What to Do if an Elderly Person Falls Down
1.   Stay calm and help your loved one to remain calm by encouraging them to take slow, deep breaths.
2.   Examine them for injuries like bruises, bleeding, possible sprains and broken bones.
3.   Ask them if they are experiencing any pain, where it is located and how severe it is.
4.   If they have a serious injury (e.g., a broken bone, bleeding), then don’t move them. Call 911 and keep your loved one as warm, comfortable and still as possible until help arrives.
5.   If they aren’t badly hurt and they want to get up, proceed slowly. Stop at any point if they become stuck, experience pain or become too tired to get all the way up.
6.   Find two sturdy chairs. Place one next to the senior’s head and the other down by their feet. Keep in mind that your loved one must be capable of doing the physical work required to get up. Your role is to help guide them through these steps and keep them steady, not lift their weight. If they cannot do this, then call to request a lift assist.
7.   Help your loved one roll over onto their side and assist them in getting onto their hands and knees. If they suffer from sore knees, place a towel beneath them to make this step more comfortable.
8.   Move the chair closest to their head directly in front of where they are so they can rise up to place their hands evenly on the seat and assume a kneeling position.
9.   Ask the senior to lean forward on the seat as they bring their strongest leg forward, leading with the knee to place their foot flat on the floor. The senior should look like they are in a kneeling lunge at the end of this step.
10.                Move the second chair directly behind your loved one, then ask them to use both their arms and legs to push themselves up and sit back into this chair. You can use your hands to keep your loved one steady, but keep your back upright and make sure they are doing the physical work to lift themselves.
11.                Keep the senior seated until you’re confident they can stand and continue moving around without hurting themselves or falling again.
12.                Immediately notify their doctor that they’ve had a fall and keep an eye out for emerging pain and signs of injury.
Helpful Answer (16)
Reply to KathleenQ
BayPoodle Nov 10, 2023
Thank you! Super helpful
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Don't. When it gets to this point, a home caregiver usually can't handle it. As others have said, call 911 for assistance.

The larger question is, How can you continue to keep her at home when she needs this level of care? She won't get any better. Start thinking about what's down the road and make plans for her 24/7 care.

My yoga teacher, who was 81 and could balance on her hands with her knees tucked on her upper arms, stressed the importance of upper body strength for the elderly. Those who have strong arms and chest muscles are more likely to be able to get themselves up from the floor when they fall. They're less likely to lie there for hours or days. She would say that this person needs to build upper body strength. True. But so few elders do it.

Good luck.
Helpful Answer (15)
Reply to Fawnby

It sounds like all are in danger here. The one being lifted and the one doing the lifting. Time for PT assessment and decisions about whether in home care is still possible. Sorry you are going through this, but as an RN I guarantee you that we ALL retire with "Old Nurse's Back" and it's no fun.
Helpful Answer (14)
Reply to AlvaDeer

You call 911 and ask for an emergency lift assist.
Helpful Answer (12)
Reply to BarbBrooklyn

My sister fell twice in one month. One fall requiring a visit to ER. Both times we had to call 911 for Lift Assistance as they call it. They are so good about it. Don't hesitate to use it!!
Helpful Answer (12)
Reply to Georgiegirl62

More people get hurt trying to lift someone else. You can only call 911 and make them comfortable for the few minutes it will take for EMS personnel to get there.

ALso, a short session with a PT who can give you some hints on helping someone to get up without hurting YOU. Sometimes falls are not that bad and the person CAN safely be lifted.
Helpful Answer (10)
Reply to Midkid58

You can call the non emergency number to the Fire department. Ask for a "LIFT ASSIST" typically if there is no transport to the hospital there will be no charge. You will have to sign a release. If there is an obvious injury they may suggest transport. If the Person is on Hospice also call the Hospice and let them know of the fall.
The good thing about calling for a Lift Assist is that they will know there is a disabled person in the house and they will know it may result in more calls.
If you call after hours the call will probably be routed through to the 911 dispatch.
(I have called 911 for a Lift Assist and was NOT charged for the call.)
Do NOT try to lift a person yourself you could get hurt or you could hurt the person you are trying to get up off the floor.
If you are walking with someone and they begin to fall do NOT try to stop the fall most likely they will take you down with them. (If the person is unsteady use a Gait Belt always, even if they use a walker or cane)

Side note about calling for a Lift Assist.
Make sure your house is well light at night.
Make sure walkways are clear. (good safety in any case)
If you have any animals lock them up before help arrives.
I used to put a note on my door that said "Dogs Locked up. Door Open"
As soon as I had finished with the call for the Assist I would lock the dogs up then go stay with my Husband so he would not panic. Did that routine 9 times while he was on Hospice.

