
She and I only made a verbal agreement that she would pay house payments. I do have durable power of attorney but I'm so depressed from awful things she does and says to me. Can someone tell me if a trust protects my home? Or how her $$$ is just to make the house payment. I don't want anything else from her. I just feel she should keep her word.

Idk anything about this stuff w the house.  Yes I have the deed and it's both names mine and my mom's.    Just she has had me being her power of attorney make the house payments and I paid utilities every month. But she Is very cruel to me now and idk what to do. But to get her help. Cus I'm not qualified.......I feel selfish asking will the man who was the landlord and is now he kinda laughs and says the mortgage lender. He sent me the deed it does have both our names and she had paid him wrong every month ....til I been making payments monthly to him on the money more less he let her pay him less. I'm sorry for not responding n being so time consumed. I truly do apologize

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Protect the home from what?
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So, wait a minute. I remember you posted about this before. Was anything done? Did you take any of our advice? Is Mom on the deed? Has she given you money for payments or have you fallen behind? If she is not on the deed, tell her you are selling the house and she’s going to have to find another place, maybe even a nursing home if she needs one. Then you get yourself a Section 8 apartment you can afford. If your mom is not nice to you, get out. Go your own way! Why are you even still there living with her? Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get busy changing things.
Helpful Answer (5)

A Trust won’t protect your home. You are in a rent to own situation. If your mom is being placed in a facility which I think is what is happening based on your other posts then she can’t keep her word. She can’t continue to make the house payment. You will either need to figure out how to pay for the house yourself or find somewhere else to live.
Helpful Answer (3)

Yes, you have posted before.

From what I just read your renting to own. I don't think you actually own the home yet. The money you have been giving to the owner goes towards the downpayment. Or, is the owner holding the Mortgage? Do you have an actual deed?
If not, you don't own the house. If you don't own it, Medicaid cannot "take" it, which they don't do anyway.

You have said before that Mom owns it too or she thinks she does? If she is not on the deed, your house has nothing to with her getting Medicaid.

Lets say, Mom and you are on the DEED. (Mortgage whole different thing) If Mom goes on Medicaid, you will be able to remain in the home. Upon her death, a lean will be placed on the home but no recovery will be made. If you sell the house, her half will be used to offset her care. Otherwise, recovery will not be made until u pass.

So, if you can get Mom into a LTC facility on Medicaid you will not lose your home.

But, your posts are pretty confusing. So not sure if I have helped with my answers. You may need to talk to a lawyer.
Helpful Answer (2)


I have scanned your previous posts. Not once did you respond to the people who replied to you. And ur questions were confusing to me. I have questions that if u would answer, things maybe clearer and we could give more informed info.

1. You have said ur renting to own? Are you actually doing this or the original owner is holding the Mortgage.

2. Do you have a Deed with both your and Moms names?

3. Can you continue to make payments if Mom can't help.
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IFeelingsad Nov 2019
Yes we are renting to own the home. .....and yes it's in both of our names. I am on just ssi. I always paid the utilities n she made the house payment n she also had more less a personal loan w the man who is renting to own it. But I can't seem to ever have time or I can't cope with everything....there is absolutely no help sister will not help at all. N. Her family in there defense they really aren't able .....she isn't really sick it's like. ....... I'm very sorry that I don't get to post back cus I didn't mean to make any one angry or hurt there feelings. I'm sorry ....I know I am going so fast that y'all can barely understand what I am writing. I'm sorry. I stay so frazzled that is why I can't myself remember sum things sum days n to be honest I really wonder what this can do to me.
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Im very sorry to y'all that have answered.'s been like she monopolizes. N it's like she creates a deversion .....I am trying I have left messages. W several attorneys....I never dreamed of mom being mean like this. ....the house is in both names I have the deed n the title. The man who was renting it he has the house rent to own. She makes the payment on house outta her income which I have power of attorney........I just didn't know if the state will take it all. ....I do hope she gets better. I just don't understand what to do.
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Isthisrealyreal Nov 2019
Are you the original poster?

