
My mom has mixed dementia and type 1 diabetes. She has been to the ER 3 times and on her second hospital stay in June alone. She has been refusing food, liquids and her meds for days. They can not get her BS (blood sugar) in control extremes of 700 to 17. Yesterday, it was decided she was going to go to Hospice. She really seemed to understand and clearly spoke that she wanted to die. Today, I arrive thinking I am signing the paperwork and she will be transferred to a Hospice care center. She is up out of bed watching TV eating breakfast and taking her meds. Even was willing to work with PT. Is this all a show? She keeps asking to leave and go home but her sugar is in the 400s. She eat half her lunch and seems to be getting angry that she is still here, yelled at nurse giving her an insulin shot. I am waiting for the palliative care doctor to get her to discuss what is going on.

I feel this might be a show, as she thinks they are letting her go home to die not hospice. That is not possible as she has been living in an ALF and her care at this point is to much for them to handle even with hospice coming in. Anyone have a clue, this is driving me crazy.

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This is so distressing. I wonder if it may be a rebound effect of some sort. She is all over the place emotionally. Of course, the high sugar will affect her behaviour. Tattoo, I hope you get a break. I think you are doing very well in a very difficult situation.
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They may send her to a gero-psych hospital in an attempt to get her stabilized on neuro medications.
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Sorry you don't need more questions but do you know what they gave mom to calm her down ? I forget if your mom is already on anti-psych meds which I think exacerbate diabetes anyway

My mom acts the same way in a hospital - social worker must find a solution for you
Medicare bill of rights they don't kick your mom out without a reasonable discharge plan
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I believe that they will be looking to transfer her to a lockdown psychiatric hospital. When this was done to a fellow in my care...the nearest one with an availble bed was two States away.

It sounds to me like your Mom is having a complete psych break. Honestly, what she is doing is over the top.

We care givers are living proof that a person can get used to may be too close to this chaos to see it for what it is....having gotten used to it all a bit at a time. But, looking at this from the outside...this is totally out of control. IMHO ... She needs inpatient psych help
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They may pressure you to sign her out and try XYZ. Whatever you do, don't sign her out, because then you will be responsible.
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I am trying to figure this out, Tatoochick. Where is her infection? Are they treating it?
What does her doctors think is going on? I haven't heard a diagnosis yet. Hyperglycemia yes but from what? The mental status changes too. 
Have they sedated her? Did she calm down after that?
Something else is going on here physiologically. BS swings from 17-700? 
This is very stressful for you. I hope you get a resolution soon.
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I recall the questions about your mother's insulin issues, but, does she have dementia too? It seems that you said that in another thread, though, I don't see it in your profile. If that is the case, then, I'd consult with a geriatric psychiatrist. As others upthread have said, she may need to be placed in a psychiatric facility in order to get her medications adjusted. If that is her problem, then, I'd try to adjust my expectations regarding her behavior. There is no rhyme or reason. It often makes no sense and it's like expecting her to make sound decisions, plan and live normally, when the brain is not allowing that. The behavior is often unpredictable. I know it's frustrating I hope you do find some answers and can get some rest.
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So sorry for your loss, Tattoochick. Mom's rough ride is over. Be good to yourself.
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Oh Tattoo, this is too sad, too stressful!

I agree that a short stay in a senior psych facility might be just the ticket right now. You're doing fine! Be well, vent here.
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Wow--whatever you, don't allow her to come "home" in this condition. I can't fathom any hospital allowing that, anyway.
They can keep her calm--please allow that. No doubt the blood sugar ranges are incredible--and that has to be controlled too.
If she WAS on psych meds, and now refuses to take them, all this other stuff is just making a storm of grand proportions.

I also wouldn't expect her to get much "better"---and whether she actually "wants" to die or not isn't the biggest factor here--it's evening out her emotions and calming her behavior. If that calls for antianxiety meds in whopping amounts, go for it. Perhaps then she can make a decision, and stick with it.

Can you take a day off? Have you basically been 'living' at the hospital?? Get away, take a day (inform the nursing staff and dr) and just take a huge breath and try to forget about her. You're so caught up in the mess you can't think.

YOU can't make this decision and I don't think she can either. Have the drs decide where she needs to be and try to help make that happen.

I hope you can have a peaceful day or so---is she this noncompliant when you are not around, also? Sometimes the elderly will "act out" when the "kids" are there and then just be peachy and sweet when we're not.
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