
I have emotional outbursts that scares people. I am now in court facing possible jail time. I am 78 and hate the world. My wife has kicked me out and I am facing possible jail time for bad mouthing people.

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court update: I was found not guilty. my public defender did a good job. The deputy and witnesses had conflicting testimony. the lady judge was sympathetic.
What a great relief. thank all for the support.
Helpful Answer (8)
AnnReid Jan 2021
Please follow up with VA. YOU’RE WORTH IT.
jmczzz - I really hope that when you go in front of a judge and explain to him/her that you are sincerely looking to get help for your outbursts, the judge will try to get you help for you mental health, and not give you jail time.
Helpful Answer (4)
jmczzz Jan 2021
i went to the VA counselor and he said there was nothing wrong with me?
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If everyone went to jail for badmouthing people or angry outbursts...the whole world would be in jail! Go for a walk when you feel yourself getting mad 😡..ask your dr for some Valium..Hugs 🤗
Helpful Answer (4)

I was going to ask if you had been checked for a UTI, but it looks like this has been going on for more than a year. Have you asked your doctor if there could be a physical reason contributing to your difficulty? Can they give you a list of your diagnosed conditions and required medications in case you need it?

What can you do before Monday?
- If you have a hearing aid that you don't like to use, put a fresh battery in it and practice with it. Wear it for court. (A common issue here.)
- Read a book (or at least the three most relevant chapters) on anger management.
- Reflect on the kinds of situations where you experience the issue. Can you avoid similar locations, types of people, inhibition relaxing substances, or emotionally charged situations?
- Learn techniques to divert your impulse to have an outburst before it escalates. Affirmation statement? EFT tapping? Something from the book?

Keep pursuing psychological help. Maybe medication can work. I'm not impressed with a counselor that would say that to someone who already has marital and legal problems from the issue.

Your age places you at higher risk from Covid. Maybe that will make the judge more interested in alternatives to jail?
Helpful Answer (3)
Frebrowser Jan 2021
I forgot to suggest that you look for help from NAMI or maybe veteran specific organizations near you.

Not near you but maybe you can find something similar.
Go to your local library, and ask what they have for senior citizens... Maybe there are books, programs , or social events,that may help you... books on tape,,, You don't have to like the whole world.... just a little bit of it... and start at the library... It's usually quiet.... Talk with someone... If you have a CD player or MP3 player, or, they may have something you can rent. Someone there will help you navigate the library.... An show you how to access on line in your own home... :)

drink green macha tea with a squirt of lemon.. breathe... apologize to your wife. dont care what the issue was or who started it..... apologize... that is a really hard thing for some to do.....

YOu can think it, but you don't have to say it out loud... Just smile, and say to your self :;; "unbelievable" and "forgive me" and turn away... smile...
As a friend told me, you do not have to accept every invitation you are invited to, and that includes arguments... kind hard to have an argument if you walk away....

and start walking 5 minutes a day... yes, just 5... work your way up...
Helpful Answer (3)
Frebrowser Jan 2021
Libraries are great!
ask for another counselor...
Helpful Answer (2)

Sorry but I think you need more than the library right now. I'm with JoAnn; you need to hurry up & make an appointment with a Neurologist or at least your Primary Care Doctor for a battery of tests to see WHAT is going on with you that you 'hate the world', your wife has kicked you out and you're having emotional outbursts to the degree that you're facing possible JAIL time now. Obviously something has gone haywire inside of your body, and you can have anything from a brain tumor to 100 other medical conditions that you are not qualified to diagnose yourself from a self-help book.

Make the phone call TODAY and that's the first step to asking for the help you need, my friend.

Best of luck
Helpful Answer (2)

thank you all for your concern enough to write a reply. I am a Vet and was treated for PTSD 30+ years ago. it seems to me the suppressed terror is reemerging hooked to any thing perceived as a threat. I did discuss this with my primary Fnp. I also am doing the V A on line anger mang. course AIM that was suggested. i have worked on i d ing my triggers and have come up with the sensations of a threat. even just reading screenname's rather smug post got a rise to about a 6.
I also realize now this is not a forum for patients but for caregivers. i apologize for interrupting your discussions. Just to have a place to ask gave me relief when i posted my how to question. Thank you all for your kindness.
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2021
No need for an apology. You are reaching out. I commend you for that.

Keep being proactive in your care. Your life matters.

Take care and keep us posted. We care.
Jmczz; thank you for your service, sir.

Please stay and let us know how you are getting on.

We care.
Helpful Answer (2)

You were in service during the Vietnam era, right?

So it is fair to consider the possibility that whether or not you had good treatment for your PTSD in the past, you may very well benefit from a fresh course of services, including diagnosis and medication and counseling.

You can benefit from some compassionate supervision. If you have access to a computer, find out the contact info for your local VA CRISIS CENTER, then contact them. RIGHT NOW. You are entitled to help. You PAID for the help you need. Connect with the VA TODAY.
Helpful Answer (2)
jmczzz Jan 2021
yes nam, i am also deaf from gunfire, large and small. the VA got me some hearing aids. They are making me an apointment to come in to the regional VA center, and I may get some disability $. I also was contacted by the DAV they are helping me with my claim forms etc. I struggled with addiction for a while but now have been clean 30+ years. thank you, jmczzz
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