
Any ideas on what to or how we show gratitude the staff of my Mom's Assisted living facility so they All know we appreciate what they do all year long? I know her normal Aides, but the facility frowns on gifting only individuals.
I am just at a loss for what we could get or send them so that at least Most of them will receive or at least know we tried to gift them all and something that doesn't cost hundreds of dollars.
Due to the different shifts it is impossible to send something they would all get with out doing 3 deferent gifts.. I thought having Pizza delivered but only the people working would benefit from that..
Any suggestion would be helpful.

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I normally give homemade fudge to the director, head of MC unit, and a couple of staff that directly care for my LO. But, this year, I'm considering sending down donuts for all the staff a few days before Christmas. I'll have to take them in shifts, starting with weekday morning, then later that night and then some on the weekend. That's all can figure. I have considered getting the total number of staff, office personnel, kitchen staff, maintenance, etc. and giving each one a small gift, like a can of nuts, box of mints, etc., but, that can get pricey, even at a small facility.
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Dear tdadish,

Good of you to think about the staff. I think anything from baked goods, boxes of chocolates, cookies or other holiday treats, or fresh flowers for the staff room or a simple thank you card expressing your appreciation will be noted. When my dad left his rehab facility I had brought in boxes of chocolates to be left in the staff room and personalized thank you notes for some of the ladies that were especially kind to him.

No matter what you decide, I'm sure it will be appreciated. Good of you get into the holiday spirit.
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Frankly I'm feeling burned out around the whole issue of tipping and gifts for service providers, it takes me back to school days and gifts for teachers.... the "browners" brought the teachers gifts and the rest of us just felt even more excluded than usual. Obviously not every family is bringing in goodie baskets or the employee break room would be overflowing, and I resent feeling like I need to bribe staff for attention by searching through the lint in the bottoms of my pockets to treat people with things I seldom buy for myself.
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If they had an account for a staff facility party, I'd likely donate to that with a generous amount and send with a heartfelt message written in a card. That would take off a lot of pressure.
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How about a beautiful poinsettia . everyone can enjoy it,not just the skinny people
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Mom's Independent Living Facility had a fund that distributed tips to all the employees, which we contributed to.

For the NH, we brought lots of baked goods and I think my brother and SIL replaced the fridge in the employee break room. I'd ask the SW or administrator what the best thing might be.
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Sunnygirl1, I plan on giving to the account for the staff if it actually exists , but I was just looking for something a little more personal..
Sorrynotsorry, the place was over flowing with plants last year .. but nice idea
BarbBrooklyn, that is the account I heard about at her facility, but I haven't gotten anything official from them yet in regards to it.
Thanks all for the suggestions
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I asked this question a couple weeks ago and was advised to check with facility director as some facilities have a gift giving policy.

They also suggested that bagels, catered sandwiches or soup salad, etc could be arranged. Director said they would divide up goodies to make sure first and second/ third shifts got equal shares.

Also there is a caregiver non profit for our facility where everyone donates what they can $100-1000 and they pool the money and then give a nice party and small gifts for all the caregiver, janitorial, cook staff. I donated to that.
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Wow not one suggestion from anyone?
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