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Of course. Is he a veteran in good standing>? in other words, was he given a favorable discharge? IF so, he is entitled to veterans benefits. Call the VA.
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Absolutely! As long as he was honorably discharged. On this site search for VA benefits and a lot will come up. Since it's the government I'd suggest starting as soon as possible. You never know how long it will take to complete. Good luck!
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Veterans are entitled to certain benefits, BUT there are qualifiers. One important issue is the dates of service (i.e. not all vets qualify just because of an honorable discharge). Benefits can be as much as $1800 per month. Dealing with the VA is a nightmare (and can take 6-24 months) so you better get professional help. Start by going to to get the basics.
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This quesion recently came up at a meeting of the Alzheimer's Association..and I learned that Yes your dad may be entitled to benefits, however there could be a cap on the amount of money, and liquard assets he may have. I would contact your local chapter of the VA to get the latest information...
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yes if he is enrolled
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Yes you can get help. However it does take time.You will to have all his veterans discharge paper work. A letter from a doctor is also needed. The elder care of Forida is the one that started myself off on the path for my mom to get veterans help off my deceased dad. I had all his military paper work work and the letter from the doctor and assisting living. Yes there is a cap on the amount received. Call you local veterans adminstration, or if you dad is in a nursing home or assisting living they can have eldery care come into talk to you. My mom never received any benefits she passed away before ever thing was approved. I started the paper work in Jan 2009 and she passed away Oct 5, 2009. I was able to bury her with my dad in New York miliatry cementary since I had all the necessary paper work.
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Yes, spouses qualify whether vet is alive or dead providing the vet meets the standard for benefits.
There are conditions that must be met.
A veteran cannot receive both Aid and Attendance and Housebound benefits at the same time, but they can receive a pension and ONE of these benefits. The paperwork is extensive and you'll have to provide a lot of documentation. Once submitted the benefits if granted are retroactive to applying because processing can easily take 6 mos. I don't recommend doing it yourself because IF THERE IS AN ERROR in the application, lacking proper documentationor not completely filled out, you have to start all over and it is not considered retroactive anymore since it was wrong. CONTACT your LOCAL V.A they have staff that will help you.
If your Mother gets sick, and your Father qualified for these benefits, she qualifies also if conditions are met.
I hope this helps

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Yes he is entitiled to miltary benefit, you ust have ll his paper work. I have been workign with them for two years now. My dad was aWoeld War II hero. He passed away ong time agoa. but my never renarried, Sshe got very sick and was placed in a asissting living place. I work with the veterb=nans adminstration . I have received several letters they are working on it. She was allowed a amount to help pay the assisting home plus also american group helped. She died last Oct 5, and it startd going down hill on Sept 11 2001 ( nine years ago), you can call you elder care in the local area they can help get every started m but you do need some of military paper work. good luck.
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