicely. The old man asked "What about having sex?" and the MD said "No. That would be quite dangerous." " How dangerous?" the old man asked. The doctor looked him right in the eye and said " It could be fatal." The old man shrugged and said "If she dies, she dies."
Helpful Answer (2)

LOL, hopping from hen to hen...I owned a flowershop years ago. One of my BEST customers was a man in his early 80's who had at least 3 steady girlfriends that he would buy flowers for regularly...there may have been a few flings in there as well. These guys in there 70-80's are in big demand, I kid you not! It ain't over, till it's over ladies!
Helpful Answer (2)

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