
How do I know what is exempt? She owns an income producing farm. Lost on what money she has I need to spend. She has dementia and schizophrenia. How can I spend down her money and get her on medicaid?

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Use some of HER money to consult with an eldercare attorney who understands Medicaid in her state.
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I already did she is on a 43 month hold before medicaid kicks in because she would go to the bank and take out money in cash. No way to account for it.
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Did you set of a caregiver contract with the lawyer so that she is paying room, board, utilities and for your caregiving? Also, she should be paying for outside caregivers to give you respite. Unless there is a contact in place, this looks like gifting.
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Is there any kind of exemption anyone has ever been able to get. Medicaid said unless I come up with the missing money no Medicaid. Between my attorney and the state this is the way it is. I do not have the money she took out and no way to pay it back. She is going to be kicked out because she is out of money. They do kick you out if you can no longer pay. I have the letter from NH right in front of me. Even if I sold everything I still have to come up with missing money. I cant leave her homeless any ideas ? There is no care givers in my area able to help. Been there. I get nothing for taking care of her never have. She took money out of bank  in cash and gave it away Even the state can not trace where it went.
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Even the state will not take her
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Ah, she's in the NH now?

She took the money out of her What do her banking records show?

You say her farm produces income? Enough to pay her NH bill each month, along with her Social Security?
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Okay, I went back and I see that she took money back and gave it away.

I take it that her lawyer has no ideas.

Does SHE own the farm?

Are you her guardian? Are you living in her home?

Can she become a ward of the state? Or is that what you mean when you say even the state won't take her?
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No money to keep her in NH. One year before going in NH she to money out of bank and gave it away. I am talking hundreds of thousands. No way to trace it. Even the state tried to trace it. No the state will not take her as a ward of the state tried that. I just keep her at my house and do the best I can. yes guardian. No farm does not make the 80 thousand to keep her in NH. Had to sell her house to buy medical supplies..special bed..etc Right now she is on a hold for medicaid or I have to come up with 380 thousand dollars. That means if I sell the farm she still has to pay 380 thousand to get medicaid. Nothing can be done..
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How can she pay me ?? All her money goes to medical needs they do not just give away medicine. Insurance and meds is over 30 thousand a year. She does not take her meds she would be dead.
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I am done with this
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Do you have good for nothing siblings? If you do, did they always have their hand out for more money? If they did, maybe the state could get involved with that. I really don't have any answers for you.
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I have a question - if Bryort's mom needs nursing care, and if she gets ill or falls and Bryort calls 911 - has her admitted, then refuses to take her home as she can no longer care for her, won't the state be forced to do something? What are Bryort's options now? It sounds like mom got herself in a real jam.
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Also - it sounds like Bryort's mom is going to be "kicked out" of where she is living. I don't believe the nursing home or what ever can just pile her belongings on the curb and sit her out there. What is their obligation here? (to avoid Bryort having to take her in and be the hands on caregiver)
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Bryort - would you let us know what happens? I think your case is all of our worst nightmare.
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Yes, Bryort, please let us know what happens. I don't understand why you can't refuse to take her home, and then something would have to be done.

Surely you aren't going to accept being the 24/7 caregiver for no pay for someone who needs a nursing home level of care?

(Who got the money she gave away? Family members?)

And, speaking of family members, ARE there any other family members? Siblings? Why is it all on you?
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Kicked out of NH for failure to pay. Letter said mom not qualified for medicaid. I have no money to pay the bill so yes they did kick her out. What they did was send her to hospital and kicked her out from there. The same doctors who said she needs 24/7 care discharged her to go home. Yes it is the law if you do not pay that is a legal reason for discharge. Then again the hospital owns the nursing home. My attorney and I have searched everywhere for a place. Reality is no money no place to go. Mom is back home very likely she will die at home. I am doing the best I can to care for her. I just cant be there 24/7. I have a family so things are pretty tight. It cost 24 dollars an hour for some to be with her. She is really bad as far as memory. I have one brother and one sister who refuse to help. Live closer then I do but want no part of it. All due to money I can not account for. If you have a elderly parent please watch the fiances very close. Keep those greedy relatives away. Never let them take money out in cash. Always have a receipt for where the money goes. Yes I appealed it denied. Judge said not the states problem. This happens more then you would think. After talking to many NH administrators they all have had many cases where they had to discharge someone because of money.
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