
Oh guys, it just gets better and better doesn't it (not). Dad called me from downstairs the other night, the first night in ages I had opted to just go to bed early with my pup and a book after having made a nice dinner for all as I recuperate from the AD (aortic dissection). He says "I think we have to call 911" OY. Mom had fallen and he couldn't get her up, no injuries but she was not helping herself either. I get down there and for all the hassles he generates on his own that contribute to my stress, he's worried my efforts to help in lifting her will injure me....No matter, she is too heavy for both of us. Which leads to him basically holding me responsible for her weight which he believes has increased due to the start of Meals on Wheels about a month ago. Apparently he wants a trophy wife. And withholding food would be a solution....Well, we ultimately did get her up with no injuries on anyone's part. She does fall sporadically, maybe a balance issue, maybe related to the hearing loss (she through the hearing aids out). But I seemed to remember this item and looked it up via googling something like lift to help someone fallen or similar...and there are videos of it in use on simple one person can handle it, battery operated with pieces you slip under the fallen person's back and knees. It is battery operated and slowly lifts the person to a near vertical standing position in a short spot of time. It looks quite impressive though they don't come forward with the price. So wondering if you wise folks have encountered it (I'm guessing it's a good investment at various facilities to free up staff and minimize worker's comp claims) Also wondering if it is something Medicare might cover if the MD would write an Rx for it?

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Most items such as this, Medicare will only pay a portion or for a mechanism. I am in MI, Medicaid would pay for it here.
The volunteer fire dept is on speed dial, poor guys.
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Thanks so much. Any experience with it? Any idea how much of the expense is covered?
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Don't waste the money on the Raizer, when you can just call 911 when you need help getting her up if she falls. They will come out every time, and if transporting to the hospital is not needed, there is no charge. My husband was a fall risk, and at first I would try and get him up, which was very difficult as he was like a dead weight. I did succeed many of the times in getting him back up, but not without injury to myself. It was then that I learned that the EMT's would come out at no charge to pick him up and put him where he needed to be. What a Godsend! There was one stretch of time where I had to call them 9 times in a 2 month period, and each time they came and were so nice and helpful. So save your money, and put it towards a nice vacation or something.
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gdaughter Mar 2021
Thanks Grandma Funky, however there is just one little thing...It would not be my money as I could never cover the cost I saw below, and two, I would prefer not taking our rescue guys away for something like an uninjured fall when someone may more urgently need them. As in ME who had to call 2 times in two months because it turned out the second time I was critically ill and didn't know it with a dissection of the aorta which is almost always fatal. But I do work for a city funded agency and know the guys will come.
Try Googling "Emergency Lift Cushion" for alternatives. Not that it ever pays to skimp on quality, but over 4K sounds steep to me - I'm looking at a Mangar Elk for £1500 retail and I know Mangar to be a reputable brand, so it might be worth a bit of research.

Most of all, though - get training, whether in person from an OT or on YouTube. Don't end up reading the manual while your mother's on the floor and your father's pulling on her arms! Hugs :)

PS I love the "overfeeding" theory! Smh... x
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gdaughter Mar 2021
This is going to sound immensely horrible, but you guys of all people will get it...this has happened more than once. A few weeks back she was nailed "shopping" my out of season clothes in the spare bedroom closet and I was directing her across the hall to her own bedroom to go back to bed, she instead being her usual witchy self headed toward the landing (with sturdy railing) to go downstairs. SHe made the turn, lost her balance and went down. Refused any offer of assistance. I was fed up. YOU know that moment. SO I did. I left her there. Of course guilt was immediate and I went back to check minutes later and GUESS WHAT!? SHe not only got herself up with no one helping, but was already in the kitchen! As for the overfeeding...he seems to be nicely overfeeding HIMself with MY Haggen Dasz! He knows it's not his and he is as disgusting as she is, eating out of the carton IN SPITE OF THE FACT I HAD WRAPPED DUCT TAPE OVER IT. Can I not get a break!? ANd today he comes up with the idea of only getting the meals 3 days a week. Oh good, so let's have HIM not eat 2 days a week and see how he does. What a selfish thoughtless old man he is! Hopefully I will get a fridge for up here in my 100 sq feet and temporarily relocate somehow my nightstand. I left a note on the HD that said you might as well finish it! No doubt he has contaminated the two pints in the mini fridge as well. ANyhow thanks for being there and sharing the giggle....I kind of like that idea of him pulling her arms off and my reading the manual Hugs back.

Been there: day, night, weekends, public holidays, no T-shirt 😉 but got the back strain to prove it.

I am soooo jaded & past being on call for falls... (especially for folk who cannot help). Can you tell?

Once? Fine. Twice? Suggest a health check. Frequently? Need a better plan. Every month like mine? EMS now, every.single.time.
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gdaughter Mar 2021
I remember when one of my beloved uncles in MI had peripheral neuropathy and would go down frequently. My aunt is to the point where the police were there regularly as an officer was capable of the lift up without calling the squad. They were gracious every time, bless them all.
It's called Raizer. $4300.

Call mom's doc to see if s/he will prescribe a "lift chair" as Duable Medical Equipment (DME).
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gdaughter Mar 2021
Have you had experience with it? Happy with it? Have a used one to sell LOL? How much of the expense is covered....pretty steep price for those on SS and medicare....
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