
Now he has declined to the point medical staff are talking Hospice.
He's on private pay at nursing home and I'm sitting on ALL HIS bills and checkbook. Suggestions?

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I'd go to the courts and get appointed "emergency" guardian and POA for both financial and his person oversight (i.e. medical). Since you are the one taking care of his finances, be sure to save all receipts, bank statements, etc. You're going to have to act like you're running a business and be ready to be audited by family members and the courts somewhere down the road. Keep a diary of actions being (or not being taken) and the reasons behind decisions. Emotions run high when a loss occurs. Better to be safe than sorry.

Regarding his will, seek an attorney's assistance. I think if someone dies without a will, all possessions go into probate and the court decides? I don't know and am only guessing.
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Leave it. He has expressed no interest in any of it. His estate will be settled by what he owes standing to what he has. The rest will be divided between his heirs according to state law. If you do not wish to be executor, any of you, then allow the state to appoint one. By the time they are finished there won't be any money to worry about. Allow him a peaceful end with hospice. His bills will be paid by his executor upon his death. You have done your best. Clearly he has declined your suggestions, so time to let it go and make his end as peaceful as you are able.
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I would venture to say that he is feeling like you are bringing this up because you want his money, that's what his comment said to me.

Sometimes we just have to let go and let things play out. So many people don't care what they leave for others to handle. It is what it is at this point.
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The financial POA is much more important than a will, imho.

Can't you find one on LegalZoom or something?
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DM, you are paying his bills without having POA?

Why would you take on that responsibility for someone who isn't cooperative?

Say no. Walk away. Let him take care of his own bills.
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I told my uncle, you may as well write down "I'd like to leave the bulk of my estate to lawyers and bankers and I'd like my family to fight amongst themselves."
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I would speak to an elder law attorney regarding the situation. If he is still alert and oriented, I would explain to him that thesebisdies need to be handled in order to protect him. I remember when I had to speak to my dad regarding drawing up a will. He was quite resistant 7ntil I explained to him that without a will the state could get involved. After hearing this, he saw a lawyer pronto.
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Dm64allforDad Apr 2020
I tried this and was told "attorneys want nothing but your money....."
Then another three days passes and I try it again and receive the same negativity
If they are Talking Hospice, From what I have I learned of the Regulations from Upstate, NY, Anyways, Six months or less is Best when Accepting a patient. Make sure you find out what that is all about. As far as Anything else Goes, Let it go. These elderly people are stubborn as a Mule, Believe me, I know. Don't worry about the Bills, Nothing in Writing to be concerned of dealing with you or anyone....However, If everything Goes to PROBATE because of his stubborness, This will be Squared away and the Rest is in Checks to the Sibblings Left after the Fact.
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Speak with his State's Attorney. You really would not want his estate to go through the lengthy process of probate once he passes.
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Call 211 get an Ombudsman at your County eldercare help -- also call the Alzheimer's Association. Never hurts to rub shoulders with those who see these situations everyday. Good Luck-- God Bless on this Good Friday.
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elaineSC Apr 2020
Ombudsman has nothing to do with whether this man wants a will or a POA. Ombudsman is a liaison between the patient and nursing facilities.
Re: no POA. Who is paying his bills now? Are they just piling up without being paid? I'd be concerned about the nursing home not getting paid. Once he's on Medicare hospice, he won't receive bills for that care, but the nursing home bill still must be paid.

As far as worrying about a will, every state has a method by which assets are distributed after death for someone who dies "intestate." You can Google the information for your state. This is handled in the probate process. An attorney is not always needed for that. Anyone who is named as an executor can handle the probate paperwork. If there is no executor per the will, the probate court will appoint one.

As others suggested, speak to a social worker and/or elder attorney about options.
Helpful Answer (3)
elaineSC Apr 2020
Well said. 👍
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I think that even in the best of cases some items may slip by unnoticed and probate will be required. My Dad did an excellent job of setting up a will and adding me as POA/executor and my sister as medical POA. Despite that, when he died there were a few accounts and property related issues that there was not time to process. The process of probate took place over a couple years and was not a big burden. Just take it one day at a time, keep very good records, and make sure you have a plan of attack (schedule, actions, and documents you must produce) after you meet with the probate attorney.
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Well, I guess all you can do now is accept the crappy situation, let your frustration about it leave you and know that you will just have to deal with probate, etc. after he dies. It could have/should have been avoided but that's water under the bridge now.

