
I was the the caregiver for my Dad and my worthless siblings made my life a living hell.. From dealing with adult services and law enforcement. But i learned the hard way, being a caregiver for a loved one is the hardest job ever and get used to everything being ur fault. Well im here to let you know if your in a predicament like this make sure you arrange in writing some kind of agreement of a final payment. I was so caught up on helping my dad, I didn't even think of when his condition gets beyond my capabilities. Well that time is here and instead of family members thanking me they look as if I spent the whole time draining his account. When in fact I was using my own money to purchase medication, vitamins, glasses, etc... Well now my job is over no help from brother and sister, im now receiving food stamps and living with my mum. Not what I planned at all.. Sometimes we get so tied up thinking about the lose of a loved one and our own life gets over looked. Make sure you look after yourself 50/50 maybe 60/40 and just remember once the siblings gets to tough on you, just start walk in.... Because once they start it never ends and they won't feel thankful for what you had done nor will they feel as if they owe you anything. Just get the mind frame as if this is your job.

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Lourdes, there's still the lookback period for Medicaid
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A great form for recording care in time spent and philosophy is provided today on this list of questions at Aging Care Connect. - though everyone here probably got the list of questions. Thanks moderator!

I think that reviewing the form weekly can help home-helpers start to list their hours - and the form also suggests what families would have to pay - usually from elder's funds - to purchase such services.

I don't think the form is complete - since long term caregivers learn to prevent difficulty. Since we are the ones left to rescue and plan alternatives if a care plan fails, I found that I developed skills like an Occupational Therapist, to see where my brother would likely fall or break things - and I chose furniture that was sturdy for him, and set up his daily walking path through a neighborhood so that he would be seen if he fell, and I also chose the walk to a local sit down restaurant, not just a day program. And taxi to adult ed in evening. My learned planning skills don't show up on a care services form, and I should think of what kind of format can notice that aspect of the expertise we develop.

But starting to think of the care as a service - even if we do it out of love, duty, gratitude or sense of values - still is very important, for we can feel stronger and openly respected, only if our efforts are more visible, and that takes effort.
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Oceansong has a lot of experience and very sound advice. Fortunately, my Mom saw what was coming and put our agreement in writing, but I still expect flack from my siblings after she is gone. Just ask the person you are taking care of if they will put something in writing to protect you. All they can say is "No" - Good luck.
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No good deed goes unpunished.
Awful way to look at things, isn't it. But, u must cover ur tail in everyhing. TG I have POA. TG my brothers go along with my decisions and we all are on the same page. Other than my DH, Mom will be the last person I will care for.
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I have never been a full-time caregiver - but have helped several friends who have been.
Re: financial situations - I have observed that it is easy for a caregiver to get screwed financially unless they have things in writing.
If the person you are taking care of is mentally competent - it is wise to have a legal employment agreement that clearly states what they are paying for (ie: rent, food, laundry, adding a wheelchair ramp, doctor visits, etc, etc) and how that is being paid. Do you give them receipts? Do they pay a flat monthly amount? Even if you totally trust that person, it is best to have a written agreement for when they might slip into dementia and the other relatives would be more involved. Even better - have a lawyer draw up the agreement because that lawyer can back you in stating that the person was in their right mind when they agreed, and wasn't being coerced. If the person has agreed to deed you property or their car or anything else upon their death - put it in WRITING. Make sure the deed has your name added to it. It is virtually impossible to prove it after they pass if you have nothing in writing.
And the best time to negotiate this is BEFORE they move in; BEFORE their health gets worse.
If the person is not competent - and your agreement is with members of their family - again, draw up a legal agreement that includes every detail you can come up with. Do this BEFORE the person moves in with you. You have more power to negotiate what is fair to you before you start than waiting til after.

In the case of my friends: One friend cared for her beloved aunt with the grateful agreement from the aunt's children. There was a verbal agreement about her getting some compensation from the house sale when her aunt would pass. But the moment the aunt died, her children refused to honor their agreement and kicked her out of the house her aunt owned without any severance and without much notice.
In another case, the elderly mother moved cross country to live with her daughter. Again, a verbal agreement that the mom would pay for the larger apartment and all related costs. But once she arrived, she refused to pay her fair share and my friend, the daughter, didn't insist. The mom kept telling my friend that she was included in her will, and that her son (my friend's brother) would split the profit on the mom's condo when she died. The brother was amazingly grateful for his mom to be cared for - but after she died - he refused to give my friend any portion of the condo sale. And she discovered that she had never been in the will. Her mom (who had always been somewhat abusive) had just been stringing her along.
So... whether you trust the one you are caregiving or not - whatever is promised needs to be in writing. And the best time to do that is BEFORE you give up part of your life to help. Once they move in, and especially after they die, you have very little power to change it. So get a legal agreement about what they are paying for, any severance payments after they die, any agreements about what you receive after their death (car, furniture, home, severance, etc.) Also any agreements about what happens if you cannot take care of them any more - which could be because their situation becomes more severe than you can deal with; or your health declines; or you cannot handle things emotionally; or.... You would still deserve fair compensation for the time you helped them.