One other note of caution...if the person has a DNR or a POLST make sure it is CLEARLY visible if you ever call 911. If they do not see the document or if you can not find it they WILL make all attempt to resuscitate a person. Carry a copy with you at all times.
Helpful Answer (10)
Reply to Grandma1954
AQUAINST1 Nov 11, 2023
Happy 70th next year, for BOTH of us!!

1. Re: the well-lit area at night-we have those motion-sensor lights above the door jambs and at the floor above the moulding. (I learned about this when we went on our cruise, for floor lighting!) Look for a 6-pack on Amazon.

They are at the entry hall above the door: in the kitchen above the door: in the bedrooms hallway above each end of the hallway: and on top of the doorway jamb in the bathroom where the door is the farthest from the light switch.

2. If the person isn't hurt: This is what I did for my 300+ # sister when she fell on the patio outside. (Drunk) Since it was a sliding door between the patio and the kitchen, I put a few of her doormats over the track, then put her silky-type of chair cover over it. She was able to maneuver onto it (doing the 'black bottom' one-cheek-at-a-time move that we used to do in the gym at school), and with her pushing her legs, I was able to drag her over the sliding glass door track, through the tile kitchen, and onto the living room rug, finally bringing her by her chair, where she could get up by herself by holding onto her chair.

I learned this in EMT school, to drag a person, even if you have to use a large black 33 gallon trash bag. Hey, it's better than an under-the-shoulders drag.
Ditto to everyone who advised not to attempt it. My dad had many falls. The local paramedics or fire dept came and kindly picked him each time. They always assessed for injury and treated dad with dignity. And they always reminded me that it wasn’t safe for either of us to lift him myself
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to Daughterof1930

My wife is somewhat overweight and had a broken ankle. When she fell to the ground I could not pick her up especially since I did not want her to put pressure on her ankle or break or pull something else. I finally maneuvered her up to get into a chair and then she was OK. However, it was revealing moment and did not want it to happen again. I am 81 and she is 78. After doing some research I ended up purchasing a chair lift that collapses to be almost flat on the ground so she could easily slide onto it while on the ground. The unit then has a control that lifts the chair using internal rechargeable battery to drive a motor and screw mechanism. Once the chair is raised to any desired level she could easily get off and get up onto her feet without stressing any part of her body, and without any lifting by me. So, easy on both of us and no danger of injury. Can also be used to get into and out of bathtub. These are sold on Amazon, EBay etc. I purchased a new open box on EBay for $150. Well worth it. Have not had the need to use it after that first incident. While many companies make these chair lifts the one I purchased has no brand (probably all made in China). Good luck.
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to MyronG
AndSoItGoes Nov 10, 2023
Mom and I have something like this. Getting onto the platform can be tricky. What helps is if she rolls to her side and I put the platform directly under her so that she's mostly on it from just rolling up. Then nudging it up a few inches gives her some leverage and she can scoot all the way on.

When she fell in a tight spot where the lift would not fit, we both injured ourselves trying to get her up. On that occasion it would have been better to call for a lift assist.

Definitely check for injuries first. Most falls are non-injury falls, but one must be careful. Adrenalin can initially mask pain. Remember, too, that a person can be just a bit stiff on day one and then develop bad pain later.
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You call the fire department and ask for a “fall assist”. They come for free and help. Do not call 911. Then you will get the police, ambulance and the fire department and may be charged
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to CoolBaptist
funkygrandma59 Nov 9, 2023
That might be the case where you live CoolBaptist, but every time that my late husband fell(which was often)I always called 911 and they just sent out the EMT's to get him back up, and we were never charged.
The only time there will be a charge is if your loved one has to be transported to the hospital.
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