
My mother tells me things sometimes that have no basis in reality. Could she be confusing the programs she watches on TV with reality?

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Absolutely! The key is to go along with their delusions. You cannot reason, explain or tell them differently. Best action is no action or disagreement it will only raise their level of agitation.

You cannot teach or reason with dementia.
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FloridaDD May 2020
This.  Absolutely. When my mom asks where her car is (we gave it away a year ago), I say in the shop.  When she asks who is taking care of the babies, (there have been no babies for decades), I say over my daughters.  The good news is I can reuse the lies as she never remembers.
In my mom's case, it is totally random.  She confuses things that happened 40 years ago, she confuses things on TV with reality, etc.
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Yes, they can have delusions (false beliefs) as a symptom. A web search on delusions and hallucinations yields a lot of info.
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MargaretMcKen May 2020
If you go to 'care topics' at the top of the screen, you get an alphabetical list. Go to H for hallucinations, and there are articles, questions and discussions.
Oh yes! Old memories, new input from TV, imagination, dreams, mixed & served up.

Sometimes if you find an old memory in the story, you can reminesce over a pleasant time. Like when 90+ yr olds say they need to get home now - before the children get home from school.
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Yes, Yes, and Y-E-S!!!!! Their whole thinking process is fictional and delusional. They're in another world. It's very difficult to deal with, I know. No sense to argue or try to correct. Just go always be'll like your own self a lot better for doing so! It's just a sad disease.
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Yes, without question~my mother isn't even formally dxed with dementia and she will put 1 and 1 together and get 7---it's totally random and seems to have no rhyme or reason to it.

The brain just fires off whatever it wants and sometimes words come falling out.

I try a little to bring her back to 'norm' but mostly, it isn't worth the headache.
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You should learn more about dementia so you are aware of the symptoms you will see in your LO.
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My FIL has vascular dementia and had very active delusions. He could not watch the old movie channel because he thought the war movies were real and happening now. He was often frightened by what he thought was happening.
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