And if you are already the caregiver and don't have an agreement- try your best to get a firm agreement from the one being cared for, or from the family as soon as you can. Put it in writing; have it drawn up by a lawyer; or at the very least, have it notarized by all concerned.
It might feel selfish or petty - but it is not. Most likely, you will be giving much more than what you are compensated for.
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It's called a quit claim deed. Any attorney can do his for next to nothing. The house goes into your name immediately.
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I took on the financial responsibility as well as i became her caregiver for the duration of her life. She wasn't a good mom. But in her last days here on earth i wanted to be the mother to her that she was not capable of being to me. I was being selfish, she didn't have much time left so i wanted every minute she had left. Besides no one was going to take care of her as well as I would. Her Doctor told me she lived as long as she did because of the care i gave her. It was amazing to walk away knowing that.
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JoAnn, I think that's it; I know my dad didn't expect to live as long as he did, although he did want to make me POA a long time before he did; it was my mom who didn't want it done but yet she is the one who wanted to move out of state to where I already had; it was him who didn't. Dad did have a small pension but very small since it was only from the state and not from a company, since he'd made that decision years before. He did want to go into assisted living but...he had a grandson who already wasn't working that he wanted to help, even more than he already had; that's where most of his money had already gone, so that by the time he needed help he didn't really have much money to get it with but, fortunately, dad was a veteran so we were able to get the VA pension for him, to pay his grandson to come in and help take care of him. But the deal with the final payment is something to think about, although he was supposed to get some money somewhat like that.
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Thanks, Caregiverbob, for the clarification. I didn't realize you were taking care of a sibling. I totally get what you are saying. You are right in saying that you are under no obligation to take care of your brother, and I must applaud you for that! I can totally relate because I also have a sibling who is not physically, but mentally disabled. Although he is now in a group home and has been for a few years since my mom could not handle him anymore, one of my brothers has been designated to help with his care, i.e., giving him money out of mother's account, making sure he has enough clothes to wear, and cigarettes. So I really do understand what you're saying even though it sounds like your situation is a little different in that you are a full-time caregiver. It sounds like you've sacrificed a lot over the years, so I am glad to hear you are getting a stipend. I am also glad to hear that you learned over the years to ask for help. As a full-time caregiver for my mom, I know how important that is to be able to know your own limits and to be able to ask for help when needed. Yes, I do agree that the other siblings (even if they live out of town) need to do something to help if only to visit every now and then. We just had a situation in our family where my mom was in the hospital all week due to atrial fibrillation and congestive heart failure. Luckily all of my siblings (except for the disabled) did come and at least visit over the weekend, which in some ways can be even MORE work for the full-time caregiver! But anyways, at least they made an attempt to help just by being here. I am very glad that I have the siblings that I di and that even when we disagree we agreeti disagree

Take care Bob!
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I don'T think our parents thought they were going to live this long and didn't think ahead. I know some who felt their kids would be there. Now we have to go where the work is if it means out of state. Companies r doing away with Pensions and expect employees to put money in a 401k. As a single mother at one time, every cent counted towards supporting me and my daughter. Ur Dad was smart. And caring. I think he would understand if u needed to put him in an AL. I believe wholeheartedly that what money our parents have gets used before u go into it own. I don't see any problem in being paid. By the time my girls reach full retirement age for SS, they will have to be 70 if it's there at all. That's why I'm planning ahead.
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My father has expressed gratitude frequently for the things I do for him on a daily basis and he knows he could not have survived without my help. Fortunately for me, he got his affairs in order early and asked me to get involved with his money management so that I am able to protect his assets. I keep good records and keep his financials separate from my own as much as possible. I do not discuss the details with my siblings. He set up an account for me to use to reimburse myself for his expenses since he is unable to shop for himself. It's a lot of work to keep track of both households, as well as both calendars, his personal needs, and all his medical paperwork/appointments/medications. My siblings don't get it, but it would be worse if I had to explain every detail to them on an ongoing basis. Once in awhile I get a mean-spirited comment from one brother who's always been a jerk, but mostly they are happy they don't have to deal with it. My two issues are planning for the future care of my father (safety net) and finding a way to earn income around his needs, as I left the workforce too early and am scraping by, using up my own retirement savings. I think assisted living is in our future.
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Eikoc, why is she not elligiblefor Medicaid? Does she have her own money? I would talk to a lawyer about the deed thing. Medicaid has that five year thing.
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Mr. Ellul, I feel for u. Do u have an attorney? Don't think they can leave a spouse destitute. You should be able to live in your home.
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I am HomeWithDad but Dad died and I am now home with my Mom. Her home. When my Dad fell last fall, all 5 siblings tried to sell her condo, put him in a medical facility, and put her in a nursing home.

