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Midnight, I'm not sure that a lawyer can help you with the APS thing. See, your name hasn't been besmirched. If there are no findings, and there clearly won't be, there is no tort.

Is evil girlfriend one of the heirs?

Are you being paid for caregiving? Do you work outside the home?

Perhaps it is time to set up a caregiving contract so that gram's money is being used to take care of her...paying YOU to do that.
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The important thing is to get the APS enquiry squared away. Dealing next with uncle's girlfriend..

By the way, this really does interest me, in this context and others. Okay, meddling girlfriend, toxic intruder, grr, boo, hiss, I get it. But why blame her? - she just thinks she's "helping" her sorry boyfriend. Why aren't you blaming uncle for allowing her to stick her nose in??? It's like blaming the fleas when the dog brings them into the house...

... anyway. Turning next to the question of what uncle's g/f has been up to and what to do about it, for now feel free to make a wax doll and stick pins in it, or draft letters to lawyers, or whatever. Just anything so long as you don't actually go round there and punch her on the nose.
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True - never thought of that... uncle needs to take a stand against his girlfriend and not give her 'free range' of everything.

I did talk to a few lawyers ~ I have a case for slander and libel.
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Midnight good luck having Uncle rein in girl friends behavior. As long as he is getting his "needs" met he is not going to do anything. She is probably feeding him all kinds of c**p and right now he is not interested in finding out the truth. Bide your time and when and if the time is right nail her feet to the floor. Just make sure the nails are long enough. There is probably a financial gain involved here and she would like to get you out of the picture.
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No, he's probably not going to do anything about it, but that's exactly what he deserves to be blamed for. She's not bloody Mata Hari for God's sake, and he's not a helpless child. He *can* prevent her, he just can't be arsed.
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"Uncle's Girlfriend" has exactly ZERO say in Grandma's care. Seriously--how can anyone take her opinions as fact? She isn't family. Sheesh--it's hard enough to deal with the "blood relatives" w/o having the hangers on involved.
As far as that ER dr...I have had SO MANY bad experiences with them....this guy really dropped the ball and needs to be sanctioned. Your grandma could have died and it would have been on his head.

You sound tough, and you're going to have to be. Someone called APS on my brother (mother lives with him) and said she was living in hoarded conditions, and some other stuff too. They came to the house, made a cursory check (mother was beside herself, as you can imagine) and altho she is a hoarder, her place is clean enough/safe enough and she herself is always immaculately groomed and the charges were dropped. Just some angry neighbor, I imagine. Brother does have a heck of a temper and he will yell and perhaps that's what they heard--I'll never know. APS scares us all--but they do have a job to do, so let them do it. (They TRULY do not want to take people out of their homes, their job is to make sure that they have an advocate and voice....)

Stay tough. I don't have much experience with C-diff, but I know that living conditions need to be VERY clean--so extra work for somebody to keep grandma safe. Good luck to you--try and stay calm.
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Reading back there, it sounds as if uncle's girlfriend has been a hanger-on for some years. It's not necessarily that easy to tell someone to get stuffed if she does consider herself one of the family, and her boyfriend does too, and they're married in all but the strictly legal sense.

Woman sounds a total pain.

Midnight, how long have they - Uncle and g/f - been an item? Does she actually know your grandmother, as a person, I mean?
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My uncle and his 'girlfriend' have been together since the 80's.. The girlfriend doesn't really 'know' gran ~ she thinks she does....but she only knows the basics. I'm the one that's there 24/7 - not her. Sadly the girlfriend has tried various stunts thru the years ~ (guessing) to get me out of the picture. My theory, since nothing has worked - she'd give APS a try. My fear, what's next - will the police be at my door one of these days? I do think that one of her motives is money (just a hunch though), since she loves shopping, etc. She's one of those who 'thinks' she knows it all...but in reality doesn't know anything.

I did text my uncle ~ "I know who did this..." his response, "I don't". I truly believe he doesn't legitimately know - but I'm sure his sister (my aunt) will be filling him in.

APS is scary enough ~ and I'm not afraid. The truth will set me free. I know they have a job to do...not their fault uncle's girlfriend is mentally unstable. Spoke to my aunt (gran's daughter) as well as my uncle (with girlfriend) ~ told them both that calling APS is unacceptable and I will not tolerate being bullied. I fully intend to investigate any and all legal avenues...and if I can get her on slander/libel - I most certainly will. Needless to say my aunt went into partial panic mode -- begging to have a 'family meeting' to discuss everything. Told her that the current actions have crossed the line and she's a bit too late. Haven't heard any response from either since earlier today. Not expecting any response either ~ they're likely hoping that I'll 'forget' the incident. Still decluttering the house (focusing on the first floor - where gran 'lives') ~ cause something tells me that I should prepare for a home visit in the upcoming days. I don't have plans to tell Gran about APS, not going to upset her. If anything, I'll let her think it's home health coming to do preliminary interview.

General update on my grandmom ~ no more isolation precautions. She's still doing very well - and things are looking awesome. Still wants me to take her home - but I keep telling her 'soon'. She's been sleeping for the most part since I've been here (..we're not morning people ~ our day usually starts after 12:30pm. Rehab has her up and ready for the day by 6:30am. Just thinking about that hour of the morning - yuck). Sleep sounds like a great idea - can't wait to go home.
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Oh, Midnight, I so feel for you. In fact reading your description has started off the nervous tic in my eyebrow again. Ugh! Don't want to think back.

I'm so pleased your grandmother is doing better - that's all that matters. With you on the hours thing, too, though I did improve once I got my mother back from rehab. She'd been in their "boot camp" for just over a month, and there were advantages to starting earlier - otherwise the whole day's gone by and you've barely got her breakfast dishes done.
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Good to hear Grandma is getting better!

A family meeting should be held to decide how much your compensation should be for caregiving. Use part of the lawyer visit to set that up.

If, down the road, grandma needs Medicaid support, she will have spent down her funds legitimately.

Likely, evil gf sees you as a "hanger on" who is leeching off grandma, right? No, you're her caregiver and saving grandma and the heirs tons of money, because alternatively, gma would be in assisted living at 5 to 7 thousand dollars a month in your area. Gather some facts and figures, and educate them all a bit about the 5 year lookback that Medicaid does.
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Just to add some info about C-Diff. My step-mother contracted it last year. She too, went to the hospital with a UTI, was given an anti-biotic and started with the explosive diarrhea about a week later. It is EXTREMELY common when hospital/nursing/assisted living environments are involved. It often shows up after a person has been on antibiotics for some other health condition. It almost always returns repeatedly. My SM had 4 bouts of it before she had a fecal transplant that took care of it for good. Make sure you clean your house from top-to-bottom with the appropriate type of cleaner (ask the hospital or a doctor). Don't forget surfaces like telephones, door knobs and telephones.
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