
During the day he won't sit for more than 5 min. Up and down. My sister and my mother are looking after him. He was hospitalized recently for a UTI and is much worse since returning home. Sometimes he is rather clear and other times not. Last weekend he spent two hours w/me in the yard doing gardening and even helped me a bit. Still didn't sleep at night. Yesterday the same thing. I played bingo with him for an hour and a half which just consisted of him turning the wheel while the numbers rolled out and then doing it all over again. My mom and sis aren't getting any sleep either. My mom is 82 and she cannot watch dad by herself. I work but am there as much as I can be.

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Wal-Mart has a product called MidNnite which my 85yr old Mom finds very helpful. It is a drug free (natural products) sleep aid and comes in tablet form that melts in your mouth. I use it on occasion too ;)
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Soft music might help...this is not an easy problem to address..I live alone, have no dementia, but wake up quite often and lie awake for an hour or so at times.....I just roll with it and thank God for past mercies.
Best wishes..
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There are a number of herbs that help with sleep. I give my mother rosemary potatoes for dinner. The rosemary makes her (and me if I eat it) sleep like a baby. My grandson ordered a rosemary chicken panini at one of the local bread companies. He was 15 at the time and he slept for more than 5 hours after he ate it. rosemary is the best sleep aid I have ever found.
It was suggested that I give Mother valerian and she woke up with vivid hallucinations. I won't do that again. The other thing I gave her is melatonin. It worked pretty well, but caused a sleep hang-over the next morning. Some people fall asleep more easily after drinking a cup of chamomile or cat nip tet.
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Sleep well sleep patterns are hard to change you may have to work with it he's at the end stage of his life so he wants to be awake as much as he can alone or withyou iI wwould suggest if possible a late night helper all the time or a few nights so he can get up and sit with him your mom dose not yet or may never have this sleep pattern I don't encourage sleep meds if he is not over tiered next day life is for living he also may have learned this pattern from stays at hospitals poke and ck all night noise you get no rest there you are both great
to be so good whit him it can be very hard to see a rock of a person become in need great job god bless you
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Mom can't read a clock. When she was in her home she would get fully dressed in the morning and then sit waiting for someone to pick her up foran appointment or an outing. Here, I don't tell her anything until we r getting ready to go or she hs a visitor. Otherwise, she is up all night. I also tell hershe is not to get out of bed if it is still dark out. I really think the sleeplessness should be discussed with a doctor. It could be his meds or anything. Make a list of the suggestions. Remember, herbs can effect meds.
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Discuss this with his Dr.. I would address his anxiety issue with Dr first.. Medication will help his restlessness...Make sure his uti is gone.. Good luck..
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JoAnn, I have the same problem with my mother. She gets up before daylight and gets ready to go if we have any appointment, even if it's late in the afternoon. She also gets in her head that we are going somewhere even if we're not and does the same thing. Melatonin keeps her sleeping longer usually, problem is a terrible sleep hangover for her.
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Be sure the UTI is cleared. I recently researched this for a neighbor who was also hospitalized for treatment of UTI. This was after writing to the doctor about the fact that the elderly do not have the common symptoms of UTI. They refused to do a urinalysis because he did not have a fever. Of course, this just did not seem right, even to a non-medical lay person. He had the same sleep problems, anxiety, agitation etc. You can research "bedtime sleep rituals", but many get up at night for many reasons.
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My geriatrician said Benadryl is not good for the elderly, I would definitely ask the doctor before using that. Routine is what worked for us. We too had to keep low lights on. I use a very small lamp and place it on the floor. Use a noise machine and played soft music (no word) all night long. We did have to add a small dosage of seroquel in the last few years. My sister and I took turns spending the night with my mom so my dad had a good night and was able to handle more of the day. Good luck, being exhausted stinks!
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Can he take ativan? It has been very helpful to calm down my 85 yr old Mother so we can both get some rest at night.Oh,and I rub her back.
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