She said "NO WAY!" and begged me to come help. All 5 siblings were furious, They are amazed at how happy Mom is and 4 of them hate me less.

My Dad and my Mom both in sound mind favored me in their will in exchange for my commitment to stay until they leave this world.

I still work part time when I can.

Our attorney expects trouble from the siblings and is ready to handle it. Amazing families we have.

Wish I could take each one of you out to lunch and encourage and hug you! thanks for all the honesty.
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I don't understand how the First Midwest Bank Wealth Management Division can get away with insider trading, lying and harassment that they do. We have been law abiding people all our lives and try to do what is right. No trial no answer I came to court with my wife in a wheel chair and I had to leave her there. They took her and she asks me every day WHY ??? WHAT DID I DO??? and I can't give her an answer. All the retirement money is being spent on things that don't matter and we live apart. I am going to loose my house and she has to suffer in a one room with one window cell. WHY??? WHY???. What a country. A very disappointed Illinois Resident with no place to go.
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Well I don't have any family to help me or support me. I am the only child left to do what she needs. She is presently in a rehab facility who claims her 100 days were used. Now I am preparing her to go home. She needs 24 hour care. She does not qualify for Medicade. How can I get my name on the house? Those that honestly care and love a sick parent only does the right thing because we love them.
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Sorry, it posted before I was done.

Its suppose to say " now at 65 I know I won't be able to be his caregiver in later years"

I do feel bad about this because he is sweet guy. I'm just being realistic.
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I have a diabled nephew. He has physical and neurological problems. His Mom died and my brother raised him until he was 18 whenhe moved in with Mom. He had his problems that were hard for SIL to deal with. She didn't want him back. When we have discussed his future, she says her kids will helpif they have to. They were meanto him when he lived with them. Long story why we didn't raise him. Mom wanted him but at 80 couldn't handle his SS application and stuff like that. It fell on me. So here we r, I have Mom and he is living in Moms house until its sold. Since he has done well, I will help him to look for a place to live. I will use the Social Services to help with food stamps, etc. I have had set up, under a judges order, a Special Needs Trust that the agencies cannot touch but I can use for his care. I will probably have to be made his conservator because he can't handle money. I will always have to oversee him. One day he will be in a home because he will end up have a sort of dementia because of his neurolgical problem. Not sure when that will happen but at 65 I know it won't be me. My girls will still be young enough they will have to work. If I'm gone, I know my oldest will make sure he is OK and has what he needs but I don't expect her to care for him in her home. But as an RN who has worked rehab/nursing facilities she is the best one to oversee him.

We all do what we feel we have to do. But none of us should be forced into it. We need to make decisions on what is best for everyone.
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I want to respond to lmccarthy's post, that we cannot blame siblings for not choosing to provide the care, just because we CHOSE to do it.

I agree with that, not every sibling is prepared at the time of need, many live farther away, or are involved in their own life struggles of career or family.

It's not a matter as I see it, of blame for not doing the care. But in situations, particularly if they last years and years, where care is needed by a family member, it is not fair for only one sibling to take on the whole job, leaving no worries at all for the other siblings.

In your situation, it seems you were in a position to arrange your life to include your mom's needs, and as you said, you took room and board from her, so that made it more fair that you gave so much of your time. Good enough. That is part of what I meant by the idea of a Care Retirement Account. Sounds as if you were not personally at risk of great loss during your own later years, so you were in a position to give the care, and when you felt she would not receive good enough care in the nursing home, and you could do it better, then good, you took action and made the choice.

I did the same, I also chose to take care of my disabled brother - but in my case, I felt no sibling obligation to do so - he was my sib, not my mother. 5 other siblings lived far from me, and I was someone who had received help in adult life and when I looked back and saw him struggling at home, I offered to help.

