
my husband, my 18 month old daughter and i live with my grandmother in law. she is almost 80. she has been showing signs of denmentia, and its clearly getting worse. she is aggressive and never stops complaining, yelling, screaming, and just being cruel. She thinks people are always yelling at her when they aren't, and she misplaces everything then accuses everyone of theft. she blames everything on everyone and she picks fights, harrasses and never stops arguing but acts like its everyone else arguing and she did nothing wrong. she also lacks complete compassion for anyone except her late husband. she is also extremly controlling. Anyways, im writing this because i am afraid she has abused my baby. My daughter is extremly afraid of her. she cries and screams and runs away when she gets close to her. there have been times where my baby will be trying to nap and i will be doing housework. janet will come in and very pissed off, yell at me about how the baby is crying and wont nap. even through teething and everything, my baby is a great sleeper. never fusses about naptime or bedtime, sleeps all night, shes great. my daughter only cries and screams if she is in alot of pain, or scared. i never saw a mark on her until four days ago. and grandmother in law was angry and told me baby wasbt sleeping. it took 20 mins to calm her down. thats not normal at all. im a stay at home mom and always around my baby. i know when something isnt right with her. anyways after i finally got her calm, janet tried to come around her and poor baby got extremely upset all over again tried to climb over my shoulder to get away from her, and a day later i noticed this really big deep dark mystery bruise on her arm. i instantly felt my heart my stomach and i knew thats not a bruise from a fall. What the heck am i supposed to do? my husband wilk not leave his grandma. we have been year for several years trying to help her. ( me 8, him 12). i cant risk my childs safety but without my husband, i have nowhere to go. no friends houses, parents or anything. i want to talk to her doctor. the only thing is, she complains to her doctor about us, she makes us seem like the most horrible people when all we do is help her not get hurt, make her food, run her errands , literally everything. and we are very patient and kind to her. but the doctor thinks otherwise because she puts on a charade for other people. im afraid her doctor wont listen and tell her what i said, and that will cause 100 more problems. i really dont know what to do anymore and i dont how much more of this i can take. i really need help and i just dont know what to do.

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Take pictures of your babys bruise, and do your best to get your hubs on board with getting some help. I can't imagine he would want his daughter harmed if he knew about this. If it is possible have the baby nap where you can see her.. and Janet... and if you see anything off take more pictures and get the baby away from her! Tell your hubs there is no way you are letting baby get hurt. Do you have womens shelters where you are?I know this is not what you want but you and the baby need protection too. Maybe send her Dr a email and the photos? Do you and hubs have POA? sounds like MIL is not safe around any of you. Good luck with this
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So, just to make sure I read this right, your husband has lived with his grandmother for 12 years and you married him and have lived there with him and his grandmother for 8 years and then you decided to bring children into that situation? Is this your only child or do you have others?

Your husband's grandmother has dementia so bad already and it's not going to get any better. The situation will only get worse. Does he have power of attorney for her finances and health? You do need to talk to her doctor if you have the authority to do so, he will understand. There are medications she can take that will probably help her, but the doctor needs to know what symptoms she has that need to be addressed.

As a last resort, your husband needs to be checking out assisted living facilities for his grandmother to move into. You may need to move from the house, as it will probably need to be sold to pay for her care, so be thinking along those lines. It really sounds as though the situation is not a good place for a toddler, the baby probably irritates her great grandmother. Sorry, but things don't always work out the way we hope they will, and sometimes we have to go to "plan B". Good luck.
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we are young. his grandparents took him in at a young age and he helped them. we are 24 and 25 and had been together for 8 years before having the baby. she never acted like that until more recently. his grandpa passed away last january after breaking his hip and leg, spending several months in and out of hospitals and nursing homes. she started losing her mind a little, im sure it was all the stress and fear of losing her husband. after he passed, obviously she has been greiving. but it started becoming more than grieving and i think that caused the problems. because she was never that bad.that is our only child.we didntjust bring my baby into this crap. this crap started happening several months after my babys arrival. the last 2 months have been the worst. she is now prescribed lyrica for her leg pain, ontop of her vicodin and cymbalta. the medicine works great for her leg pain, but she took a whole months supply in 2 weeks even though she wasnt supposed to. and when she takes them all like that, it makes her mentally worse. i have been sure for awhile now that we would have to move and all that. my husband is the one that needs to get it. i understand his gratitude for her, she saved him from his horrible mom, but now its a dangerous situation and its not worth risking it. we dont have poa, how would we get it? because contacting her dr without atleast that wont be pretty. it will make things worse.
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Get GM on cell phone video at her worst.

Get the numbers and location of women's shelters in town in case you need them. Get hubby to sign up here and read about abusive elders and maybe realize the danger he is putting everyone in; if he refuses to do so you may need to get out...there is such a thing as "failure to protect" when it comes to children being abused. To top that off, she might accuse him as well as you of abusing her. Possibly, if she does, getting social services involved could work out all around, but they do the right thing only about 80% of the time in my experience. If hubby gets huffy with them they are even more likely to believe GM and put you into a world of hurt.

You are at your wits' end because you SHOULD and your child should NOT be subjected to this with no end in sight.
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Jessica, please get that child out of that environment, it's not good physically or mentally. Because of grandma's dementia, she is jealous of the baby, and also finds the least bit of noise disrupting to her. Your child wouldn't be allowed to be a happy playful child or even be allowed in the future to have play dates at home with other children because it might make grandma angry :(

When you get a chance, go to and scroll down to the articles, read everything you can about dementia, including the Alzheimer's articles. Then you will see that it is the illness acting out, and it will only get worse.

The grandmother is only 80 which is young by today's standards... do you think you would handle this for another 10 years? It will destroy your health, and your marriage. I can understand your husband want to help his grandmother, but sometimes the best help can be found at a continuing care facility.
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Get out. Now!

I can be sympathetic to Gramma. Dementia does horrible things to people. It is most likely not her true self acting but her disease. Poor Gramma.

But you absolutely cannot let your child be treated in a way that she is terrified of Gramma.

Get Out. The best thing is if Husband will come with you, and focus on his immediate family, while arranging care for poor Gramma. But if Husband doesn't see it that way then it is your responsibility to protect your daughter by removing her from this toxic environment.
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It's her house. If you report her you get kicked out, not her. Take that baby to the doctor immediately and make sure her bloodwork is OK. Easy bruising on a child that young could be leukemia. Get it checked out.
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