
I raised this question to some degree back in 2017 but need to add to it and get more feedback. Eldest daughter kicks mom out of her home and two days later puts her shoes on the patio and to pick them up within 24 hours. This same person has not spoken to her mother since March of 2014, and had made no effort to come see her, despite it may be on the other coast. In addition, this same person while here prior entertained other men other than her husband in her mothers car and then told her mother about this. This happening after our father passed in September 2013. Didn't believe it until the caller id came in from the funeral home where my father had his funeral, and her name went around the high school where we attended and the school system her mother worked.

So when I had the priest come to the house, mom would always tell the priest not to pray for her because she was a prostitute.

This person has not seen her mother in more than 6 years and is in her 60's and now calls leaving messages that she has people in the neighborhood doing "neighborhood watch" and I (her brother and full time caregiver for mom for 6 plus years)need to communicate with her why there was an ambulance at the house? REALLY!

Oh and she let us know that she was having both of her knees replaced at the same time.

Her mother required that there be no contact or communication and my feeling is, if you haven't stepped on a plane in 6 years and walk through the door to pay your respects; what makes you think you deserve any communication at all??

Time to get an attorney involved? Just ignore? I refuse to return a call.


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Block her number. Ignore her. No need for an attorney, that will only punish you with expenses and it's not necessary for what's currently going on. The 'neighborhood watch' thing is a little weird. If she starts coming to the house, you can call the police on her for trespassing, get a restraining order.
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No need for an attorney. Go no contact, if it becomes necessary get a restraining order against her.
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She sounds spooky. I would be careful
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"Her mother required that there be no contact or communication."

Check that your mother's feelings haven't changed. Assuming that they haven't, that's what you tell your sister. End of conversation.

Your mother's feelings don't oblige *you* to condemn and ostracise your sister from your life, though, you know. Let him who is without sin and all that.
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No, Mom doesn't owe her anything. My opinion...the daughter is now getting older. Probably has nothing to show for the life she has led. Now, its hard at 60 to find a job or the SS she could receive wouldn't pay the bills. She needs a place to live. Someone to support her so she now turns to family.

Your Mom should have prayed for her. Sinners also need prayer. You can forgive her, but that doesn't mean you have to let her back in your lives. If she shows up, you don't need to let her in. If she complains about having nothing, give her money for a motel and some food and point her in the direction of Social Services. They will find her a place to live, put her on SSI and set her up with food stamps. Unless she has changed over the years, she will only bring heartache and u may not be able to get rid of her.

I had a cousin I always had a bond with and loved her, but I never would have invited her into my house to live. Why? I know she would have stole from me and it would have broke my heart.
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thank you for all these incredible answers! Keep them coming!
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