But technically, he was my mother's responsibility, not mine - and I had not finished my own education properly to support myself in my adult life, nor was I married. My mom had him when she was 44, so when she was 64, she was simply unprepared and tired, lived with second husband far from town and had never worked, so she was not capable of helping him leave home and safely integrate himself into the adult world like his other sibs.

I found it interesting to teach him, and when I saw him actually responding positively to my efforts, and when I had full responsibility, I finally understood the day to day difficulties he had with his coordination difficulties - I felt I could give the best help, and I did my best and have no regrets.

As you said, if you ever decided to put your mom into a nursing home at a later date, then you would do so with no regrets, knowing you had already done what you could. Me too, that happened, and by now my brother is in a nursing home, and has an excellent balance of activities in his schedule both inside and outside the home, because of me.

The point is however - the whole family, all the siblings know that at some stage a disabled sib in my case, or an ailing parent will need care,

It is not the financial responsibility of any one sibling, to pay for entire costs of care, and my point is that there ARE costs, and for some, time spent is the major cost, not just the money. Actually, you did what I said in your own way - your plan for some supplement to your own Retirement, came because you took room and board from your mom. It's only fair. That's the point.

Too often, care needs grow gradually, and one sib, who lives closest, sees the needs and recognizes them. Far off siblings don't see the needs so clearly. They may hear of needs periodically, but don't see how often the needs crop up, to them it sounds like a long series of details, they don't follow the progression or decline. They don't see how much time it takes sometimes to persuade a fragile person to cooperate with the caregiver even in meeting their own needs.

Far off observers see a snapshot view - and in many photos, people are clean and neat and smiling.

I did not live with my two youngest brothers growing up, my mother took them with her when she married her second husband after my father died. Living apart, I did not even see the needs of the youngest, because his disabilities seemed a minor annoyance or worry, that I could hear of periodically, worry a bit, then forget, for I knew there was little I could do from far away. And it never seemed as bad as it was, for when he lived at home and my mother made sure he was dressed well, had hair cut, dentist - I thought of him roughly as a pest, who didn't know how to get along with peers - I didn't think further.

Only at 31, when I heard of his major struggles and recognized my mother's age and inability to help, I offered to help, and my mother sent him right down, because he was having so many seizures despite so many medicine changes, and was belligerent.

I had received help with fitting into adult life myself by then, and thought maybe I could help, so I offered, thinking maybe it would take some extra of my time for a few years or so. It was only when I had the full responsibility for his life and care, that I even SAWhow every area of his life, hour after hour of every transition in his day - was full of challenges he could meet so slowly or not at all, that he was quickly unkempt, left out and left behind. In our busy and broken up family, he had only learned to let mom care for him, and he learned to smile broadly to everyone who asked, and say he was doing OK.

Took me the first 10 years to reach him myself, get him to communicate with me, learn his needs, try him in different living situations, jobs, programs, before I learned enough about his patterns and how to stand up for him, so I gradually made choices that steadily helped him. Then 10 years to support the caregivers that I found, vetted, hired and monitored to help him, then another 6 or so to celebrate - then his balance started to deteriorate, and he had to move or drop out because of that, and he was not capable of exploring and choosing places that fit.

Long story short - I never expected to be needed as much as I found necessary to rescue him - service system that people expect to help, in reality is fragmented, usually offer meds for any agitation. The process is not helpful, but often disruptive for younger populations.

I CHOSE to help, and did so more than once, for I saw that I became the one person not fooled by his broad smile and the clean clothes I put him in (otherwise he would have been victimized by street people) - and I learned to intervene positively with him, after repeated struggles through time, but I stayed positive and hopeful and loyal - and he came to trust and grew.

I'm trying to be brief enough here. Point is that not every sib can or should do care. But if a family with siblings is going to be friendly with each other at all, even the far off sibs need to pay attention, or as LuvChrisAl just said, even CONSIDER taking on the care, so they understand that one of their siblings is making a significant life decision, and as a family, they should - if they believe in family relationships - do something to help - and also visit, so the caregiver sibling is not left alone as the only family member who is facing and struggling to deal with a very difficult situation. My family eventually pay me a monthly stipend now, even when the care is over, for I spent so much time during years when I needed to be saving for my own aging years - but I didn't realize the care would take so long - I had to fight for it, for many years, for from a distance, they just said, it was "your choice". But my choice was actually to try to help, not to substitute my disabled brother for a child of my own, or to find that family wanted to be backseat drivers and got angry if I disagreed with their ideas - took a while for me to teach them that I loved some of their ideas, but as the person on the spot managing all aspects of care, I would choose those that fit. They were not ill willing - but they never offered, so I'd have to ask for help, and it took me a long time to learn that I had to notify them of timing and details - work!