Cuz I am really confused now.
I’m confused too, especially by the multiple poster names.
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Why are you using 3 different accounts to post with? It makes it very confusing...
Helpful Answer (2)

This does not make sense "..the house is in both names I have the deed n the title"

Do u mean both u and Mom are on the Mortgage and you alone are on the deed? For Medicaid the deed is important. If your name is on it alone, then Medicaid will not put a lean on it. If you and Mom are on the deed than her half will have a lean put on it.

Until you give us the correct info, we can't answer any more questions.
Mortgage and deed are two different things. Are u alone on the deed.

And please, if you are posting under more than one profile, have the two u haven't posted as much on deleted. And the one profile you choose to keep post on one continuous thread. Don't start new posts.

You have said ur 32 Mom is 72, correct. You r both on Social Security? Both live together? Mom showing signs of Dementia. How does your POA read...immediate or springing when Mom needs to be found incompetent? Why is the DHS involved and who got them involved.
These questions need to be answered for us to help.

When you respond, you never give direct answers to direct questions. You seem to skirt the issues.
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Your one profile says your 32. You also mentioned being on SSI. Meaning Social Security SS disability? or SSI meaning a Supplement Income given by the state? Either way, you cannot be bringing in that much money to even consider buying a house and depending on someone else to pay their part.

Like I said, delete the other two profiles, keeping worthless. Do not start a new thread, continue with this one.
Helpful Answer (2)

I know real estate pretty well but I am reticent to answer since there’s several unanswered questions about the home status and in this post alone you’ve used 3 different names. I’m lost!
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JoAnn29 Nov 2019
Good, someone who maybe able to give this person an answer. But as u say, not until she gives clear details.
How I interpret this is that a Worthless and her Mom own a house together but don’t live in it? Where they live I have no idea but they have a man who is living in this house and is renting to own it. Maybe they’re all there together, don’t know. There’s a mortgage in both your names that mom had said she’d pay, but now isn’t, for some reason? You alone are one the deed. Is she in a nursing home now? Applying for Medicaid and has no money to pay the mortgage? She just doesn’t want to pay or can’t? Do you now want/need to sell the house, but the rent-to-own guy is complicating it? Or you want to keep it but can’t afford to? Please try to gather your thoughts and answer questions directly so we can understand what you’re real issue is.
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worriedinCali Nov 2019
you interpreted it wrong. There isn’t a man living in the house. The owner of the house is a man and the OP and her mom are in a “rent to own” situation. They are the renters, renting to own. It is unclear if they are still paying rent or if they’ve obtained a mortgage. If there is a mortgage then this isn’t a rent to own situation and shouldn’t have been mentioned because it’s irrelevant-they are no longer renting to own.
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I remain a bit confused. You said the "landlord". There is no landlord if you have a deed to a home, have purchased the home, and are paying a mortgage on the house to a mortgage lender. I am assuming you are not making checks out to the old landlord. I think that you should really get the advice of an attorney where you live, hon. There is so much confusion here in your explanations to us, and we cannot know for certain what it is you have here. You are going to need advice of an expert on all of this. Please see someone in your own town, and take the legal papers with you when you do so. If you get guidance here by someone who has not clearly understood what your circumstances are it could end in financial disaster for you and your Mom.
As to Mom's meanness? You have written about that since first you posted on the forum. We have mostly advised that you leave your Mom. You have chosen not to do so for whatever reasons; likely with the financial entanglements it isn't all that easy. So other than to restate that advice, I can't think what further help we could be.
Wishing you good luck with all of this.
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Another post! Your questions have been answered. We have asked questions and you either don't answer or when u do don't answer questions asked.

You have posted under "question myself" and "Ifeelsad". Because of this their are members that don't know you have posted before. If you want help, you have to stay with one post "thread".

Again, please delete two of your profile names and stick with one post one thread.
Helpful Answer (1)

So many poster names, so much confusion with your posts. I cannot make any sense out of any of your many posts.

I would suggest that you see a local attorney, and explain your issues in person, bringing any documents that you have.
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Ahmijoy Nov 2019
Like I said, I think there are some mental issues here. It’s best we just stop answering these posts under multiple accounts. It’s a waste of our time.
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