
My Mom was just accepted into Hospice and I was looking forward to having help mornings. After the initial 4.5 hour intake interview, they sent a young girl here at 8am. She was sweet, but, couldnt lift, roll, or get the hoyer to lift my Mom correctly. I had to hold her tight while she wetwiped her (they call that a bath?!) After two days of this I said I need someone different and they said size doesnt matter, if she cannot do it, then just have her help feed Mom or something. Duhh what help is that to me? I was told most parents in my Moms condition are in a NH and she is a two person patient and they cannot send 2 people. I was very nice to them,yet told them I could be that 2nd person if the 1st one had some strength. Anyone else have issues with hospice?

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She cannot manage by herself even with a hoyer lift? She cannot roll your mom from side to side even? I would request another CNA. I rarely even helped the CNAs because they were the only break I got in a 24 hour period and would have gone mad if I would have had to help them with their job with what else I had to do the other 23 hours a day. Replacing the CNA might put a kink in their scheduling and they might not like you for a while, but they are being paid to provide your mom and in the case of hospice - the family - with this service. You can go with another agency if there are others in your area. Personally, I think if they cannot work this basic service out then I would be concerned about how they deal with the real issues that arise.

I am sorry about your mom being on hospice. I wish your mom, your family, and you much peace and blessings at this time.
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I don't where you are geographically located, but I do know there are various home health agencies that also offer hospice. If this particular hospice cannot meet your needs, you do not have to use their services and can call another agency. With your mother's paperwork in hand, let them know what your mother requires.
You might also get recommendations from your mother's physicians.
Cyber hugs,
Helpful Answer (3)

All hospice services are NOT created equal...Just as there is wide diversity in the quality of service provided in HOSPITALS (influenced by many different factors both inside and outside any given hospital), there is a wide diversity in the quality of service provided by hospice care providers, depending on many different factors. It is unfortunate and distressing, to say the least, that you have had this experience so far with your hospice care provider. Keep voicing your needs. Take your issues up the chain of command, if necessary. If you do not get satisfactory results, start LOUDLY complaining to community leaders. Call a press conference if you have to do so to get the assistance you need. You deserve it, and tax payer dollars are paying for it through Medicare. As a taxpayer, I am happy for my tax dollars to go to paying for hospice services, as long as the care provided is appropriate, skillful, compassionate, and professional. Blessings to you, to your family, AND to your hospice care providers. Big Hug -
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Agree with graceterry. You usually can interview at least two and decide which works for you and your family. If you live in a very small community then I would work right up the 'food chain' as she said.
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Thank you all so much for your replies, I intend to take all of your advice, one thing I did do ahead is call about the availability of a morning person. All but one said they cannot commit to a morning, so that's how I chose this place. Mom wakes up drenched, she needs a bathing and then we do breakfast for 2-3 hours, no lie. I do everything in three hour segments to keep on schedule and if a hospice person came other than morning, it's really not a help to me. I am so glad you seem to feel they SHOULD be able to roll and/or hoyer her for me. Thank you all, big hugs back to you all!
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