Hope this helps bring some clarity here, and I appreciate the discussion!
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Sorry. Consider getting himself together and bringing Mom home. CONSIDER. At least then, he would be showing some effort.
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Wow! I had no idea that there are so many deadbeat siblings. Mine is an alcoholic. I did come to realize a few years ago...that spending my Retirement savings on Mom's care was not a good idea. If I spent it all, who was going to take care of me? That was three years ago. My brother seems to be in some sort of denial about his role in my decision to take Mom to the home. He doesn't work and lives in her house. You would think that he'd CONSIDER
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First of all I'd like to thank the forum's comments. This website has helped out a bunch!! I'm caregiverbob, my question was a comment for other caregivers. Are there any tips for CG to save there own money without siblings accusing of steeling it.. There was some comments I felt I should answer. Some mentioned Medical and medicaid, (Medical is for Ca. residence and medicaid is for Ca. residence that went out of state) well my father worked for the RailRoad (Santa Fe R/R) the R/R is there own government (a few years ago the R/R had lent our government 1 BILLION DOLLARS, which was never paid back, other than the back door deal's) and yes, I had filled out paperwork to the county to be my dad's caregiver and to get paid, well my dad made to much to pay me. But at the same time he was unable to all the Bills, so i stepped in to help. Even though his mind was deteriorating he wanted to help the whole family. He couldn't destingwish who's right and who's wrong at the time my sister was receiving $550.00 for a year because her divorce and needed the help, but 5 months after receiving help from paw she came back and said she made a mistake about her payment and that it's not a year and that she owed for 3 years.... Well my dad didnt blink an eye, just paid it. Well years later we found out it was only one year to pay off her car, not three years she told my dad.. She was playing around for 2 years, whoring around online meeting dudes.. Her alimony was up the same day her car was paid off. Well for 5 1/2 years it turned to 700.00 dollars. Now my brother was general contractor and had ripped me off $11,500 ( one as a loan for $5,000, $6,000 was for a project I worked on designing a 4 bedroom home and he ran out of town with a $6,000 dollar check and never paid me a cent. But these are the people who called adult services and not once mentioned what I had done for them... Forgot the good i had done, but much less the help i provided for our father.... My sister was the first to call adult services to say i was steeling money from my dad. I showed the investigator a check I received and after she looked it over, she closed her file and said investigation is closed and she left.... I've tried my hardest!!!! If anything live your life and dont let your emotions stop you....... When you feel down stop by this website to bring you up again!!
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I agree with you, Caregiverbob. Caregiving is a tough job and often the primary caretaker gets blamed for things. However, I would just like to echo what Sooozi said, and that most of us here CHOSE to be the caretakers! We were not forced into it! Nobody twisted my arm to move mom in with us! We could have left my mom in the nursing home until we had spent down all of her money and she could have gotten on Medicaid. Just because my siblings didn't choose to move her in with them doesn't mean there was something wrong with them! So just as we get blamed for things, we need to be careful that we don't resort to blaming others such as our siblings for the choices that we've made. I chose to do this because I never wanted to look back with any regrets. I chose to do this because it was the RIGHT thing to do (even though she does not remember who we are most of the time now) and not because it was fair. I don't think it would have been the RIGHT thing to do for all my other siblings. Again, it was my choice. Just because they didn't choose to do the same thing doesn't mean that they are wrong. However, should there come a time when I am no longer able to take care of my mom, I would not feel guilty or bad at all if I placed her in a nursing home! I would have peace of mind knowing that I did everything I could and that I did the very best I can for as long as I did. Yes, my siblings will never quite be able to understand all that I did 24/7 for my mother because they haven't walked in my shoes, and that's okay! Granted, they live too far away to help out, and I knew that going into this. That is why I have so many hours a week of respite care lined up. Yes, perhaps it would be a good idea to have some sort of a written agreement in place for final payment if that is what you are expecting. But that is NOT why I am doing this at all! However, I think it would be helpful if you had some sort of account set up that you can use it to help pay for things such as medications, glasses, and other incidentals so you don't end up using your own money. Yes, I agree. Caregiving for a loved on full-time can be draining on your own pocketbook as well as your retirement! However, in my case family has always come first before my career. That is just how I am. I also agree that often my mom does not appreciate what I do. Part of that is the dementia. Like I said, most of the time she doesn't remember who I am, so to her I am just another hired hand. I have to remember that my mom no longer thinks like a mother, she thinks like a two year-old! Of course, two year olds are notorious for being self-centered and for thinking that the world revolves around them! That's because their brains are not fully developed yet and therefore they are incapable of seeing things from other peoples' perspectives. It is the same with dementia due to the deterioration of the brain. I don't necessarily agree with Castle that there should be a Caregiver Retirement Account set up and that the siblings are somehow supposed to contribute to it. If anything, if you are expecting some sort of payment for it then that should be addressed in the will BEFORE you agree to become a caregiver. In my case, since I quit my job to take care of my mom, I have my mom pay for our room and board. If we go out for a bite to eat somewhere I pay for it out of my mom's account. I think that this is only fair.
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Actually, Lourdes, that's the way it was supposed to be with us; when you say you took care f her, then earlier you said you took full financial responsibility as far as her care, is that the way you mean, that you only took care of her financially or were you providing the actual care but then providing financially just for her medical yourself?
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This is a very important topic. I am too new to offer any advice. I am so impressed and heartbroken by the answers so far.
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We agreed to he medical expenses. You can specify whether you want "All expenses paid out of pocket for care". I paid her mortgage, HOA, electric and i can keep going. Because she was pput on steroids, she developed diabetes, insulin, diet, groceries alone fr her special diet wer $300. Per week. You need to find an attorney if you can. We were really blessed. Hers did it pro bono. We were sent to him by an attorney who no longer did wills. He was aa Godsend
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wow, just 59? Lourdes; so sad, am so sorry, that's so young but not far from my age - makes me think I maybe really do need to get my stuff together and haven't even finished with my dad's yet - think a problem is what is considered medical expenses and should it be only those that are reimbursed; we spent quite a bit on my parents house
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The 1st thing i did was take my mother to an attorney. I wanted everything to be fair. I was taking o the full financial responsibility as far as her care was concerned. The attorney did her living will, and ALL OF HER ASSETS, life insurance, stocks, everything, was left to the grandchildren. I made sure she left nothing to us, as there was going to be WWIII anyway. Siblings were not at all pleased, but such is life. The attorney did however, stipulate that i be reimbursed for all medical expenses. His idea, not mine. Her villa sold, and i was paid back everything i spent. That wasn't why i took care of her, i just wanted her last months here to be the best i could give, she was only 59. It's been almost 11 years. Neither of my siblings speak to me, and I am totally ok with that. I have to take care of me.
Helpful Answer (3)

