
My mom is 56 years old. She moved in my home with me and my family march of this year. She was living with her boyfriend and I don't really know why she moved out of his house he was taking care of her while she was out of work. for 5 years and he took care of everything and while she was in school and had no income helped her. But one day she side that she couldn't live with him any more and she moved in with me my husband and 5 children (4 mine) (1 his). May be 2 months or so after she things just got crazy. she was trying to tell me how to raise my children she was mean to my youngest son(step- son). In the summer I took a drive to see my sister in San Antonio tx we argued the way there when she got around my sister she treated my like shit and on the way back we argued. She has this kind of attitude that if you don't see things the way she see it then your wrong. she talks about my husband and get mad when I defined him. she talks about me to my kids. She has my house cluttered with lots of stuff that she don't use or need and when I ask here to move it she never dose its been there since she moved in. and worst of all she lies lies LIES!!!! she will say she said something that he never said or say she did something that she never did. I treat my step son as my own he don't really know that I not his real mother. and she told my kids that she don't like him because he is not her blood.... this really hurt me to my soul. She dose work and pay rent but she dost make enough to afford a place on her own and she takes care of her mother too. its been almost a year. and she has made no effort to find a place. I found a place that goes by income and the waiting list was two months and she never went to go fill out the pepper work. I told her she can get a place with her mother that way i would be easier to care for her. but she don't want to live with her with mother. last week we got into an argument about my step son and it was so bad that I told her if she didn't like how i ran my house she could go the next she told my children that she didn't have to come here she did it to help me. but I never asked her to move in she asked me.It just too much My kids are miserable to the point we do like being in our own house. I feel like she took advantage of me just to teach her boyfriend a lesson. I just need her gone so my family can be in peace ones again. cause I know at some point I going to just loose it and in the end I won't talk to her for years.

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Your mom doesn't sound to me like the type of person who will respond well to being asked to leave. I think you need to tell her, and very firmly, that it isn't working out to have her living with your family and she needs to find another place to live.
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Experience talking here....Look her in the eyes and say Mom it was a MISTAKE to move you in we have to find you a new place to live, and walk away, give her time to absorb what you said, and start looking for senior apartments ( 55 and over ) and get her on the waiting list TODAY. You will feel like a new woman because you will have HOPE again.
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I'm not sure what is causing the dysfunction with your mom. It could be a number of things or some long standing problem, but without knowing more, I would just move forward with getting her out of your house. You do what you have to do, within reason. I would be pleasant about it, but ensure that there's a date set she is moving out and that all things are set to go. I'm not sure that debating the matter with her would be helpful, unless you can find a family mediator to help guide you in some counseling.

I would encourage her to get a medical exam to see if she has some kind of physical ailment, mental illness or dementia. People can get ill at any stage of life. Maybe there is an explanation for her behavior. Until, I knew more, I might hold off on condemning her. It could be out of her control.
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You don't deserve this treatment. She doesn't want to live with her mother...tell her you don't want to live with yours either. Her treatment of you is completely unacceptable and abusive and you can make the decision to not allow her to abuse you and your family any more. If she won't move out, evict her. You have put up with way way more than you should have.
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