
When my mom first started telling me she wanted to move by me my first push back was "but what about your friends, what will you do without them?" and her response was always to brush off my concerns and heavily imply she would make new friends. We never had an appropriate and necessary conversation about it. Just another mistake on my part. Partly in my defense is my mom has lived alone for 20+ years and was very social with her handful of friends. At the time I didn't know about the dementia and other issues. I overlooked important issues because I was in the FOG.

So now here we are and she has no friends and depends on me and my husband for 100% of her social activity. My attempts to introduce her to people (close to her age in our building) went nowhere, and she refused to even consider going to the local senior center, telling me she doesn't like to "be around old people". Yeah, okay.

This wouldn't be such a huge problem for me (and thus her since I limit my time) but the problem is I don't like my mother's company. I don't like spending time with her. She can trigger me at lightening speed, and if I'm alone with her she won't hesitate to get nasty. She just wants me to sit there patiently listening to her endless loops about her usual complaints and her other favorite topic, the weather. Zero two way conversation, but that's nothing new.

It makes me wonder, what did she expect of me when she was planning to move? We never had much in common or great communication. Now it's worse because of the dementia but I don't know what to do with her. After about two hours I've had my fill of it. I want to go home. Alone.

Then I feel bad because she's home alone and bored. And she lets me know it too.

Anyone else been in this position? Any coping tips or suggestions?

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The only answer for my mother was Assisted Living and now Memory Care where activities are planned FOR her. Otherwise, she'd expect ME to be her social committee as well, and that just ain't happenin'. Her favorite topic is the weather too, and OMG the snow, and OMG the wind, and OMG the heat, and the sun and the cold and on and on and ON. Then comes money. How she doesn't have any and others do, but meanwhile she's spending $6500 a month private pay in MC. And of course the endless, non stop complaining about everything else under the sun.
I'm afraid that with women like this, the ONLY sane answer is to place them in Assisted Living where others are paid to put up with them. They DO wind up carving out a new life for themselves because they have NO other choice. As long as you're 'there' for your mother, what's her impetus to get out and make friends? You're her friend, her sounding board, her scratching post, etc etc. If you can't get her into AL for whatever reason, insist she go to the Senior Center or Adult Daycare or some other activity to keep her occupied because YOU have a full time job now. I work part time but my mother thinks I work full time.........just so she knows I'm not available at her beck and call.

Good luck!
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ExhaustedPiper Nov 2019
Lea believe me if she was willing I would help place her in assisted living now! But she is 100% not willing and fully intends to stay in her condo until her death. I have to wait until a doctor makes the appropriate recommendations and I can invoke the DPOA. Of course it would be better to socialize in a facility! In fact when she got her neuro-psych eval one of the recommendations was for her to start to attend adult day care senior services to help her "isolation". She was appalled anyone would even consider she needs adult day care. I tried to say it's for socialization and she got very nasty with me and said wasn't going to discuss it anymore.

So, here we are. And yes I know if I constantly give in I'm enabling the dependency, so I do push back, but that doesn't stop her expectations or the mind games I ultimately end up playing with myself. It's especially bad right now because she recently spent 5 days at her friends, who catered the entire visit around my mom. Of course my mom was in heaven (and I'm sure her friend was relieved when she left- this is the same friend that talked her into moving!) So... she is extra antsy now and wanting me to be like her friend, indulging her every whim.

How did you ever get your mom to agree to move to a facility? Like I said, unfortunately mine will have to be forced. I'm sure it will be a drama filled mess but that nightmare is further down on the list right now. She's still competent (technically). I have no way of knowing when that will change.

If only she had thought this through and realized assisted living would be the best thing FOR HER, even if she doesn't care what's best for me. The isolation is just another thing I really underestimated.

