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williesawestie you seem to have a good plan.
Actually your Mom could not just kick you out you do have some rights. she would probably have to go to court and get an eviction order which would take time and money.
Do you think the secretary will still be in the picture at that time? If she is not around to alert your step dad you may be able to get way with just dropping off the key. Do you think your Mom would notice the van? could you load after dark and move out at first light? DO NOT BLAME YOURSELF YOU WERE TRYING TO DO THE RIGHT THING. Blessings. You could even report step dad to your state's real estate licensing board as unless secretary also has a licence she is practicing real estate without a licence. keep that up your sleeve as ammunition you can use if necessary. Anyone out there who does have a licence. I used to but that was a long time ago
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My mom could see a large truck parked across the street. She wouldn't see something small though. Thanks for the real estate info.
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Trust me, I'd rather move in the night, but then again I'd have to pay someone extra to load the truck at night. I've already thought of that.
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Well, after the driving thing, there's been other things ... such as a dog making an outhouse of her BR ... her making excuses for not getting rid of her, etc, etc. We finally got to help do the sad thing of taking the dog in after she got sick enough to make a total mess of the whole house; it still smells. It gagged me right out of here; went somewhere else to eat a few times, even tonight, while some food gotten before the total mess sits in the fridge ... said I cannot stand that kitchen long enough to make anything, eat it in there, etc.

Then this afternoon we take her to the store to find an appropriate K-door rug (she'd use the excuse to drag the stinkin' one back in that I took OUT of the house b/c it cannot be washed of not liking what I picked out, so .....). She got in a huff, took off, I didn't know what other store she might decide to go to (she's 88 in a few days), so while I'm deciding where on earth to check, as I cannot walk all over that place myself to try to find her, I finally decide to just start for home, and then call some places. Well, we ran into her walking towards home (which would have been about 1.75 miles), which she'd said she was going to do (but knowing her, figured she'd find someplace else to go, making it a really hard game of "find me!"). I pulled off on the side street she was nearing, she got in once there, and I see she's got a nice bump on her head. Asked about it. "I fell." "Where? in the parking lot, or where?" "I don't know; on the sidewalk."

This woman ... so, I took her back to the house, got ice for her, had to take off both b/c the smell is still here, and her attitude/actions (she's not quiet about anything). So food's still sitting in the fridge; there's been so much waste here ... due to turning down the fridge temp, popping the freezer door ope SLAMMING the fridge door (another reason I just KNEW we needed the bottom drawer freezer, NOT a top one that's HIGH for short people, anyway, w/stuff nearly above your head that you're supposed to go through w/o its falling OUT at you!
With a drawer, it would not pop OPEN when a raging door-slamming person SLAMMED the fridge door frequently! Then there's this attitude thing ... I've made plenty meals w/her going off ... but I simply cannot function with both the stench and her attitude combined ... together they push me over the edge.

What are we going to do ... ????????? I don't know, but I can't stand living on the edge like this ... she's gone off how many times, too, about feeling "guilty" about taking her dog in. So, I finally had to stop biting my tongue and say something (tho' I'm sure she didn't hear, w/her poor hearing she doesn't correct, and lack of response): "You're so worried, thinking you should feel guilty about your dog, an animal. Well, here's something you should feel 'guilty' about ... that you refuse to fix the PLUMBING in this house, and your DAUGHTER has to live like an ANIMAL, without being able to take a SHOWER !!! :'( Yes, I'm living on the edge, and feel I'm close to falling over it ...............

Prayers for somehow getting a home (leaving her to her own devices, to finally figure she needs to live elsewhere, as there's a basement here, too, and I think I'm not the only one ~~ due to back injuries that have made stairs hard for years now ~~ that stairs bother. I avoid them ... she gripes about them anymore. Told her to not go down them, since she fell just walking. LAUNDRY ~~ which I also have a hard time doing, so sometimes don't know WHAT to wear when I do finally coerce myself into the drizzle/dribble that's supposed to be a shower ~~ is down there, too. UGH! Need a *ONE LEVEL* place. :'( Lord, help! Thank you.
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ouch, with the carpal tunnel - maybe a copy of Dragon Dictate would let you do at least a little freelance secretarial work again? What a mess, I sure feel for you, and having to stay in the situation for several more months won't be a walk in the park either.
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It sounds like you may soon have (if you don't already) an additional option to call Adult Protective services because your mom and step-dad cannot care for themselves or their home. I would definitely do that once you are on your feet and out of there, or maybe after you have been away and it has deterioriated to the point where this inability is unmistakeable.
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I'm the original poster. What started out as an attempt to be here to help them has ended with the decision from H-ll ! I would leave tomorrow if I could, but I just can't until I can come up with the money to do so. So, I'm stuck. What a horrible mess I've put myself in. I will NEVER judge another person who have estranged themselves from their family again! There are always reasons behind people who do that.
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willieisawestie, regarding your step-Dad's real estate business. You would need to find out from the State if your step-Dad's Assistant is actively licensed Agent, licensed as a referral Agent, or is not licensed at all. Isn't she retiring in December? It's all a moot point. Will your Mom step in as his Assistant?

