
I gave up my career at 57 to take care of my Mom full time. She passed 4 years ago. I live with dad in our family home and he is very independent drives shops cooks for himself yard work etc. He totally pushes me away from doing anything in the house. He interferes into me decluttering or organizing anything - has taken over the kitchen to the point where I don’t cook or buy much for myself as my things are just in his way. It was never like this when mom was living we cooked cleaned and enjoyed each other’s company. MY DAD DOESNT EVEN Speak TO ME only to tell me to take one piece of paper towel or close the window or to complain about the heating or electric bill. I leave every day and have joined moving on groups, go out with friends, studying for my paralegal and don’t come back till mid evening.

Why is he doing this to me? I want to enjoy and make my home my own but he wants no improvements made. I am at wits end and feel I can’t be myself or even have women friends over because he complains about everyone. Constantly watches what I’m doing - I can’t even do girly things like put away my jewelry, makeup or organize my closets because he complains about those things. I am just 😞 sad. Please I ask why is he doing this to me and doesn’t he realize that I don’t stay at home because I can’t stand living with his nastiness. He cooks and eats for himself but never asks if I want anything. He could care less whether I’ve eaten or not. I’m 62 and feel like I can’t be myself because of him.

The past 18 months have been brutal with brothers highly contested divorce and I have been a supportive sister which my brother tells me he truly appreciates. Still no judgement from the court after trial last August. We were all involved including dad giving testimony as brothers soon to be ex wants part of our house and assets too. We both testified on brothers behalf saying that no way should she be entitled as I was caregiver to Mom and none of our assets were part of brother’s marital estate. Judge said our assets were off the table. But she is still asking for everything in her proposed judgement.

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Is this home the home your parents shared? If so, could be that Dad sees you as a child living in his home, touching his things. Or doesn't want you changing anything as it was when your Mom was living.
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Yes, and I have lived here with them as I am single since 1991. We moved here all together from our original family home buying this home myself along with my Mom.
Yes probably doesn’t want anyone touching his things but he doesn’t allow me to do the everyday things I would like to do for myself - cook - clean - enjoy my home so I just grab whatever I can and take a lunch with me. And then when I come home I have to wait until he leaves the kitchen and goes and watches tv before I can scrounge up something quick and easy for myself.
Helpful Answer (1)
Tothill Jan 2019
Still trying to pull out the details.

The house was bought by you and your mother in 1991.

Who inherited Mum's share? Did it go to you, your brother or Dad on Mum's death?

Regardless, you own at least 50% of the house?

How does he 'not allow you' to do things?

How on earth can he prevent you from cleaning your closet or sort your personal possessions?

Why are you not putting your foot down and telling Dad, I own 1/2 of the house and I have the right to have friends over without your interfering?

What would happen if you tell Dad, Next Saturday Sue and Betty are coming over for lunch at 12:30. I will be tidying the kitchen and living room in the morning before they arrive and making lunch for the three of us. I am happy to set aside some sandwiches and a slice of cake for your lunch. You do not ask, it is your home too. You tell him your plans.

Warn Betty and Sue ahead of time that he may get nasty, but you are going to handle it. If he does get nasty when they are there, call Dad out on it. Tell him he never would have treated Mum's friends like that. Often people will put on their best face in front of strangers though.
I’m sorry you’re living in such an unhappy situation. The truth for all of us is that the only person we control is ourselves. You can’t change your dad or what he’s like, but you can change yourself. If living there is too miserable it’s time for a new plan. Time for a family meeting including dad and brother, tell them what you’ve said here, and that you can’t continue in this. Come up with a living plan that will work remembering dad isn’t going to change, except to get worse
Helpful Answer (5)

It sounds like his grief is manifesting into anger/control/depression. I suspect he’s facing his own mortality since losing his wife - scary stuff at his age. I’m going through similar issues with my Dad who moved in with me after my Mom died. We were always so close but lately, we barely speak. Makes home life trying at best - I’ve started working late to avoid going home. My only option is to call the one brother Dad listens to who will then drive down and have a chat / that usually helps for a while. Is there a family member your Dad responds to??
Helpful Answer (3)

Did dad have any say in your moving in? Not everyone wants a roomate.