And what's with the weather obsession? I think part of it is my mom doesn't know what else to talk about so she fakes like she's having normal conversation about the weather. But it's not normal, after she drones on for an hour because it's raining for the second day in a row, it's annoying at best.
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I was in a similar situation. My mother had a very active social life with a lot of friends and activities. Then one day, she just decided "it was time" to end all that and move close to her family. In her mind, friendships were for people who were able to go out and do things, while family there for when you could no longer do for yourself and needed to have things done for you. She moved 2 hours away from her prior life and, over time, terminated all contact with friends, refusing to even answer their phone calls.

I tried and tried to persuade her to maintain contact with her friends, to no avail. I know some of them really missed her. I think it was vanity on her part. She didn't want them to see her in her deteriorated state, or know anything about her affairs.

Of course once she moved, she wanted me around constantly, not just for company but in case she needed anything done for her. Like her bed changed at the last minute, or a stuck window opened or closed. I responded by setting up certain times that I would see her to do errands, take her to dr. appointments, etc. and resolutely staying home the rest of the time, except in an emergency. All you can do is learn to set some boundaries and refuse to do things that will leave you feeling worse (agitated, put upon) instead of better (dutiful daughter feels). It took a while to learn that and to stick to it. I wish you well!
Helpful Answer (2)
ExhaustedPiper Nov 2019
Thanks Carla, I'm trying to stick to boundaries but it's not easy. My mom doesn't respect them. I don't think she even understands the concept, but that is nothing new for her.

How is your mom doing now? Did she eventually start to socialize with others besides you?
If she has not been diagnosed with any type of dementia and is able to function on her own you can give her options. Non negotiable
Spend 1 or 2 days a week at the Senior Center.
Everyone is nervous about joining an established group. But she has to give it time.
She needs to respect your time with your family.
1 or 2 days with you and your husband, it can be a dinner out, a movie, diner at your house, a game of cards or just sit and watch TV.
She needs to learn how to be by herself so a day or two by herself is not unreasonable. She needs to read, maybe a book club, does she have hobbies?
A bit late but I read your profile and you mention she has been diagnosed with dementia. Are there long range plans? She may not be able to live by herself for much longer. Part of the clinging or shadowing is common with dementia. Have you looked at Assisted Living or Memory Care? At this point she may do better in Assisted Living where she would be part of a community. As she declines she can transition to Memory Care. Adult Day Care rather than the local Senior Center might be an option.
Helpful Answer (2)
ExhaustedPiper Nov 2019
Thanks Grandma, right now there is no long term plan other than when she is deemed incompetent and needs 24/7 care I will place her because I have a DPOA. Her plan is to stay where she is indefinitely.

She doesn't have any hobbies, never has. That always struck me as odd, because she also has a low tolerance for boredom. When she complains of being bored which is frequent I remind her that I am not bored because I have hobbies and I list some of them- reading, playing chess, following true crime mysteries, my pets and plants, my sunrise walks and giving lunch to the couple homeless guys I know from the beach access, photography, etc. And she says nothing. Not the least bit interested in anything I do, and no hobbies of her own. It's odd to be honest. Well she likes to party. That's always been a hobby I suppose.

When I was telling my brother last year that I couldn't get her interested in the senior center he joked "Do they have vodka?"..... in reality that IS the kind of crowd she wants to hang with, not "old" people who are doing things like bingo and arts and crafts.

And honestly if she hadn't got dementia that is still what she would be doing. Going to happy hours with her friends and meeting up at each others places for drinks. That is what her old friends are still doing.

Dementia is such a game changer in life. It's sad and the worst thing that can happen to a person imo.
It's difficult to figure out the intentions, comments and decisions of someone with dementia, because, it isn't made by a person with all their faculties. You say that she can't be deemed incompetent just yet. Is she able to run her household alone? I might consult with an attorney to see just what evidence you'll need in order to step in and make the decisions that are for her own best interest.

