
ALF had me sign admittance papers, for my mom, as POA. (Her husband, her primary POA, wouldn't sign) They have the money, but he won't spend any of it for mom's care. Now the ALF is coming after me for the portion her SS and pension don't cover. I can't afford an attorney. How do I get out of this?

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Sorry, you need an elder lawyer. Especially if DH is hiding her money. She is entitled to half of assets the have accumulated during the marriage. If she was the only person on the deed, he needed to put her money in a bank acct in her name.

You are not responsible to pay for her care, DH is.
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Are you actually a PoA (ie you, or she, has the document naming you as a secondary)? If not, then you are not in fact her PoA in any way.

I agree you need to seek the advice of an elder law attorney.
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AngelaID Aug 2023
I have the POA naming her husband as POA with me as secondary. Husband dumped her at a hospital last November, cut off all contact, cleaned out their accounts and sold her house (signing the sale documents as her POA). I don't have the money to fight him. I have contacted every agency under the sun in Palm Beach County. I just get a merry-go-round of referrals to other agencies (that I have already contacted). I'm older, with some health issues myself. I am so far away. I can't find anyone to help her. I'm frightened 😨 I can't believe he is getting away with this!
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You didn't sign as "responsible party" right?

Or if you did, you signed your name "Jane Smith as POA for Dorothy Smith ,(your mom's name)?

Has her husband seen an Elder Law attorney?

Do you have access to MOM'S money? You need to hire and Elder law attorney with mom's money so that her NH bill can be paid.

Is mom on Medicaid?
Helpful Answer (1)
AngelaID Aug 2023
She doesn't qualify for Medicaid. She has money, we just don't know where it is! He has a woman in Canada "helping" him. I'm worried he's moved the money up there. I asked the ALF if they had someone who could help us get a claim filed for her long term care insurance (he won't file a claim, and the one I filed was denied, because I am not the "Primary"). The insurance would satisfy her monthly care. I've talked to three different, upper management, people there. They basically told me to go pound sand. Not their problem. Now they won't even respond to me. Except to send texts when she needs meds, pull ups, toiletries, clothes, a haircut, etc.
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