Can he buy you out? Have you offered that as an option?
Helpful Answer (5)

I think you need to hash this out with your father. Since he isn't interested in talking you may need to have a third party involved; a religious leader, older family member or friend, or perhaps even a hired mediator. You need to hear what has him so hostile, and he needs to understand that you need to be able to have peace in your own home, from there you will have a better idea of how to plan your other options.
Helpful Answer (4)

Been right where you are. First, let me tell you that I am very sorry for you having to live this way. Secondly, let me also say that I am sorry for what I am about to say!

I'll start by telling you a little about my experience just to give you a reference.

Two years ago, I and my BF of 15 yrs moved in with my mother who invited us to come and live with her. The house is my childhood home and I have moved in and out for years with no problems. But this time was different my dad had passed away in 2014. After my BF and I moved in my nightmare started! She would not let us do or touch anything. The house was clutter and just down right a mess. She wouldn't even give us that much space in the fridge, and as far as using the kitchen that was a no go! So, we had to eat out everyday. All my mother did was complain about everything we did or didn't do. It got so bad that the minute she would say, "I don't mean to but..." I would say, "NOW what did we do?" Yes, people can say it is her house and it is her rules; however, she wanted us to help pay half of the bills (which I had no problem with) and do outdoor maintenance at our expense. She would never just talk to me in less, it was to tell me what or what not to do, or some cutting remark! No, she was never like this when my dad was alive! This went on for a few months than I had enough!! I am a firm believer that we teach people how to treat us. I didn't know if this was dementia or if she felt that now she was free to treat me anyway she wanted because my dad wasn't here to stop her or what! All I did know is that I could not and would not live this way anymore. So, I just told her "look I am spending so much money to eat out because "you have to have control over the fridge and kitchen," and "you want us to pay half the bills and expect us to fix up the yard and what not," but "you won't let us have any space!" "How is that fair?" She didn't answer me. She went to her room and slam the door. I started coming up with a plan to move out right after that winter. Things now are way better. She gave up on trying to control everything! That was one of the hardest years of my life!

This is the part you may not like! After thinking and talking to a psychologist it came to me that this behavior that my mother was having wasn't dementia, because there was in someways just to much thinking involve. It was her power hungry ego at work! Nothing more and nothing less! I have no idea what made her think I would put up with this because I am and always been the type of person who will not let anyone treat me like crap.

Is it possible that dad now feels he has control and wants you to know he is in charge? If dad did not have much say in what was happening in the home while mom was a live than maybe now he feels it is his turn to be in control. Unfortunately, there are people that you give an inch and they will take a mile. Now, I don't know if this is true or not for you, but it is just another way to see the situation. He may not be able to see what he is doing will have very bad long-term effects on your relationship.

You have the right 'a human right' to have a safe, warm, and comfortable home. So if I may suggest here are two things to do! One, talk to your dad. Spell it out to him. Example, dad I can not live this way any longer. I have to have xyz. I need xyz. And tell him what will happen if you can't have these things. Now, whatever happens you have to be prepare for the out come, which brings me to point two. Come up with a plan on how you can move out! Hope it doesn't come to this. But it could! Never make a threat that you can't back up! You will have to tell dad if these changes won't happen than I will be force to do abc.

I am sorry that you are in this difficult situation. Sorry for this being so long!

Sending you much needed hugs!
Helpful Answer (5)
Chiswicky Jan 2019
Thank you for reply - so much is on point. Yes when mom was living she would never let him act like this toward me - she would put him in his place. Now he tells me your not the boss of this place yet. Mom and Dad did estate planning when she was ill to protect against nursing home just in case it came to that but it didn’t. She took name off house and left it to my brother dad and I. After mom passed dad did a life estate legitimately through an estate planning attorney and my brother agreed that I deserved to be the remainderman since I gave my career up and took care of my Mom. He had his own home and wanted me to have my own. His wife found out he took his name off (he never contributed to buying this house or used marital assets to repair or anything) and that is why she fought in court to get a share of it and even had it appraised through the court because she thinks he was trying to hide an inheritance and even saying she wants part of my dads bank accounts after he passed because my brother’s name was on there just in case my dad was not able to get to bank. What a narcisstic person! Still waiting for divorce judgment for my brother. We my dad and I both testified in court regarding the estate planning.
Anyway I think your right. I’m going to wait till I finish my studies end of February since I do go out to the library and then start living the way I want. I will not let him control me anymore🤣.
If they were married and he is your biological father, it wasn't you and mom purchasing the house, it was your parents and you. Like it or not that's how it works. You and mom may have picked it out but I guarantee that his money was involved, unless he has never worked and only lived off your mom.

