
I have a 92 year old mother who has a UTI. How much liquid should she be drinking?

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As much as you can get her to. If she's not diabetic lots of folks recommend cranberry juice. My Mom has been through this numerous times. If she stays hydrated she does much better.
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Wait, if she has congestive heart failure or swollen legs or a tendency to retain fluids, please ask the MD how much to give her. Windyridge is right, cranberry juice is the best thing for a UTI, but you have to make sure it will leave the body, and not congest the patient.
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I agree, this is a question for the doctor. My Mom has one kidney that is working at half copasity. Because of this she is not given water pills. She drinks but doesn't drink 8 glasses a day. Her kidney wouldn't be able to process it.
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If she's healthy besides the UTI she can drink all she wants.
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Average urine output is 1500 ml per day. That's about a quart and a half. So you need to know if she is peeing out 1500 ml a day or if she tends to retain fluid. Weigh her daily to check this. When mom was on fluid restrictions, she was limited to one liter intake a day and LOW sodium foods. Her habit of going out to lunch and smothering her salad in tasty dressings was a big problem. If weight pops up more than 2 lbs in a day, that's not good.
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Cranberry juice! But not later in the day!
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If she's otherwise healthy, she should be able to drink whatever she wants to drink. Water is always best though. A UTI suggests that she hasn't been drinking enough water though. I have a 32oz jug that I fill up about 3 times a day with ice and water. Since I am diabetic and take medications, I want my kidneys clean and free so I drink quite a lot. Your body usually tells you whether you need water or not. Always ask her doctor what he thinks she should be drinking and get her a jug to keep with her full of cold or ice water. Cranberry juice is great for a UTI and you can buy AZO pills over the counter at the drug store in case there is some pain with the UTI. It's a great med but be careful with it because it stains clothing and won't come out! It stops most of the pain usually the first time you take it but I'm hoping she is also taking an antibiotic to get rid of the UTI. Juice alone will not get rid of the UTI. Is your mother in a NH or are you caring for her at home?
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If she does not like cranberry juice you can get cranberry pills. My mom takes them every day as she gets uti often. If you do get cranberry juice get the real thing not cranberry juice mix. A small glass a day should help. Pills are less expensive I've found. And as others have said if not other restrictions on fluids because of heart or swelling then try getting her to drink several glasses a day. Check with doc.
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Really important is to watch the salt intake... You don't need to add salt to almost anything, because food already has a lot of salt in it! This will help so you don"t get water retention... All the best!... And Happy Thanksgiving to my caregiver counterparts 🤓
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My mom didn't really care for water. I was happy if she drank a cup of tea ir coffee at breakfast, 1/2 to 3/4 cup of juicy juice, ensure with lunch and whatever she wanted for dinner, juice or soda. My mom really didn't drink much so i was happy with whatever i could get in her. No sodium, heart or kidney conditions. No uti's. I was fortunate. I gave up and stopped nagging about drinking, it was a battle i chose not to fight. Good luck
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The AZO tablets are OK, for the initial pain of a UTI, but patients shouldn't be on them any more than a three day stretch! Check with her Dr!
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Imop, elderly people should drink as much alcohol as they want, but none at all if they are on medications. Lol. Maybe a little wine.
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You know I don't care for water either, but I adjusted it to iced water! Delicious!
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Was thinking of the powdered drink, Orange Tang just today. Getting tired of just water, no carbonated drinks for me. Do they still sell this, I am wondering. A little sugar might help?
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Send: Hello???? That was a joke on the alcohol consumption, right,
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I meant "right? "
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For UTI, push fluids, add cranberry juice. How much? There is a formula and varying recommedations. Try not to make her unhappy and distressed over it.
We kept handing our guy freshly opened water bottles, as we opened one for us too, drink, drink. If we told him he should drink more water, he said, I will think about it.
For now, she should drink more than before the UTI, maybe that could be a factor adding to why she has a UTI.
We are having tea Mom, will you join us?
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Yea, Send, iced water makes it a totally different drink!
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Llamalover and icewaterlovertoo, yes, that was meant to be funny about the alcohol. Actually, anything with a sugar content, or causing a rise in blood sugar is contraindicated with a bladder infection.
Orange Tang has sugar, don't do it! Wait until after the UTI has cleared.
Do you use bottled or filtered water in your ice cubes?
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The human body actually needs equivalent to a half gallon of water each day. Breaking that down into glasses, that's eight glasses daily. Even if the person cannot drink plain water, there are flavoring drops that you can get to add to each glass of water to encourage non-water drinkers to drink more water
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There are online sites that discuss the calculations for water needs.
For example, one suggests taking 1/2 of your weight and the answer is how many ounces a person needs.
100 lbs. divided by 2= 50 oz. per day.= 6+ glasses of water / day (8 oz. glass).

Caregivers have discussed other factors to consider. I believe that when your body and mind's thirst sensor is broken, a formula of calculation can be a good guideline. Taking 1/2 -1tsp. of apple cider vinegar can assist a person to determine if they are hungry or just have stomach issues. Likewise, the same vinegar could assist with determining thirst. Who knows?
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Wake up. Take a full glass of water with one tablespoon lemon. Drink it down. See how you feel.
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Fondac, has your mother's UTI cleared, been tested? (2wks).
Now, are you prepared to treat the very common yeast infection/overgrowth caused by the antibiotics killing all the good bacteria?
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LOL, Send!
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