I know that at one point, my LO was rather isolated, but, then she wanted me there 24/7. It was because the dementia at that point had scared her. Things seemed off, strange.....she said it was like she was dreaming. (Maybe your mom is scared too.) She also wasn't able to do things for herself anymore, like make a sandwich or work the tv remote. I'd keep an eye on her to see how she's really doing. And, if you aren't able to make her happy with companionship, accept it. Often people with dementia cannot be pleased. She may complain, get nasty, as you say, but, I don't know of any way to prevent that. Do what you can and find peace with it. People with dementia rarely have a great social life, because, they often forget names, faces, conversations, etc. The lose a sense of empathy. They often are frightened of new places and even forget old places. My mother has friends with dementia who were not able to maintain their social interactions, because of dementia. It's very sad.
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Hey ExhaustedPiper. My mom is a total introvert and her life is down to only me. She lives within walking distance of me. We've lived in our town for over 40 years and somehow she has no friends, no connections, no church/group, no hobbies. She sits in the house with the curtains drawn all day and starts drinking wine at 7 AM most days. She does not really even watch TV, read the newspaper, etc. She just sorta gave up around age 70, declaring she was "too old" for most anything, she's now 77 and can barely walk. I am scared for my future, honestly, because I cannot realistically fulfill her needs and she is snippy and extremely depressing to be around. I feel like she and I are backed into a corner. My dad had to be placed in memory care in 2017 and he died last week, so to say things have gone to super-shit stage is an understatement. Her predicament is affecting my future and I am experiencing high anxiety as a result. It's awful.
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EP; there ARE AL's with Happy Hours; my mom had them. It was not her thing but there were plenty of folks who were quite loopy early in the day.

Have you visited any facilities?
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My Mom was sweet. On the whole, she could be alone in her section of my house most of the day. My DH felt that I should bring her to my den two flights up. I have a loveseat and a desk chair only in that room. Her room was a twin bed and her recliner. No room for anything but a fold up. No way could I spend all day with her. I don't spend all day with my DH. I got her up, dressed and breakfast. Then Lunch. At night dinner and then spend the evening with us watching TV. TV was all she had because she no longer could read a book and never played games. Yes, I felt guilty but two hours talking with her would have been too much. She had so much more in an AL. She could walk around the building. Have some people time. Aides were good to her.

I really see ur point. Maybe 2 hrs is too long. Maybe stretch it out. Check on her in the morning , maybe lunch and after dinner. If she hasn't, she will lose the ability to tell time. No mattercwhen u go, she is going to ask why u were away so long. Meaning she'll think it was a day when it could be an hour. Maybe get one of those Facebook things where u can look in on her and see whats going on. My Mom confused TV with reality. She would have thought I was personally there. Like, while u are cleaning up, check on her. She can talk to u all she wants and you just go ahead and do cleaning. I would think there was a volume control.
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Piper, you've been on this forum long enough to know that you cannot be responsible for her happiness and her social life and that guilt is for those who have done something wrong.

From everything you have written, you are allowing her to cross your boundaries and intrude upon you and your husband. By doing all the things you neither want nor need to do for her, you are enabling her to be dependent on you and your husband. Your mother is never, ever going to change. Only you can change how you deal with her.

My FIL was obsessed with the Weather Channel for something like 2 years. He followed every single potential weather disaster. He was glued to the television. He wouldn't turn it off even while we were visiting. It was annoying.

My FIL lives in independent living where there's activities all day long. You know what he *chooses* to do? Stay in his apartment while paying for two shifts of caregivers he doesn't really need and who have to listen to his endless pity parties and tales of woe repeated ad nauseam. Neither my husband nor I can listen to his grumblings anymore. It's depressing. It's unnecessary. And it's made absolutely nothing better.

I urge you to read an article by Jessica Stillman called "Complaining Is Terrible for You, According to Science". You can easily find it on the Google.

As for coping, my husband and I cope by making fewer visits and spending less time with him. Once the grumbling starts, we acknowledge it with a quick "That must be frustrating" and we leave. Yes, we leave with a quick "We've got errands to run, love you, bye" and out the door. Compared to so very many people on this forum, FIL has it so darn good that it's practically a sin for him to be as ungrateful as he has become.
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