Does he pay for everything or do you split the bills? You don't say you work, so if he is covering all the expenses he feels like he is financially supporting you and that causes the parent child dynamic to be strong.
Helpful Answer (3)
Chiswicky Jan 2019
No it is a fact that only my mom contributed to this home along with myself. My moms dad was killed by an automobile helping his sister who was visiting cross the street in front of their home the same day my mom and dad made their marriage intentions. She got a small settlement back in the day when insurance didn’t pay that much and invested it for 30 years. My Dad told me he never knew how much it was nor did he ask her. Bank interest rates were good back then and the money grew. It grew and with the amount I saved from working we bought the house in 1991. I was 36 and Mom was 70. We had planned on moving off of that busy street for years but never found anything we liked until then. My Dad worked for the federal government and supported the family also but he definitely did not contribute to the payment of the house. All proven in court through evidence of documents submitted by us to brother’s wife’s attorney because of my brother’s divorce and his wife falsely claiming that my brother owned property that he didn’t tell her about. No I don’t work but split the bills with him through my savings. I worked a full career as a business education teacher part-time and administrative work in various corporations along with medical secretarial work. I do plan on returning to work in the spring after completing my paralegal studies which I am currently enrolled in.
You can't necessarily stop him from being controlling, but you can stop yourself from being controlled. The emphasis here is on you and your responses to his controlling behaviour.

Sounds like the tension between you two is pretty bad. I wonder if he is showing early dementia. In any case you do need to sit down with him and probably a thirds person and find some solutions..

"he doesn’t allow me to do the everyday things I would like to do for myself - cook - clean - enjoy my home" How does he not allow you? Does he get angry?Does she get physical? Some people used anger as a tool to get their way. It is bullying.

You say  "I can’t even do girly things like put away my jewelry, makeup or organize my closets" because he complains about those things. Let him complain, Go ahead and do what you want to. You are both adults sharing a home and you have every right to enjoy your home.
Helpful Answer (8)
Shell38314 Jan 2019
I so agree!
See 1 more reply
move out
Helpful Answer (3)
cwillie Jan 2019
Tho OP is a co-owner of the home so moving isn't that simple.
I read your post earlier and didn’t notice the part about your brothers divorce.
Did you amend your original question? Maybe I just overlooked it.

Does your brother also have an interest in the home? Did mom have a will?
In some states, if there is no will, then mom’s estate doesn’t automatically go to her spouse. Perhaps this is where brothers ex is coming from. Wanting part of her ex’s inheritance??

So it sounds like when mom was living there were five of you living in the home at one time. Is that how it was?

Do you ever watch tv with your dad? Does brother visit? Does he have friends amongst the neighbors?
You know for a 94 yr old he’s doing amazing by your description. Many on here would be happy to be caring for their dad by going out to classes and friends every day.

Was dad basically on his own when you were tending mom? Did he participate? Has your life perhaps changed while his has basically stayed the same?

I would risk his anger to a degree and get things straightened up in my bedroom to begin with.

Then slowly start taking a layer away.
For instance if there are papers lying about, tidy those. If his clothing is here and there, straighten them.

Dust all the furniture even if you put the same things back down. Don’t make a show of it. Do it when he’s turned in. Go slow with a focus on things being clean and tidy.

No purging unless it’s obvious trash. You don’t want him to feel threatened.

Straighten the cushions on the sofa. Tidy the things around his chair. Make him feel cared for. If doing that would cause him to go ballistic I think you are probably looking at a bit of dementia. Of course that progresses.

Talk to your brother and see if he has insight on the situation.