An unlicensed Assistant can still do a lot of things around the office, draw up documents as long as the Agent signs them, run errands, put listings into the MLS system, place real estate signs on property, deposit earnest money checks, etc, prepare promotional materials and advertisements for approval by the Agent, be a property manager and order repairs, even drive clients to show houses only if there is an licensed Agent with her, she can answer simple questions about the property [such as info one would see if the property was advertised in the newspaper], but she cannot negotiate contracts or rental agreements, and cannot be paid a percentage of the commission.
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I believe your backing down from notifying the DMV discredited your good intentions! I can surely relate to what you are going thru, because my mother and I have a similar relationship. Sometimes, oftimes, it seems "easier" to just back down and drop the whole thing, but us big girls must remember why we did what we did in the first place, and what we felt necessary to accomplish by doing it . . . then stand by our decision. Whether Mom understands your reasoning is probably up to her but, despite her ridicule, know you did the right thing for the greatest number of people!! You will never get the praise we enjoyed as children, because Mom's mind isn't capable of it, she thinks only what she wants and is ready to bad-mouth anybody who gets in her way! Don't be so hard on yourself, just trust your initial actions. It is a difficult situation, I am in a very similar situation as far as financial issues go, so I can relate but, as others have said, grow up and trust your good intentions and rational thoughts!
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willie, about the fridge. the rotten stuff is usually on a bottom shelf in the back. Wait til she is in the bathroom, that is your chance to quickly check and trash anything funky looking. Quickly dump it and rinse the container or fill it with soapy water.
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Robin and Maggie - thanks for your comments. My youngest sister was killed, and another sister almost killed, by a driver who should never have been on the road. Her family lacked the guts to get her out of that car.
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willie, you are seeing the situation clearly, you have a plan and your are going to make it work. Hold on to that and let everyone here know how things are going, when you need encouragement. Everyone is rooting for you. You tried to do the right thing, but it takes two to tango.
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Oh, I feel for you. I hope you are able to save the money you need to escape that h*ll you are in quickly. One comment (cannot remember who said it) was correct. You do have legal rights & eviction is a legal process that does take time & money. Even if you stopped paying rent the eviction process still must be followed. I am not advocating for anyone to not pay their bills but if your mom does not need the rent money then stop paying it & save up what you need faster.
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I would continue to keep paying rent, otherwise if Mom gets angry enough about non-payment of rent, she could contact the credit bureaus. You don't need that type of ding on your credit reports.
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Along with the rest of this, I know my response is just more doom-and-gloom for you, but here's something else you need to think about:
It's not going to get better.

I know you probably already realize this. However, with whatever she's in the early stages of, it will most surely get worse. Whatever problems you'd had with her, before, will more likely become worse.

While some people do become a bit more docile as they get into dementia, it sounds like most get more aggressive and paranoid.

The reason I'm saying this is because it's just something to keep in-mind for whatever actions you take and decisions you make. If it's freaky, now, it will be freakier as time goes on. It's something to put in the forefront of your mind as you plan your future relationship with her.
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And also, as things get progressively worse, we found that it doesn't matter if it becomes a case of you (the younger) being a victim of "senior abuse" (by the older-than-you-srs!), HUD doesn't move any faster ... you just sit & wait for them on their "list." :'( Going crazy here, feeling my main task right now is staying alive ... there's so much more I'm capable of doing ... but not really here.
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Move away and tell her to kiss your a**.
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My parents' doctor told us daughters, when it was time for dad to stop driving, and he refused, to put it in his hands (the dr.) and he would make the decision come from him, not the family. We felt this was a very good way of handling a very troublesome issue. We hate to take away the independence of my father, but to have something happen to him or others, is a travesty.
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