
My mother shows blatant favoritism towards my sister and snaps at me consistently. My mom and I, we don’t share the same values. We used to but I have evolved and see life through a different lens while she remains the same. She is extremely negative and full of victim mentality. She has double standards, my sister can say or do something that she doesn’t like, but if I dare do the same she will holler and dismiss me. I continue to show love as much as possible but I prefer to disconnect and distance myself to avoid being disrespectful to her. I do love her and intend to be there for her when she really needs me.

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ForGodsake24: Your mother does not possess the capacity for logical thought processes since she suffers from dementia.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Llamalover47

Change her living situation immediately. If sis is so great have her live with her. If not find a nice AL or whatever level she needs. Make it very clear to her that you are doing her a favor by living with you. If she can't be nice, she can find other arrangements.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to lkdrymom

Good grief move her to a facility and regain your life, she should not under any circumstances be living with you. If not a facility have her move in with your sister.

You can be there for her without her living with you.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to MeDolly

Mostly, you should take care of yourself. Visit her when you can, and try to keep the visits positive and loving. Stay away from topics of disagreement if you can. See a therapist for yourself, if you think it will help you cope with her negativity. Continue to be there for her, if she needs you, and if it makes you feel better.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to NancyIS
Frances73 Dec 21, 2023
Agreed, whenever my mom would go down the negativity rabbit hole I would say goodbye and leave. No excuses, no apologies. I also timed my visits before meals or activities because she never missed one of those!
Do you love her or just telling yourself that. Is it really that your looking for her to love you. When she really needs someone, it should be your sister who she seems to respect. Not you who she will make your life miserable. I would say you are probably the child who was easy to manipulate and make to feel guilty. I would never be this woman's 24/7 caregiver. You are right to disconnect and distance from her. God gave us brains and gut feelings and there are times we need to use them for self-preservation. With people like your Mom, there must be boundaries. You can "honor" a parent and not be their doormat. For you, you need to establish early on that you will not physically care for Mom. That when and if the time comes, she hires someone or goes to Assisted Living. You don't need to be at her beck and call. "No sorry Mom, I have plans for that day" "Sorry Mom, I just got home from work and I am bushed. Will pick up ur prescription on the way home from work tomorrow". You are honoring her but in ur time.

That fraze "honor your mother and father" really does not apply to parents who abuse their children. What ur Mom is doing us a form of abuse. No child should care for an abusive parent. Respect goes both ways. So continue to do what you are doing for your own sanity. You may want to read "Boundaries" by Townsend and Cloud, its Christian based.

PS, I did not realize Mom lived with you. You should not be tge one caring for her. Make other arrangements.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to JoAnn29

86? Why would you think she would change?

I always tell people that when you can ACCEPT your parents' limitations, when you can treat them with humor instead of arguing, leave and return as you like, protect yourself, and understand THIS IS THE PARENT YOU GOT, then you will know you are well. Most people never get the movie version of parenthood.

Someone yesterday said that her mom would lie in bed saying with the martyred tones of Sainthood "Oh, all right then..... I will just lie here and die". It made her furious and she was arguing.
When the day comes she can laugh and say "Oh, Geez, Mom. I HOPE not. Because I would miss you more than I can say. Love you. Gotta run. See you in a couple of days", and then happily move on into her day? Well that's the day she can know she is cured.

The weather changes. We humans? Not so much. She's who she is and you are who you are. Limit your visits. Tell her, when she brags on Sis, that she's SO RIGHT. That sister of mine is just a "Saint". Tell her that when you grow up you are going to endeavor to be just LIKE sister".
My advice? Have fun with it. Because the other option of constantly suffering? Well, like I said, no one's fond of a martyr.

I wish you the best. You have all the tools you need and you're clearly bright. I think you got this when you decide to move on. You have ALREADY allowed yourself to evolve into your own person. That's a huge move that many never make. Best to you.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to AlvaDeer

From your profile:
I am caring for my mother Charlene, who is 86 years old, living in my home with age-related decline, alzheimer's / dementia, anxiety, and sleep disorder.

About Me
I am a retirement-eligible Federal service employee and intend to continue working for 4-5 more year, currently married for 27 years, have two adult wonderful self-sufficient sons, and one fur-baby (4 year old dog-Simba). I have a complicated relationship with my 86 year old toxic mother who does not like me and emotionally abuses me but I will honor her as the Bible commands by placing respectful boundaries.

The bible does not command you house your mother with dementia as there are many ways to "honor" and respect a parent. Make other arrangements for her, especially if you are leaving her alone at home while working full time. It's not safe to do that with an elder suffering from dementia, nor is it reasonable to expect her to change her attitude now, with a broken brain preventing it.

Good luck.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to lealonnie1

Why is mom living in YOUR home?
Can arrangements be made so she can live in your sisters home? (I bet the table will turn and she will begin snapping at your sister and not so much at you)
You can not "disconnect and distance yourself" enough if she is living in your home.
Do you have caregivers come in while you are at work?
Is mom involved in an Adult Day Program? It might be a good idea. It would get her out of the house and engaged with other people and activities.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to Grandma1954

I’m not sure what your plans of caregiving look like , but you should not be doing hands on caregiving for your mother . You should “ disconnect and distance “ yourself to set healthy boundaries . You honor yourself first . You protect yourself from the abuser. Honoring your parent does not mean you have to do hands on caregiving . No one should ever be that close to their abuser .

You can honor a parent by making sure they are cared for , it does not mean you have to be the person to take care of them . Caring for a parent like this can be done by hiring help or placing them in a facility . Never use your own money. Use your mother’s money or get Medicaid for her care when she qualifies . No one should ever live with their abuser . You should not live with your mother . I’m sorry to see that she is already living in your home . With Alzheimers /dementia her behavior towards you will mostly likely get worse .

You need to protect yourself first ( put your oxygen mask on ) before you will be
able to help others. Many caregivers don’t “ put their oxygen mask on first “ as they try to honor their abusive parent and end up , physically ill, mentally ill, quit jobs , go broke , ruin marriages etc .
An abuser should never be your number one priority in your life. God would not want you to be abused .
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to waytomisery

I'm about to re-read the Boundaries book. Always something new to learn. Have you read it?

As a child when my Mother yelled at me I yelled right back. I have siblings that were more gentle & introverted though. Their style was & still is to avoid conflict. (We all have our ways).

In a calm moment you could explain to your Mother how hollering upsets you - but my guess is at 86, she will be set in her ways. Disconnecting as you said may be your best bet.

Distance.. hmm can you add more of that?
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to Beatty
strugglinson Dec 20, 2023
will look for that book! sounds good
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