Please come back and fill in some of the blanks. We want to help you figure this out.
Helpful Answer (2)
Chiswicky Jan 2019
No it is a fact that only my mom contributed to this home along with myself. My moms dad was killed by an automobile helping his sister who was visiting cross the street in front of their home the same day my mom and dad made their marriage intentions. She got a small settlement back in the day when insurance didn’t pay that much and invested it for 30 years. My Dad told me he never knew how much it was nor did he ask her. Bank interest rates were good back then and the money grew. It grew and with the amount I saved from working we bought the house in 1991. I was 36 and Mom was 70. We had planned on moving off of that busy street for years but never found anything we liked until then. My Dad worked for the federal government and supported the family also but he definitely did not contribute to the payment of the house. All proven in court through evidence of documents submitted by us to brother’s wife’s attorney because of my brother’s divorce and his wife falsely claiming that my brother owned property that he didn’t tell her about. No I don’t work but split the bills with him through my savings. I worked a full career as a business education teacher part-time and administrative work in various corporations along with medical secretarial work. I do plan on returning to work in the spring after completing my paralegal studies which I am currently enrolled in. Mom had no will but had gifted money to my brother, his wife and myself per attorney to downsize and protect from nursing home just in case it was ever needed. Four of us lived her before brother was married.
Yes I make it a point to go down to family room when I get home and tell dad about my day and enjoy tv with him. If he is in a good mood he listens and enjoys hearing all the funny things that went on at the library or with friends etc. and yes I do do things as far as house tidying when he’s sleeping in in the am.
I also have an organizing lady come and help me once a month and I have donated and decluttered quite a bit with her.
Please make clear who owns the house.

Were you and Mom the only people on the deed? If so how was the house handled in Moms will? You have half, Dad has half? You have half and brother and Dad have half? You have half and brother has half.
I am asking because it does matter who now owns the house to how you handle Dad.

I think Dad needs to be evaluated. If you both own the house, then he needs to realize you are entitled to enjoy it to.
Helpful Answer (0)
Chiswicky Jan 2019
Mom had no will. She had no assets - small social security and that went to her medical expenses. Dad and her combined their assets. My Dad and I own the house now. He did a life estate for himself after mom passed through our family attorney and I am the remainderman. Brother had his name removed prior to the divorce ever being filed because he felt I deserved the house because I gave up my career to be caregiver to my Mom. Brother has his own home.
If it's some years since your mother passed away, and you've been living alone with your father for four years, what has changed recently that has you posting about it now?

Do you think the change is in him, in the family's stress over the divorce, has he been like this ever since he was widowed or have you only lately felt he's trying to push you out?

He certainly seems very anxious and perhaps a bit suspicious or defensive, more than you'd expect in a gentleman managing on his own - common or garden variety fathers are usually only too happy to be waited on.

I think the key word is "changed." What's changed?
Helpful Answer (3)

Your mother left the house to you, your father and your brother.
Your brother has given you his share in the house.
Your brother is now telling the divorce court that he doesn't have any property.

Do you think that anxiety and uncertainty about this ongoing dispute is part of what is making your father behave as he is doing? Is he afraid of losing his home?

Being involved in any kind of legal dispute is incredibly stressful, all the more so when you're not one of the principle parties to it but you may be directly affected by the outcome. Are the three of you talking to each other about this?
Helpful Answer (1)
Chiswicky Jan 2019
The judge told the lawyers in private conference after first day of trial that our assets are off the table and brother’s lawyer says our assets are safe. But of course his wife is still asking on her proposed judgment. Yes we have talked extensively. I don’t talk to my Dad about it as he says it’s up to the judge and she did say our assets are off the table. But there is that anxiety of the unknown as there is no decision yet. My brother has been renting a co-workers in law apartment and cannot stay at his home. His wife seems to have gone on an extended leave as she had not been there for last 2 weeks. We are thinking she went to Florida for the rest of the winter. Her son is there with her ex from her first marriage and some friends.
But Chiswicky there's the thing: *your* assets, your Dad's assets, are safe. But your mother willed part of her share of the house to your brother: that amount of the value of the house is his asset, and his handing it to you out of the goodness of his heart don't make it any less so.

