
Can my sister, cause any problems, if I give her information of what I am doing, Can she challenge my decisions of healthcare in any way. I have a Durable POA, where I have both Medical and Property POA. Can someone help me or talk with me about my situation. He has Alzheimer's mid to late stage 6, heading to stage 7 soon. My mom has it also, but she is mid to late stage 5 and can still live semi-independently with my and my sisters assistance. Help please

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This is downtown, My stepdad needs to be in a skilled care facility, he scores a 60 on the Barthel Index score. I want to do this, because you have to usually put on a list.
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if he has been found legally imcompetent than yes, if not than its going to be a hard road.....goodluck
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If you have durable POA for healthcare, you are the one named to make healthcare decisions when he can't. So make them. This includes putting him a place where he can receive the care he needs.

Unless you have something to hide, there's not a whole lot anyone can do unless the move isn't warranted. But if it is, and they don't have a better suggestion, then their objections aren't about his best interests but someone else's. And as POA, your task is to be an advocate and do what is best for HIM.
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Thank you Babalon1919, I truly needed someone to say this to me. Much appreciated. I have decided I am going to start the process, will include my sister in the journey, but in the end I am making a decision that I feel will help my mother in the end. Thank You again.
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Yes, I think you are helping them both by doing what is best for them to be cared for as they require.

I am POA, too, and while I do what I can to involve the out-of-state rest of the family, and also listen to their suggestions and even follow the good ones that apply, in the end, I am the one making the decisions and I am firm when I make them.

But I do a lot of 'dress rehearsals' in my head sometimes to ready for every argument with something that is rational and indisputable and if that doesn't help them see, then offer an alternative they will most surely decline (if you know what I mean!).

Good luck and I am glad I was able to help.
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Thank you Babalon1919 for the sound advice. My problem is my sister puts blinders on to the whole situation. She lives under if it isn't broke don't fix it theory. I believe you are asking for trouble thinking like this myself. She has never had to deal with the after a fall situations, or cleaning the bathroom after a dirty mess is made, so living with blinders suits her just fine. I think it is time to grow a set and take the bull by the horns, if she don't like it well tough. I am doing what I feel is for the best, I have procrastinated over this situation long enough. If we can get him the care he needs in a facility, then I truly feel we can give my mom a much better quality of life, by including her in more activities and letting her go with us when we go to WalMart or one of the other stores in the area. Not to scare her to death or anything like that, I always go very early when there are not a lot of other people at the stores, so it would be a good experience for her. I could bring her over to the house for lunch or dinner or to sit out in the yard, even be outside while I am mowing the yard, instead right now she must sit at the apt. and watch him drool and sleep all the time. Not much of a life if I must say so myself. Some may not agree with me, but it is time to _ _ _ _ or get off the pot!! Wish me luck and I will definitely be posting on here what is going on. Thank you one and all for your wonderful comments and advice, you all are a treasure and I am very, very thankful I found this site and all of you. Thank You very much!!!! Lots of hugs all around!!!!!
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Good LUCK , sounds like your going to need it!!
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You got that right royboy Lots and Lots of Luck
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