
Homeless/More. As a Disabled Vietnam Military Veteran I need help for my Son. I know that it is a matter of time before he ends his life. His girlfriend at 51 years old has took her life about 3 months ago while he was incarcerated. After 7 months in jail waiting for his hearing finally all charges where dismissed. He has been a drug user for over 30 years. On and Off. Now after being released he is drug free again. But he is homeless, no Drivers License, No transportation to get around, no phone, no food, and was told every place he goes for help he needs these things and a Resident address so they can contact him. He needs help to complete any form that somebody will help him with. For they can contact him!!! He has Mental and Physical issues from drug use. Has a hard time completing any form or application without help. Can't read, write or spell that good. Cannot continue to pay rent every month, keep a job, pay any bills. His metal capabilities are gone to realize it. BUT WILL NOT ASK FOR HELP. Please I know it is a matter of time before they find him dead on the streets. I will sign anything to get help for him. OR AT LEAST ASSISSTED LIVING OR NURSING HOME CARE. To keep him fed or a place to live off the streets. IT HAS TAKEN A TOLL ON THE WHOLE FAMILY. We can't afford to take care of ourselves and pay to help him anymore. I served my country in Vietnam and wonder "Why". Also he wants to stay in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania if possible. I could go on if you want to hear how bad it is. Should I list my contacts or what is best to do. CAN SOMEONE HELP ME WITH A GO FUND ME AND HOW WOULD IT WORK FOR HIM. Is it possible.

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I'm so sorry this is happening to your family. Our country should be outraged by this and demanding more from those in Washington. Too much money is spent on BS (don't even get me started) while too many people who need help are forgotten.

Have you contacted some of the agencies in Lancaster? These specifically work with homeless vets. Just a few, but don't forget your local veterans offices. I'm sure you already know about it though.

1. Bridging Homelessness to Housing
105 East King Street, Lancaster, PA 17602
Phone: (717) 397-0156

2. Tabor Community Services
Open: Monday - Friday: 8 AM - 5 PM
308 E. King Street, Lancaster, PA 17602
Mailing Address: PO Box 1676, Lancaster, PA 17608-1676
Tel: 717-397-5182

3. PA Families Inc.
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Hi Chopyak, I'm sorry for you and your son. Has he been to the local social services office? the first thing is he will need to ask for help. If he is not willing to ask for help or comply it s going to be tough for him to receive help. He has to want to help himself. He needs to get himself into some sort of program, maybe NA or AA and surround himself with others who are trying to better themselves. this will help him access more resources and opportunities. Its tough and I don't have a good answer but I do know that he is going to need to be proactive in helping himself first, otherwise, and I hate saying this, but jail might be the safest place for him. I'll pray for you and him.
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Would you be able to or want to seek guardianship of him? As a legal guardian you would then be in a position to obtain assistance for him, such as applying for his disability, Medicaid, etc. that might help pay for assisted living and/or a group home for the mentally disabled. You would also be able to get him mental health treatment and overall health care.

I would talk to your local social services department about your options and discuss the issue of guardianship with your son, and perhaps talk to an attorney who handles guardianship cases as well. If you would rather not be his guardian, there are instances in which an incapacitated person can become a ward of the state. It sounds like he does need someone with the legal capacity to advocate for him, given that his mental capabilities are impaired.

Just want to note also that if at any time he is expressing suicidal thoughts or plans, that is an emergency and 911 should be called so he can be taken to a psychiatric facility for evaluation.
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First of all, do either of you get veteran benefits, aid and assistance? Please see if you qualify.

I don’t know how the homeless are treated where you are. Here in New Orleans we have a program called UNITY. It is mainly local people who use it but some residents from other places have qualified as well.

No addicts are allowed while using but if they remain clean and sober they will be accepted. In our program housing is provided, an apartment.

Check to see if you have something similar. You can google UNITY online in New Orleans and read about how it works.

Can your son apply for food stamps?

I am so sorry that you are suffering like this. I will pray for your son. My deceased brother was an addict so I understand the pain that you are going through.

Do you have any contact with him at all?

As far as GoFundMe, just google it and you will see how it works. You can also set up a Facebook page.

What about churches? Have you tried to get help from them?

Keep us posted and God bless you and your son.

Thank you for serving our country. Many in my family have served as well.

Sending you a million hugs. 💗
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