
I had an Elder Law attorney draw up a POA, everything was good. I was managing her money and keeping her checking account below $2000 while paying her nursing home bills from an account, created with her additional funds, but gifted to me. No other spending occurs from that that new's strictly for paying her medical / nursing home bills.
I had to have surgery and during recovery I completely neglected to transfer the money above the $2000 amount. In January the final balance was $2100, February the balance was $2250.
Now Medicaid is asking for three months of bank statements and gave me a due date to return the information.
Have I totally blown her Medicaid qualification?? UGH!

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Have you contacted your Medicaid caseworker to get some feedback?
Helpful Answer (3)

I think that being asked for 3 months of statements is pretty standard, and not something to worry about.

Are you worried about what will be revealed?

The money that you usually transferred to the account in your name each month is going to look like gifts, I suppose. The amounts are not high, at least.

When was that second account "gifted" to you? Within the last five years? That may be a problem. Since it being used strictly for her needs, why was it put in your name?

Sigh. This is all way more complicated than it should be, isn't it? You are only trying to help your mother make good use of her funds. Why should that have to involve a lawyer?

But ... if the application is "in trouble" I think it best you consult a lawyer whose specialty is Elder Law and help get it back on track.

No, you have not totally blown Mom's qualification. There may or may not be a few bumps on the road to smooth out, but since Mom meets the criteria -- limited funds and need for care -- it will all get straightened out.
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1. No, I haven't contacted Medicaid yet, I actually didn't realize I could until you mentioned it neighbor brought the mis-delivered mail to me yesterday. Unfortunately the Medicaid letter was dated 3/25 with a 13 day turnaround. This unfortunately is NOT the first time mail has been delivered incorrectly by our mail person...the same neighbor had their mail delivered to our mailbox on several occasions, another neighbor's mail has been misdirected to us, too. GRRR.
2. No, I'm not concerned about what the statements will show - other than me not moving money out of the one account into the $2000 account. I used an elder law attorney to set this up. We put all of mom's assets into this one account in my name EXCEPT for the $2000 account she's had all along. She kept that and that's where her SSI and retirement funds are deposited. Then I xfer however much money per month into the larger asset account in my name; then I pay all of her bills from the larger account. I haven't used any of it for anything other than her - which can all be documented and tracked with invoices. I did call the attorney, twice, however she's not calling me back. I'll call Medicaid on Monday, see if I can find out who I can talk with.
Thank you...
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My son had too much money in his account because his rent check was not cashed on time. He has to pay a penalty--10% of his monthly SSI until Medicaid is paid back for one month of his SSI. It happens.
You're lucky they are only asking for 3 months of bank statements; for my son, I've had to send in over a year at a time. Good luck!
Helpful Answer (2)

The 14 day letter......could this actually be the annual renewal letter from Medicaid? For my mom in TX, an annual renewal form is sent. I had no idea one would be done and had to get up into storage to pullout her initial application paperwork and then that months banking and her previous 3 months banking. It's all standard procedure for Medicaid. Just get the paperwork together and fax or certify mail it. You ONLY send in what they ask for.....

If mom is over the 2K as per banking statement, expect a follow up letter. Now since you know this exists, I have a suggestion for you...go to moms bank and ask bank to print a real time statement the day you mail/fax this that shows moms balance is under 2k and include this in your mailing.

There are often glitches that can be worked out simply. For my mom within her renewal period had 1 month that always paid her term life insurance dividend (which is income), the amount of the dividend took mom over 2k for that month. HOWEVER, dividends are to be amortized over 12 months, so I just included a letter as to this and all was ok.

About the 14 days, look at the date of the letter and then look at the postmark on the envelope. There could be a delay between the two. For TX renewals when I did them for my mom, there always was a delay between the two. if so be sure to notate that in the mailing /fax. For faxes do it at a Fed Ex office type of place that produces a transmission report.
Good luck, get organized and take a deep breath.
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Thank you all so much! It's good to know this situation happens frequently and that it can be resolved in some manner. I appreciate it more than you know...
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Thank you, everyone who wrote about keeping the bank statement below $2,000 a month. It made me realize that I was so relieved that my late husband had been eligible for nursing home Medicaid that -- although I'm 85 -- I've neglected to study Medicaid rules that could apply to me if I should require nursing home care in the future.
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I just spoke with Medicaid. We made a couple of adjustments to her account (last name morphed from Baker to Beaker on the paperwork). I told the person that I showed a due date which I missed AND that I had surgery, bank statements weren't managed appropriately, etc. She checked and stated that the paperwork is not due to them until JUNE 30 and that I can include appropriate bank statements (3 months) at that time. WHEW! Thank ya'll!
Helpful Answer (1)

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