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Look at Canadian pharmacies. They are usually a lot cheaper and as long as they are certified by the Canadian pharmaceutical association OK to order from. it is actually illegal to import drugs into the US but the Feds turn a blind eye so that's OK. Anywhere in europe is also OK as their standards are just as high as the US.
Strangely India is also safe and many of the generics we get dispensed in the US are made in India. India chooses to ignore patents so they just make whatever they want much cheaper. you will need a paper prescription from your PCG for any foreign country.
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Try, many times they offer manufacturers' programs. Your are able to input each of his meds and find the least expensive pharmacy in your area as well wish you the best.
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Veronica, yes the drug co's have put layers upon layers of patents on the delivery system BUT the opportunity to do this came about only because of incorrect assumptions about the miniscule amt of CFC's. Read all about it online Mother Jones magazine article Oct of 2013.
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samara I understand the reason for the price of the inhaler has little to do with the drug or the propellent. The drug costs pennies and came off patent but the manufacturer altered the delivery system and obtained a new patent therefor being able to charge an exhorbitant price again.
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Ps the reason why asthma inhaler (albuterol or proventil) had a huge price increase was because of environmental concerns, however the amount of propellant in one inhaler is miniscule.
Also the change in propellant due to environmental extremists made the new formulation less effective. So the current inhaler costs more, works less, but is required for athmastics for their entire lives, much like insulin for diabetics.
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Good luck, I hope you find help. Please remember the modern meds we now have are so expensive because. ...who know why...all I know is, a hundred years ago we all could have gotten polio and lived (or died) with that as a normal part of Life. Nowadays everyone wants their miracle meds for everyone, which is quite plainly, impossible to do. I would love for my asthma inhalers to be only $15, but instead theyre $85, and nobody helps me with that either. These day you must be poor, or rich. If your middle classed there is no help.
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Cathy, there is a clinical trial recruiting for "Gemtuzumab Ozogamicin" aka Mylotarg, at Wake Forest.
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A friend of mine was cured of her myelogenous leukemia by 2 shots of Mylotarg,(this drug is available in Canada for $10,000 per shot). Her doctor was able to obtain it for her free on an application for assistance on compassionate grounds as special needs patient.
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Consider ordering from a Canadian pharmacy. The Canadian govt has similar standards to FDA. Also look at European pharmacies also safe to use. It is technically illegal in US but the restrictions are not enforced.. You will need a paper prescription from the Dr. I am not familiar with this type of drug so don't know if this given at home or as an outpatient if it is IV.
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Most cancer centers and drug companies have assistance programs for the impoverished.
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Their are two things I know you can do. Go to the hospital and ask for charity the only thing is you have pick you your medication at the hospital. The other thing is to call drug companies and ask for charity most will help you for a years if not ask for coupons. The last thing is call every pharmacy close to you and see who is the cheapest. good luck
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