It stinks but there seems to be little action that you can take at this time. The best thing may be to just come to terms with it since it is beyond your control.
Helpful Answer (4)
Dm64allforDad Apr 2020
That's exactly the attitude I am getting. I've been begging the man for 3 years to get his things in order.....
When will people realize you do NOT allow people to refuse to make a will or take appropriate action while it is still possible to do so. If they refused, seek an attorney's help to get guardianship or do whatevever is necessary no matter how they carry on. If they are so stupid and selfish, then they deserve what they get. YOUR job is to protect yourself from what will happen because of non-action. Do whatever it takes NOW to avoid future hell. Don't put this off. When people act like this, anything that can and should be done is fine - ignore them.
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worriedinCali Apr 2020
When do people like YOU realize that no one of us can force someone else to make a will? And none of us will succeed in winning guardianship over a competent person? Stop the ridiculousness here please.
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LOTS of people are in this situation: no powers of attorney or other estate planning. If you do not have an estate plan, the state has one for you, although you might not like it. I am currently begging people to get powers of attorney, at least, in place, now that we are all in this pandemic, and people are still hesitant to do it. How about you? Are your powers of attorney and estate planning vehicles in place? If not, then it is time to focus on yourself. The guardianship and conservatorship route seems like the only way to get legal authority to do anything now, and that ends with his death. It is what it is. Accept it and get educated on what does come next. FYI, some attorneys work on "commission" when it comes to probate. But others will work on an hourly charge if you ask. I do not recommend the do it yourself version. Yes, it could work. I used a do-it-yourself book to get a divorce long before I ever went to law school. The problem with do-it-yourself comes when you don't know what you don't know. There could be complications that end up costing you much more in the long run. And you might not be able to recognize that they are coming.
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May be related to POA for care: my mother told me that Uncle Sam will take care of her care, but my family and I knew that her SS and pension did not cover the costs of her care. I was her POA from 2012 until late 2013 to handle her bills.
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My advice is to never wait after one or two attempts to obtain legal documents. It is much less expensive than probate and sad headaches later. contact his elder attorney and social worker, or ombudsman, now, before an emergency happens.
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Your situation sounds exactly like the one I was in a few years ago. I obtained legal guardianship. This is something you may want to consider. My father died without a will, and the courts followed standard intestate procedures. Having legal guardianship, however, enabled me to execute critical decisions regarding his care. I wish you the best during this very trying time.
Helpful Answer (2)
Dm64allforDad Apr 2020
I Have one sibling who is the medical power of attorney however I'm in control of my father's checkbook and pay his bills however there is no executor there's no will and there's no financial POA! Omg
After my Dad died, my step mom was against doing a POA assignment to me or anyone. She was not keeping up with her bills or meds very well. We could see things getting worse. Our answer was to let her consult someone she loved and trusted more than me. It was her sister who told her that it was a good idea to do one. Victory in our case. We used the same technique for transferring to AL.
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Exactly what taarna said below.
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What could hospice have to do with a stubborn refusal to sign a POA? Are these not two very seperate decisions concerning very different problems?I sympathize greatly with this poor apparently ill man. I am 86 and I dread becoming unable to manage my own affairs. The question is this, Why does he not trust his children?
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Isthisrealyreal Apr 2020
Sometimes it has nothing to do with trust. It is superstitious beliefs that stop people from doing end of life documents.
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Start by talking to his doctor and social work. If he is competent "enough" explain to dad that you can not take care of his bills or talking to the doctors about type of care without POAs. If you can get him to understand, get POAs done pronto. If not, try to set up online payment options with each financial institution and then set up automatic payments. When he "exhausts" his finances, he will need to apply for Medicaid with help from social work.
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Dm64allforDad Apr 2020
One of my siblings is already the medical POA agent and I am the alternate is this something that they are in charge of or can I execute this if I am currently keeping up on all of his bills by handling his finances?
Hello, I really can relate to your situation, so hard to deal with. I came across a site called Crossroads. Here is the number: 1-855-567-6406. You can get legal forms, but more importantly for you, some help with getting cooperation from your father. Crossroads is a hospice care organization and I hope they have answers and advice for your particular concerns. Please take care of yourselves too during this very trying time. Bev
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Dm64allforDad Apr 2020
Thank you, this is beyond frustrating and completely tearing our family apart and it's utterly unnecessary to do to us kids!!!
If you are worried about taking care of his bills you can go to your states attorney general website and see if they have a DPOA form. If they do, fill it out, take it and a witness to the facility and ask the facility to provide the notary (if they don't have one, hire a mobile notary) and tell dad that you need it to pay his bills.

