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* Confer with an attorney specializing in elder care.
* If s.m. is screaming at your dad - or signs of abuse, call the APS to check (Adult Protective Services).
* I would do both ASAP.
Gena / Touch Matters
Helpful Answer (6)

Two words: elder abuse.

Please report it asap.
Helpful Answer (5)
gdaughter Jul 2021
and may I add you might pursue guidance with an elder law attorney in your area (consider it a worthwhile investment), adult protective services, and then you probably want to connect with the social service dept in the city/state of the hospital where he is now confined....You can contact that states/city adult protective services as well. This woman sounds like she could be a manipulative psychopath. She is technically, and sadly, by legal terms his next of kin...however I would also think that if your dad is capable, he can sign off on at the least a power of attorney for health care. YOu need s certified elder law attorney to help you ASAP. It will be a help to both you and your dad....sending hugs and good wishes.....
Imho, you should retain an elder law attorney STAT. This is elder abuse precipitated by your step mother, who, quite frankly, may not be in her right mind, e.g. laughing inappropriately and other things.
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Ask your Dad if he wants you as Power of Attorney and then have the Hospital people bring the paperwork to sign.
But, you have to decide what he wants.
Do you want him living with you?
Are you willing to be his Caregiver?

As bad as it may seem to you, being I'm a Senior Home is not fun at all. They are understaffed and he probably would feel lonely and unloved.

You should ask him what he wants and go from there.

It is very hard being a Caregiver.

Msave you would do better giving your stepmother a break and let her sleep while you visit your dad for the day.
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First and foremost advise the doctor what is going on. Then find the Adult Protective Services, Office on Aging where you live (local library can get you a number. They will and can step in to protect him. And immediately consult an eldercare attorney for advice as I suspect it will be needed. This is terrible.
Helpful Answer (2)
Riley2166 Jul 2021
Do this at once - do not wait.
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