
He’s had the complete battery of investigation and has no discernible pathology. He takes very powerful opiates and I fear he is addicted. Distraction helps briefly but my mom can’t do it all the time.

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He may be constipated from the narcotics. That will cause excruciating abdominal pain.
Suggest you add fiber & hydration daily , a stool softener daily, & a laxative. Be careful not to use laxatives all the time as then the body gets too used to them.
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Why is your father taking such powerful opiates? Does he have a medical condition that warrants it? What Shane says is true. These drugs do cause constipation and that can result in cramping and pain. But, before I started him on a regimen of laxatives and such, I’d definitely check with his doctor. In the elderly, it’s a delicate balance and if he is constipated, his doctor can advise on what to give him and how much.

The doctor should also be told that you believe Dad is addicted to the painkillers. The side effects from these can add to his confusion and anxiety. Also, mention to his doctor and your mother that it’s coming time that Mom may benefit from some help at home.
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I don't understand how somebody who has no discernible pathology - and there's no obvious reason listed on your profile either - is prescribed 'very powerful opiates.' It's hard enough to get a prescription for powerful opiates for patients who DO need them. So how come? And how long has he been taking them? And with what medical justification?

As someone who used - touch wood and thank God no longer - to suffer from IBS, or "spastic colon" as it was called in those days, I can testify that something as basic and boring as wind can be excruciatingly, cripplingly painful. So please don't think I don't sympathise with your father, but I would rule out simple causes and possible treatments before you try anything drastic.

E.g., and this worked like a charm for me but of course ALWAYS check with your doctor, there's a peppermint oil preparation branded 'Colpermin' over here, which is taken in capsule form and is released past the stomach in the gut.

It is also quite true as already stated that opiates do the digestive tract a power of no good, so that your father may have got into a vicious circle of having his gut shut down, experiencing pain, and then taking more codeine or whatever to treat the pain; and round and round you go. What are his doctors recommending?
Helpful Answer (3)
MommyJo Aug 2019
Thank you kindly. This is True
I would try a daily probiotic and a nightly magnesium supplement if this is from his gut drying out from opiates.

I would be very careful using laxatives because they can cause a dependency that is terrible on the colon.

If your dad has been taking opiates for chronic pain he does have a physical dependency, however, that is vastly different than being addicted to them. Please talk to the prescribing doctor to understand the difference and why he is taking this medication.
Helpful Answer (2)
MommyJo Aug 2019
Thank you kindly. This is a good idea
Thank you all for your suggestions and insight
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Opirates are notorious for causing constipation, perhaps this, or a small blockage could be causing his pain? There is a natural herbal treatment (not a laxative) that can be found at any vitamin store or online. It worked WONDERFULLY (& gently) on my mom, it is called Cascara Sagrada. After taking it regularly for a year or so, she no longer had any more problems.

No matter what you try, be sure to discuss with his Doctor who knows his individual troubles and needs.
Helpful Answer (1)
MommyJo Aug 2019
Thank you kindly for your message. I shall try
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