The hospital notarized the DPOA for my dad and it has never been questioned by anyone.

The ones available on the AGs website have the state statutes that govern POA listed and that is what banks are looking for. All POAs end upon death.

We set up online banking to pay my dads stuff and I was given the PIN by him to get him cash when he wanted it.

I am sorry that you are facing losing your dad and having a financial challenge on top of it. May he and your family find peace and comfort during his final journey on this earth. Great big warm hug!
Helpful Answer (3)
Dm64allforDad Apr 2020
Thank you so much for your great advice I had every intention on doing just this until the pandemic hit now I am in utter fear he's going to pass. He has always stated he wants everything divided up equally however never has taken the time to get paperwork drawn up with or without an attorney!!!! I don't even have legal access to his bank account I just pay bills as they come in.
Have him declared incompetent by a physician and file in the court for guardianship.

Get the counsel of a good estate attorney and everything should be able to fall in place in a timely fashion.
Helpful Answer (2)
Dm64allforDad Apr 2020
Does guardianship supersede a financial durable power of attorney? Currently I am handling all of his finances.
If he is just stubborn, there isn’t a thing you can do. After your dear father has passed on, it will be sorted out in Probate. Some people just do not want a Will. Some won’t allow anybody to be a POA either because they are afraid to lose control in some way. My grandparents did not have a will. My mother and her siblings just agreed on how the property would be divided and it worked out fine BECAUSE they did not fight with each other and were fair. That is not always the case. If your Dad is now in Hospice, just pay his bills as usual and Probate will put a notice in 3 newspapers of his death and you have to wait a year for everything to sort itself out. It is a real pain but that is your only recourse with him in the shape he is in. Plenty of people go through this. Yes, it is a matter of stubbornness and wanting to stay in control. One last thing you could do is tell him you need to pay his bills and would he let an attorney come and do a POA. If he says no, well there you have it. Probate will handle. Good luck to you and God Bless.
Helpful Answer (4)
Dm64allforDad Apr 2020
Thank you so much for your advice I had every intention on bringing an attorney to him until the pandemic hit now I am stuck and worrying sick!! The nursing home is on lockdown. Now what?
If he is truly headed for hospice and yet will not accept the need to settle his affairs, it may be out of your hands. Does he have a business or complicated estate? If not, probate post mortem is your only recourse and it will occur essentially anyone dies intestate. How is is mental health/cognition? If he has any issues in this area, call an attorney and a physician and start taking steps to evaluate his level of compentency to properly evaluate his own options. At that point, you will be able to have the court appoint you and or your siblings POA.
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What you see as being stubborn, may be that he is not in his right mind medically. I would talk to his doctor and ask if he can be evaluated for being of sound mind. If he isn't and Dr. puts this in a letter format, have the attorney now prepare necessary docs to have one of you legally appointed as his guardian. Take court docs to his bank, inform his debtors and move it forward.
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I am sorry to hear about your situation, my mother died unexpectantly and intestate. I met with a probate attorney and due to her large estate she wanted to charge us over $100K. I bought the NOLO Probate book and followed it verbatim and I did have to wait the wait 6 month to get it finalized but I was able to save my family $100K. If you can not reason with him maybe you can be prepared and focus on being prepared to do the probate yourself. Many people talk about what a nightmare it is, but I found it pretty straightforward although I was the only heir. Otherwise I would look into guardianship. I am now struggling with my Dad who is divorced and scrambling to get his affairs in order. Best of luck to you. I know how I don't want to leave my kids due to this experience.
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If you bring an attorney to a nursing home to prepare your dad’s will, any ensuing lawsuit would easily make the law school text books.

Even if you weren’t pressuring your dad, or complaining that he is not thinking clearly as your post suggests, those conclusions are no difficult stretch for a jury.

Lack of capacity, undue influence, fraud- this would be hard to defend in probate, civil and criminal court.

A lawyer interested in creating a will (1) who was first contacted and hired by the clients’ child and (2) who meets that client in a nursing home (raising on its face, questions of capacity/credibility) must be desperate for legitimate work and hold no value for his/her legal license.

Your state has laws that govern property distribution for those that die without a will.

Is pressuring him to make a will now worth risking years of legal battles, more money than you would ever get and your freedom?
Helpful Answer (6)
Dm64allforDad Apr 2020
The attorney told me he would come in and assess Dad to determine if he had the capability to move forward. All I know is my one sibling is medical power of attorney and I'm stuck sitting and paying all of his bills with his checkbook!!! Please advise.
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