
The Grandmother I am referring to is in her late 70's, and she is a viewer of The View and, as such, knows everything there is to know about anything and everything in the world...She has had three vaccines and swears they work, and therefore can't have covid. Despite showing her the CDC paperwork stating otherwise, she says it is from the internet where anyone can write anything, so she doesn't trust it, so I ordered an antigen test and brought it to her, but she did not do it correctly, nearly a week ago. She sounds worse and worse every time I speak with her. In addition, we have family members coming in town this week, including my sister. She had a liver transplant, along with my immunocompromised niece who was just cleared for the first dose of the vaccine and received it yesterday. Her husband is an enabler and just wants to golf; he will not in any way accept the likelihood that my grandma has the virus, since that would interfere with his golf game. She won't even tell the others, and now that she has taken the antigen test, she says the vaccine worked and it's just a cold. Could there be a point where you could get assistance, if both are in danger and possibly putting others in risk? My family members will not be allowed around her until she is certain and I see it in writing that the doctor has cleared her to be around them. I find this ridiculous. My view is that people should not be compelled to do things against their will or mandated to do things, but social pressures should replace them. My grandfather was lost to this pandemic and I don't understand why she thinks it's a virtue to be stubborn. Since I was with her the other day, I will also be getting tested today. I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. Is there anything you can suggest?

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Robmac, if Grandmother has had a cough for an extended period and you have noticed her sounding worse and worse, then never mind the antigen test, she needs to get her chest listened to period. Other microbes and other diseases are available.

I should leave your liver transplant recipient and the other immunocompromised adult to assess their own risks. The golfing husband, is that your grandmother's husband or your brother in law? - but in any case I can't see anything to prevent your sharing your concern about your grandmother with your sister and your niece.

Between a rock and a hard place? As far as I can tell from your post, neither you nor anyone for whom you have responsibility is either ill or at risk of infection. All other adults must make their own choices. Let them.
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sp19690 Dec 2021
Cure for pneumonia is getting up and moving. Don't let fluid pool in lungs which laying down can do. Also a hot mustard poultice can help draw fluid out of lungs.
Take her to a drive through covid test centre for a definitive test.
As CountryMouse has pointed out medically fragile people don't need to be exposed to ANY virus that is circulating, be it covid, influenza, rsv or simply the common cold. Since it has now been over a week since her first symptoms she is likely past the contagious stage of whatever illness but I would make a point of informing everyone that she is currently still symptomatic - they can make their own choices.
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sp19690 Dec 2021
Can we just stop with all the testing? In a couple of weeks the pcr test is going bye-bye so how on earth will people know if their cold is just a cold if they can't hop in their car and get a giant Qtip shoved up their nose every time they get the sniffles. This collective psychosis and easy access to a test that depending on the cycle threshold is out of control.
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Ggrandma is right as a cold can be a coronavirus. Just like pneumonia can be a coronavirus. I like that your grandma has faith in her vaccines. Because she remembers that this is how they are supposed to work. Unfortunately you cannot create a vaccine to stop the transmission of a virus to yourself. Which is obvious from the number of vaccinated people that have contracted covid. Shame how the medical community seems to have forgotten this due to greed. The survival rate for covid is over 98% if you get it. Unfortunately dangerous treatments like remsidever which cause kidney failure and lung issues and vents are the first resort not last resort at many hospitals because of money the hospitals get to use these two treatment protocols. Your grandmother is wise not to panic about her symptoms. As for this incessant covid testing it is ridiculous to keep getting a extra large Qtip shoved up your nose every time you think you have covid. If they had all these tedting protocols back dyring the spanish flu we would still be talking about Spanish flu variants today.
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bundleofjoy Dec 2021
i have to add (of course there are exceptions, there are almost always exceptions to everything)...

our elders are often wiser than us (even when we think we might have the answers). they reached old age -- they did some things right to be able to get there.

my own opinion, be careful with all these corona tests. you might EVEN catch corona in that corona-testing-office (full of previous sick people). even drive-throughs...not ideal. it's in the air.

we all have to see what's the best way forward, in each particular scenario (worry about corona symptoms...)

sometimes it's better just to let the cold/or whatever it was, go away, while you stay at home, away from people as much as you can.

i would say, keep grandmother at home :).
I would inform everyone that u feel grandma may have COVID. Even a bad cold, the people you mention should not go near her.

The weekend before Thanksgiving my daughter came down with a head cold, she thought. By Monday she could not smell, a rapid test did show COVID. Her job required a PCR test, it was positive.
My daughter did everything right, 2 shots, mask everywhere she went and went out rarely. I am on the side of caution especially with the new strain.

You can't make Grandma take the test. As said, warn ur relatives and stay away.
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