How much money are we talking about?
Helpful Answer (1)
cwillie Jan 2019
I think the OP said that brother's name was removed from the deed when the estate was settled, therefore he isn't a part owner and apparently the court agrees.
See 2 more replies
Thanks for coming back and giving us more information. I’m not following all that you said about the court case but let’s say the worst thing that can happen is that brothers portion... Let’s see what would that be. Mother had half. Mother had no will. If your state required half of her half to go to dad and her other half to be halved by you and brother and brothers wife wanted half of his portion then perhaps the worse thing that could happen is that a judgment could be placed on that 6.25% of the property for SIL?
I don’t know but my point is ask the lawyer what is the worst damage you could expect and then see if that can be reduced in significance to dad and of course to you. Maybe you already know that?
You ARE making progress. Things sound a little better than your first post.
I’m really sorry SIL turned out to be such a problem. Poor brother.
CM asked a great question on what has changed recently if this is new behavior for dad.
Otherwise just keep doing what you are doing, small steps and you will get there.
I’m facing a similar situation with my aunt where I need to make major repairs to her home. She will not want a thing to change. So I do things under the umbrella of necessity. Another thing I tell her is “you know, I have to make these repairs while I am able to. If I don’t I’ll be too old and you will have to trust (someone I know she doesn’t trust) to help.” She always enjoys improvements after they are made.
But I don’t live there. I’m just saying old people don’t like the idea of change.
Have a talk with dad when you are enjoying each other’s company. Tell him you would like to have more of a family life with him and brother. Ask to cook a meal together. Have brother come in with a bag of groceries and the two of you go in the kitchen and take over and make a meal. Do this on a regular basis. Once a week or whatever seems right. If dad keeps being resistant and you are unhappy you may have to consider selling the home or buying dad and SIL out ( if that becomes a thing).
I am sympathetic to dad but as said, none of us are getting any younger. Having a happy home is important. Keep us posted.
And remember old guys get UTIs too and it could be he isn’t well. Blood work and a pee test might be in order.
Helpful Answer (0)
Chiswicky Jan 2019
Thanks! Good info. Here is more of mine
Yes the estate isettled. My brother’s attorney head me testify that my mom had no will and Dad and her had joint bank accounts and that since I took care of momand now him he testified as a veteran and cancer survivor he wanted me to be the remainder person for his estate. The woman judge thanked him for his service and testimony.
My brother’s wife went so far as to take my brother’s name off of their joint bank account and not put his name back on till he did a joint will with her and then complained he wasn’t leaving enough money to her son! The will was never completed as my brother testified that the lawyer was incompetent and also said no one does joint wills in this day and age! Who does that? It’s blackmail. This woman never contributed financially to their marriage. Brother bought house before marriage - built her a swimming pool deck three season porch updated the kitchen took her to resort vacations every year, let her go to Florida for two winters - she woke up hysterically demanding he offer full price for a condo they were bidding on. Put her son through two colleges which he dropped out of and then her son was kicked out of bootcamp after he signed on. She has substantial assets more than my Dad and I and it is despicable what she is doing. Judge told her in court after she said on the stand that she wanted my brother’s Corvette. A woman judge who is assigned to their case and was hearing the trial said to her “I know your angry but I am not transferring any of your husbands assets to you. That’s my decision so do not ask again! Brother’s wife walked out of court room during his testimony about how her son caused a lot of friction in the marriage with fourteen girlfriends one of whom was living in a tent in the woods in back of the house. His wife went and spent 25k of marital money on household goods at Macy’s after being served divorce papers which is all still sitting in the shed in the original boxes. and 3k on medical marijuana! All was revealed in court and on financials. She had smoked marijuana that she got in the Domenican while ion vacation and when getting on the plane she was detained because the machine that runs your hands through for drugs detected cocaine in her fingertips. Het marijuana had gotten mixed in with cocaine in the Domenican. Brother never smoked a cigarette or pot in his life! Has a high level security clearance for his government contractor job and would not risk losing his job. Police came on plane with guns drawn before takeoff and demanded their passports and had to detain plane so they could go into luggage cargo and get out their luggage to search before they let get back on plane. She blamed it in court on my brother that he forced her into the wrong line at security! She is a risk to travel with. She invited me one of the winters to come to Florida for vacation and then confronted me after my brother had left earlier to rerun to work telling me that my brother was hiding money from her. He paid for her to stay there for two full winters! and wined and dined her when he went to visit - he had to stay up north to work.
She is a bona fife narcissist and emotional abuser seeing herself as a victim. Even her lawyer had threatened to fire her earlier on in the divorce because she was demanding so much.
I think we need to get back on topic. She is asking what to do about Dad. Maybe its the house, maybe not.

