
He has nursing home Medicaid but yet i can not find any home that will place him?  My father was a severe alcoholic for the last 25 years. On June 5, he fell in a hole in the front yard. He fractured his pelvis and broke 3 ribs . he went thru withdrawal for 3 days while he was in CICU. They had to keep him knocked out. He then went to his own room where he refused to get up and walk and do therapy. He also refused to take baths. He then went to Health South for 2 weeks where again he refused to do anything. The nurse's would have to call me in the middle of the night and drive an hour up there just to get him to change his soiled diaper of urine and fecies. There is where we discovered he had DIMENTIA and since the fall he hadn't walked and was no longer using bathroom on his own. Medicare wouldn't pay for any more days because of his refusal to do therapy. There were severe symptoms of dimintia telling on him at this time. So we had to bring him home. Hospice came in my son and his wife and two kids moved in with him to help take care of him. It was like fighting a brick wall. He did what he wanted to do which was smoke cigarette after cigarette but when it come to washing or doing therapy it was a fight. You would get cussed out slapped kicked or whatever possible he could do. So he went back in the hospital for 5 days for a uti and in hopes he would get placed in a home. No nursing home would take him cause he didn't have Medicaid only Medicare. Needless to say he came home with me when he was released this time. It was awful. He would fall out the wheelchair on purpose. He was on alot of medications and it made him act like a child had ate an entire box of chocolate. He would stay up all night long he was verbally and physically abusive. I had bruises all over me but yet i was trying to take care of my father despite my Dr's orders telling me I couldn't cause u have problems with blood clots. So I went to mental health the law came and picked him up 2 days later and he was sent to Lighthouse Center. He stayed there 2 weeks. Tried to get him placed in a home again but no Medicaid. I had applied for it But was told it could take up to a year to be approved. While he was there he was taken of all the medicine he was on and was now able to wear underwear again and walk on his own. So he came back to my house where he refused to stay I ended up caring him home and I got a couple to start staying with him. The fighting he was doing has stopped. He still stays up all night. He calls every member of the family all night long. He's up and under carport after 12 at night. Needless to say the couple left. He's now by hiself. He is a threat and a danger to himself. He will not be still going up and down steps over and over and scared he will fall. He will not wash. His skin is getting that look it use to have cause of not washing. He was at one time gaining weight now he's losing weight again. I have done everything I know to do. I can't miss any more days the rest of the year to do anything. I am at the mercy of someone anyone to please help me get my dad put in a nursing home where he can be taken care of properly. Thanks

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Usually a nursing home will accept a patient while Medicaid is pending.

Usually it only takes 45 days to process an application for Medicaid. It may take longer for the State to determine eligibility if you do not provide the required documents on time. I would check with the State Medicaid office again, a year doesn't sound right.
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My dad was able to stay in the nursing home as long as we were going through the Medicaid acceptance process. It took about 6 months for Medicaid to kick in.

I agree with freqflyer. A year doesn't sound right.
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You have to read the paperwork from the Medicaid application. They should have provided you copies. Insist they provide you the applicant's rights for Medicaid application. I don't know what state you are in, but in NC, they have only a few days to provide you an answer. I would stay on top of it and contact the caseworker until they process it.
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I would call Adult Protective Services, since as you say, he is a danger to himself and probably to others. He should be admitted to a NH "Medicaid Pending". If he ends up in the hospital, DO NOT ACCEPT discharge. If they want to send him home in a cab, let that be on their consciences. You'd be amazed how fast they find a bed when the adult child says "No, I cannot care for him at home any longer" and stands firm.
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