
i am trying to work and move to a place where she has no steps to climb. i wish, for her comfort, i could find a nice place to put her but they are all so expensive, and in the state of Ga they would take all her income and property(and thats where we live together) if i put her on medicaid. my siblings live out of state so i'm doing this all on my own

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Riamac, it sounds as if the place you found is a rental? In many states if a child provides medically necessary care for a period of two years prior to the need for a nursing home, the property can be tranferred to that child without incurring a Medicaid penalty.
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riamac2, I see from your profile that your Mom has Alzheimer's/Dementia and the both of you are currently living in her home, I assume that is the trailer. With any home it would be expensive to widen the doors so that a wheelchair can easily go through.

As you already know, Alzheimer's/Dementia only gets worse, it doesn't improve... thus you will find a day where you would need to quit work and spend your time taking care of your Mom. Hopefully you have built up a nest egg to help get you through this. Whatever you do, do NOT use your own money for your Mom's care. Mom's income [social security and whatever else] should be used.

Being a full-time caregiver to someone with Alzheimer's/Dementia can eventually turn into a 168 hour week with you getting maybe 2 or 3 hours of sleep at night. Thus, think ahead. For your own health and well being, maybe it would be better if the State puts a lien on Mom's assets so that she can live in a continuing care facility.

About 40% of caregivers pass away leaving behind the love one they are caring. What would happen to Mom if you were no longer there? She would be placed in a continuing care facility. Might as well have Mom go there sooner then later, while she can still learn her way around, learn the Staff, and possibly make new friends with the other residents. I know this is a very tough decision to make.
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Riamac, You can always hope for a future life and job. That is one reason why Gladimhere is an expert, she has a job now! Yay, Glad!
The senior centers (Area Agency on Aging) has handiworker free services-can install a ramp, widen doors. In a rental-maybe they cannot do this because you don't own the home.
One can obtain these services and keep the home, an exempt asset. The services are for seniors, I think.
The balance sheet of finances may show the mutual investment is equal, whether or not you are currently contributing monthly. I guess others here will recommend a care-giving contract to protect yourself, but I don't know about that.
There are so many choices. The move will cost you, amortized over a year, will the savings of $150/mo. be worth it?
Keep looking into this. Do you really have to move?
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Hi Ria, It appears you are trying your best. But you will need help for sure. Contact Area of Aging in your local community, ask for the program Home & Community Based Services. It will allow you to obtain the help & services you need for her. Request her physician to write a script for long term care services that is needed to began the process for eligibility of HCBS. Under her Medicare benefits she can obtained RIGHT NOW, home health care services to assist her at this time. This is NO COST. Regarding her home, the Area of Aging can also have you both to talk with their Elderly Legal Assistance program to understand her rights as a homeowner and what you need to do to legally protect ownership. I wish you the best. Many blessings to you both.
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What would be best for Mom? With dementia she is going to need 24 hour care if she doesn't already. With mobility issues she is going to need hallways, doors, and a floor plan the accommodates a wheelchair. Are these things feasible in her trailer home?

In a care center she would have activities to participate in and people to socialize with, in addition to wholesome food and medical care.

If she is in a care center, then you should be able to work and support yourself -- no? Yes, all of Mother's income would go toward her own care. But Medicaid allows recipients to own a home. From what you say she doesn't own the trailer home anyway -- you do. So if you are free to work and can make the payments on the mortgage, etc. things should be OK. And even if the trailer home is deemed to be Mother's property there are exemptions to the recovery process even after she dies.

Finding a nice place for mother to live, applying for Medicaid, and continuing to live in the trailer while working more sounds like a realistic plan to me. Am I missing something?

And congratulations for being the family member who is looking after Mom. Whatever else is going on, you can take pride in that!
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Stay put if possible, set her up downstairs.
There will be experts like Gladimhere who can help you through this.
Please provide more details.
How old is Mom, what is her illness. ?
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my mom is 81 she has vascular dementia and she is a dialysis patient.
we live in a trailer and there are 6 steps she would ave to climb and the doors are not wide enough for a wheel chair to get into. and the new place is 150$ less amonth
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Ria, I am no expert, though thanks send.
Do I understand, Ria? You think there s no place for Mom to go because she has assets? What property would Medicaid recover from?

Now is the ideal time for a place to be found for mom if she needs care. Sounds like she is in a rehab facility now? What happened to get her there?

You can tell the social worker at rehab that you are nor able to provide the care mom needs. Then they will have to find suitable living arrangements for mom.

I must say I am confused. It sounds like mom does not own property, yet you are afraid that Medicaid will take her property.

Are you working Ria? Where will you live if Mom goes to a facility? There are resources to help you find what you need. This decision of where mom is going to live needs to be in her best interests.
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ok we live in a trailer that is my name because she had a bankruptcy and could not buy her own place, so her income pays the mortgage. Since then i have had some bad times and the job i have now will not cover the mortgage or rent so I/we need her income to support both of us until i can find a job making more money...i know that sounds petty and like i'm using her but i have been taking care of her for the last 5/6 years. shes had a few surgeries and hospitalization so i was glad that i had a job where i wasn't committed or held down to needing to be there and i could take the time off to be with her.
Her dementia hit so quick in January that i haven't had time to even think about finding another job between working and taking her to doctors appointments and my own doctors appointments.
everything all you guys are saying makes since but i'm hoping once she gets home and set in a routine and gets home health care i'll be able to find a job making more that realistic?
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Ria, nobody here can help you unless you tell us the whole story. First you were concerned about mom losing her property. She doesn't have any from the sounds of it. You are concerned that if mom goes to a facility then you will have to make the payments on the mortgage which is in your name, and I imagine the rent for the space and utilities. What is your age? Maybe there is help for you through the Area Agency on Aging. Check into AARP as they have many programs to help people find work. Then when you get a job, make sure you are reliable. Get mom the help she needs.
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