Maybe not having him involved in the house at all would help. At 94 this all could be just too overwhelming. If he asks about what is going on, tell him not to worry your brother is handling it all. Maybe brother could sit down with Dad or someone who Dad trust and ask him why he is acting like he is towards you. Maybe there is some dementia there. Once you find out the reason, then you can go from there. Maybe he has been mad at you and Mom for selling the old place and buying another one. Sounds like Mom may have been the stronger personality so he just let it go. Now she is gone he is taking it out on you. Wil, he talk to a minister?

Hopefully you can find out the why. Then you can set boundries. Dad this is my house too. If you have to, split everything down the middle. The cabinets and frig, half yours half his. I won't touch yours, u don't touch mine. Your bedroom is off limits as is his to you. My daughter put a lock on hers to help keep her nephew out when he was little. You have a right to do the same thing. Like said earlier, don't ask tell. I am having some friends over.
Helpful Answer (0)

She also says: "Mom and Dad did estate planning when she was ill to protect against nursing home just in case it came to that but it didn’t. She took name off house and left it to my brother dad and I. "

Perhaps vagueness is one of the reasons the whole ordeal is so long drawn out.

Whatever has happened, though, the divorce issues should be the brother's problem but seem to be wrecking the father's peace of mind, or at least not helping. That's why I wondered if the three of them are talking about this.
Helpful Answer (1)

Yes the estate isettled. My brother’s attorney head me testify that my mom had no will and Dad and her had joint bank accounts and that since I took care of momand now him he testified as a veteran and cancer survivor he wanted me to be the remainder person for his estate. The woman judge thanked him for his service and testimony.
My brother’s wife went so far as to take my brother’s name off of their joint bank account and not put his name back on till he did a joint will with her and then complained he wasn’t leaving enough money to her son! The will was never completed as my brother testified that the lawyer was incompetent and also said no one does joint wills in this day and age! Who does that? It’s blackmail. This woman never contributed financially to their marriage. Brother bought house before marriage - built her a swimming pool deck three season porch updated the kitchen took her to resort vacations every year, let her go to Florida for two winters - she woke up hysterically demanding he offer full price for a condo they were bidding on. Put her son through two colleges which he dropped out of and then her son was kicked out of bootcamp after he signed on. She has substantial assets more than my Dad and I and it is despicable what she is doing. Judge told her in court after she said on the stand that she wanted my brother’s Corvette. A woman judge who is assigned to their case and was hearing the trial said to her “I know your angry but I am not transferring any of your husbands assets to you. That’s my decision so do not ask again! Brother’s wife walked out of court room during his testimony about how her son caused a lot of friction in the marriage with fourteen girlfriends one of whom was living in a tent in the woods in back of the house. His wife went and spent 25k of marital money on household goods at Macy’s after being served divorce papers which is all still sitting in the shed in the original boxes. and 3k on medical marijuana! All was revealed in court and on financials. She had smoked marijuana that she got in the Domenican while ion vacation and when getting on the plane she was detained because the machine that runs your hands through for drugs detected cocaine in her fingertips. Het marijuana had gotten mixed in with cocaine in the Domenican. Brother never smoked a cigarette or pot in his life! Has a high level security clearance for his government contractor job and would not risk losing his job. Police came on plane with guns drawn before takeoff and demanded their passports and had to detain plane so they could go into luggage cargo and get out their luggage to search before they let get back on plane. She blamed it in court on my brother that he forced her into the wrong line at security! She is a risk to travel with. She invited me one of the winters to come to Florida for vacation and then confronted me after my brother had left earlier to rerun to work telling me that my brother was hiding money from her. He paid for her to stay there for two full winters! and wined and dined her when he went to visit - he had to stay up north to work.
She is a bona fife narcissist and emotional abuser seeing herself as a victim. Even her lawyer had threatened to fire her earlier on in the divorce because she was demanding so much.

Also Dad has since now done a will drawn up by my brother’s divorce attorney recommendation leaving me his assets and home Also I have power of attorney also. Brother myself and Dad felt this was the right thing to do to protect ourselves .
Helpful Answer (0)

I hope I won't be sorry I asked, and yes it is time we got back on topic, but all the same - how long was your brother married to this lady? I assume the son in question was hers by a previous marriage/relationship, and not his child.
Helpful Answer (0)
Chiswicky Jan 2019
20 years. Yes her son was 6 years old and from a previous marriage. He never adopted him but did all the activities if baseball, karate helping with homework as if he was his own son.
Thanks all after I complete school in four weeks I will be in a better situation to start back to a regular routine at home. Blessings to all!
Helpful Answer (0)

20 year marriage. And did you always feel so warmly towards her?