I don't understand this money thing. Don't ur parents get pensions and SS? Right now Moms SS is being used for her house until it sells. She has a small pension thatI use for her personal things, Depends, perscriptions, etc. We eat out alot so we do pay for that but at the end of the month if any of the pension is left over, she treats and feels good she can. She has some money in savings. I would deplete all that before I would touch our money. We r retired. If their money doesn't pay the bills, sell the house and live off of the equity. I love/d my parents but would not jeopardize my future to take care of them if there were other options.

I have mentioned, its just me out of 3. One brother is 7hrs away, the other is going thru a divorce, so no help there. But, they support me in what I do. They realize that what money Mom has is going to her care. They aren't looking for their share. This mindset that Mom/Dads money is mine really gets me. We have told our kids that we are spending it all.

I agree about keeping records. I can show the bills I pay for Mom because its always a check. With her pension money, I keep all the receipts and put them withthe check stub for that month. On another thread someone suggested writing down every thing you do for the person. Cover ur tail.
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Dear Caregiver Bob,
I sympathize with you and your situation. I gave up my life in another state and moved in with my parents to care for them. Now, as mother was admitted to a nursing home, I find that the state of Pennsylvania is one of two filial law states, meaning that adult children CAN be held responsible for the money spent by Medicaid and others to keep their parents in a nursing home. This is well documented. All you have to do is google Filial Law in Pennsylvania. I am about to move my parents, their belongings, bank accounts, etc. as well as all that I moved north almost two years ago back to the south where I have a church and many good friends, and where the state is not a filial law state. For those of you reading this who live in Pennsylvania, take heed. Your children may not only not inherit a dime from you, but they may be sued in this state to collect for the parents' care. I am slightly oversimplifying, but it is an important thing to research. If you are an elderly parent, you need to take action now, before a five-year look-back and begin to rearrange your estate if you have not already done so.
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