
Access to caregiver for my mother - she has never check her messages……and Mom is in and out with dementia and doesn't always check either her mobile phone or landline. Additionally, if messages are left, CGiver doesn't check messages so doctor's calls are missed along with family and friends (and yes, fortunately cold calls!).

CGiver's number is the primary number left for all doctor's offices to contact and home health care.

I live in CA, they are in TX. They believe that I'm trying to control the situation (please see my profile for more info). I suggested that CGiver remove the message that says "leave a message" from her phone and tell person to call her son's number who also helps care for my mother - OR leave my number and I'll communicate info (not ideal…..)

Q: should we consider getting rid of the landline to avoid confusion and have family and friends call Mom on her cell phone and all others on CGiver's line IF they can resolve the issue?

Any other suggestions?

No, can't get another CGiver. She's part of the family for over 10 yrs and has my Mom's POA. Too long of a story…..

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If your mom has dementia, will she even be able to use a cell phone? And if so now, how much longer will she be able to do it? My mother-in-law who has dementia, even IF her eyes weren't shot, wouldn't be able to remember to do what with what if a cell phone rang. Has anyone sat down with the caregiver and talked to her about the problem? Maybe she has stuff going on behind the scenes that no one knows about. Seems like there should be ANOTHER number for the doctor/doctors office to call if they can't get hold of the primary person. I'd start with having a backup person, or at least make it unacceptable to have to leave a message. Make it so that if they don't get the person directly, they call the other number listed.
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Yesterday the CG's phone now refers medical staff to call Mom's landline. That number will consistently be checked. At least that's the plan. Thanks!
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