The trouble with bitter divorces is that people get caught in the crossfire, not even counting damage to the couple themselves.

Do you think this, coming just two years into his widowhood, might have something to do with how your father is behaving now; and do you and your father and your brother talk together about what's going on?

I think each half of a couple does expect his or her own family to "be on his side," generally, and I'm sure your brother does appreciate your support. Is it possible your father finds it harder going than you do, perhaps?
Helpful Answer (1)
Chiswicky Jan 2019
She never came to house to meet my mom until thirteen years into the marriage. Mom suspected red flags when my brother intended to marry her. Her being previously married with a child and all. We never went to wedding mom and I. Dad attended and visited them every single Saturday while he did errands in the area. My Mom reached out to my brother continually and finally convinced him to bring wife over to meet us. Likewise we were then invited there. Brother realized as he got older how mom felt and I always was kind to my sister in law lavishing her with gifts at Christmas and also my brother. After mom passed we spent Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas dinner there. I never showed resentment to her in any way andwe also celebrated my 60th birthday per my wishes at a Hawaiian venue show and dinner with brother and her.

I think Dad shows a lot of personal guilt with what happened to their marriage and foregoing mom’s warning. I remember him telling mom that he would stop the marriage if my brother decided to marry but of course he never did. Dad was never the strong disciplinary compass in the family like Mom was even though my Dad is a very modest man - that’s why mom married him. His skills in parenting were lacking due to his family coming from the old country I guess. Now brother and I are closer than ever and he is comfortable telling me how he had endured throughout these years but especially how his wife changed when she quit her job. He attends divorce support group. Keeps up his ice fishing hobby on weekends with friends from divorce support and has met a lovely lady at work who he did some tree work for. She is divorced likewise from a bad situation and the both of them really enjoy each other’s company. She has rented out her in law apartment to him and she says he can stay there until divorce is over and he can get back in his house after he buys his wife out. He never moved out entirely and the judge knows that. He just can’t stay there as his wife constantly harassed and records him and takes pictures. She had 5000 pictures she wanted to show to court. Him sitting by pool etc just stupid things. New friend allows him to store wood, snowmobile and fishing equipment there. I have met her and she is like night and day compared to my brother’s wife. Same age as my brother. Both 54 and work for same company. Brother’s wife is 60. She even went ice fishing with him this past weekend and enjoyed it.
She never came to house to meet my mom until thirteen years into the marriage. She suspected red flags when my brother intended to marry her. Her being previously married with a child and all. We never went to wedding mom and I. Dad attended and visited them every single Saturday while he did errands in the area. My Mom reached out to my brother continually and finally convinced him to bring wife over to meet us. Likewise we were then invited there. Brother realized as he got older how mom felt and I always was kind to my sister in law lavishing her with gifts at Christmas and also my brother. After mom passed we spent Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas dinner there. I never showed resentment to her in any way andwe also celebrated my 60th birthday per my wishes at a Hawaiian venue show and dinner with brother and her.

I think Dad shows a lot of personal guilt with what happened to their marriage and foregoing mom’s warning. I remember him telling mom that he would stop the marriage if my brother decided to marry but of course he never did. Dad was never the strong disciplinary compass in the family like Mom was even though my Dad is a very modest man - that’s why mom married him. His skills in parenting were lacking due to his family coming from the old country I guess. Now brother and I are closer than ever and he is comfortable telling me how he had endured throughout these years but especially how his wife changed when she quit her job. He attends divorce support group. Keeps up his ice fishing hobby on weekends with friends from divorce support and has met a lovely lady at work who he did some tree work for. She is divorced likewise from a bad situation and the both of them really enjoy each other’s company. She has rented out her in law apartment to him and she says he can stay there until divorce is over and he can get back in his house after he buys his wife out. He never moved out entirely and the judge knows that. He just can’t stay there as his wife constantly harassed and records him and takes pictures. She had 5000 pictures she wanted to show to court. Him sitting by pool etc just stupid things. New friend allows him to store wood, snowmobile and fishing equipment there. I have met her and she is like night and day compared to my brother’s wife. Same age as my brother. Both 54 and work for same company. Brother’s wife is 60. She even went ice fishing with him this past weekend and enjoyed it.
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