
People who are about to die sleep a great deal. This started aroud a week ago, I also geel tierd and achy.

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Mollie, if you can, walk and walk and walk, even if it just around the inside of your home. If you can get outdoors into a court yard or wherever, even better.

I find if I don't do something to get myself moving, I can fall asleep in front of the TV in the middle of the day. Same happens to my significant other, so he will start to vacuum, he finds it gets the kinks out and reduces his stress.

And shakingdustoff is so right about drinking water.... I've learned that the hard way many times. That reminds me, I better get myself a cup of water.
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Nah, just a little sedated by the pollen in the air. Nobody can tell you when your time is up. You could make 100 or tomorrow you could get hit by bus. At 93, every day is a new gift to unwrap. Enjoy.
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Weather changes can be harsh, especially with summer coming. I agree with the others, and try to keep active.
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What do your doctors say? They're a better indicator than sleep, which could be prompted by any number of things, especially an inadequte diet, too much sugar leading to sugar spikes and fatigue.

Take advantage of the naps and dream about what you want to do for the rest of your life - make plans and carry them out! And enjoy yourself!
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I think you people are wonderful, so very very caring. I have an app. with my doctor next week . I hope I feel much better by than. I don't want to go through numerous tests.
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Medicine can make you feel tired. Especially if you are taking blood pressure pills, it can zap your energy and your memory. Some times I feel like throwing those pills out and take my chances. Antihistamines for allergies can do the same thing.
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Maybe you are just bored. My mom used to get mad because dad would sit in front of the TV and sleep most of the day, until I visited, then he was lively. Weekends when I visited there was no time or need for naps.
Visit your doctor just to make sure all is well, if there any entertainment such as a senior center you can attend?
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Mollie; Do you have someone, a friend or trusted relative you can take to your doctor's appointment? It can be helpful to have someone else there to ask questions that might not occur to you in the moment, and someone to help you "hold on" to your feelings that you don't want to be put through a lot of tests. I just finished an intersting article in the Costco Connection magazine about a great many aches and pains being caused by depression! Interesting connection, so if your doctor suggests it, don't dismiss it. And yes, we should all drink more water. And yes, anyone who is 93 and online is one heck of a person, in my book!
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Hey Mollie, I am so glad you posted ! Boredom is the big one for me (and I have experienced it lately - I don't like it.) Are you religious/spiritual? Maybe there is a church nearby that offers community events. Even lunch with one friend may help pull you out of that "must sleep" feeling. good luck and let us know how you are doing!
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every day is a gift for sure. I learned I had hepc at the age of 39, scared me senseless. slowly I came to the realization that none of us have the guarantee of another day. 16 yrs later I don't even worry about it.
good luck to you mollie, you might just be ran down from some kind of bug..
congrats on the 93 yrs. that's just incredible in itself..
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I'm so amazes me Mollie, you are on the computer!! It is Great know you are connect with so many caring people on this site!! Take care xoxox Sue
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