
I need suggestions on how to show in detail the daily living expenses for my love one. I am told all expenses should be for her care and I don't know how to show the expenses like utility and groceries since we do that as a family?

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For the utilities and groceries you divide the total expense by the number of people living in the home and allocate the product to each person.

If groceries cost $500/m and there are 5 people in the home then you would expense $100 for Mum's share.

Same with utilities. Unless she does not use one, such as internet, then you would only divide the ones she does use. If however you need the internet to do her banking, and other tasks, then I think it would be reasonable to include her share.
Helpful Answer (6)
Marty30 Jan 2019
Thanks great Information
If this is for the court cause you have been apppinted guardian, there should be a set format / document that is to be used along with a how-to handbook given to you. The format will be pretty specific to how this court runs and will likely have a required precisely done final page that is an “orders” paragraph with signature. You can call the administrative assistant for the judge to ask for it and for a sample of how other guardianship have done this. You may have to actually go to the courthouse to get it as the sample may need to be redacted of financial info (like the wards bank account # or SS# or other financial #s).

If this is for court, you have to, have to get it filed by whatever time frame is required.

Courthouse staff I’ve found is super knowledgeable and helpful. & if you have to go to CH, try to go in AM on day judge is not in session and take low bills cash just in case there’s a xeroxing charge or other fee.
Helpful Answer (6)
Marty30 Jan 2019
it’s for a sibling who is wanting to know how mom’s money is being spent
Groceries and utilities are not what they’re talking about. They are talking about prescriptions, medications even if they’re over the counter if ordered by the doctor. Supplies, and that means depends, pads, skin creams, etc., parking fees for medical appointments, non-emergency medical transportation if used, Dr. visit co-pays, medical expenses not covered by your insurance, any hired caregiver expenses. if the property is in her name then the taxes paid for the mortgage, The tax accountant fees, your DMV registration that is registered in her name that little portion that’s a tax write off. All this information can be put together in an Excel spreadsheets. I would make a separate spreadsheet for each category. You can submit that to your tax accountant. Keep all receipts of everything you are claiming in case there is an audit. Contact me if you have anymore questions, I did this for five years . Good luck
Helpful Answer (6)
Lizhappens Jan 2019
Reading other peoples answers, I should say it depends on what state you live in. Download from the Internet your state and federal Tax laws regarding this. I know in California the writing off of the utilities and the room would not fly. Again good luck
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Wild guess here you are a Guardian for you loved one.
If this is the case often the court will tell you how much of each bill can be expensed. If this was not spelled out then I would divide each bill by the number of people in the house. (this would include gas, electric, internet, lawn service, plow, paper) Any expenses that are hers alone would be hers alone for example wipes, gloves, ointment, disposable briefs would all be her expenses.
When you drive her to any appointment the mileage, and gas can be charged to her as well.
Save EVERY receipt, bill even if it is from the drive thru when she wanted an ice tea. (I still find myself saving receipts and my Husband died 2 years ago!) If you are a Guardian every 6 months the expenses will be presented to the court. Not sure how well they look through them but I did not take any chances I just turned over the paperwork, the bills, the checks I wrote from his account. There was never a problem with what I submitted.
Helpful Answer (3)
Marty30 Jan 2019
Thanks great information
If your love one has a credit card and you sign up with the card company to also have access to it in order to buy what is needed for them that would be the easiest to keep track of exactly what the expenses are each month. Also, if your love one just like to give cash to you in order for you to buy stuff for them set up a 10 x 12 catalog envelope and write at the top January 2019 receipts and whenever you buy something for them just throw in the cash receipt in the envelope. That is what I do and it works great. If you are using your own credit card set that credit card to be used only for your love one and use another credit card for your personal expenses. When January is over just file away the 10 x12 envelope and start with a new month.
Helpful Answer (3)

When I did mom's care I kept a separate credit card for her expenses & found this very helpful - I used it for items purchased solely for her use & wrote across it :FOR MOM" in permanent marker - luckily it was different colour which helped me keep it separate

As to utilities then I would take the number of people in the house & divide the bill by that number - so if electricity bill is $200 a month & 4 people live there then it is $50 per person

The same for food [include cleaning products] as there are items that are just for her while other items she doesn't eat & it evens off - this assumes she has no special diet & if that is so use the credit card for those purchases - her depends etc should be an expenses for her only

Keep all those paper bills - I saw a woman who did this with a short accordion folder [from dollar store] with a separate slot each month so this would be an easy way to buy 1 each year & store away at end of year - copy utility bills & keep them here too - if anyone questions you later you will look organized & they will readily see you as open in this matter

Rent for the room can be harder to figure out - 1 way would be to check going rate in your area then take your mortgage payment & divide it by the number of rooms in your home minus service areas [kitchen, bathrooms, hall, laundry] so 'living areas' so if monthly payment of $1500.00 with 5 rooms [3 bedrooms, tv room, & living room] would equal $300.00 per month -then compare those figures to see if they are close if not then seek professional help
Helpful Answer (3)
Marty30 Jan 2019
for the great information
Who are you trying to show daily expenses to? Does she live in her own home?
Helpful Answer (2)
Marty30 Jan 2019
mom just moved in with my husband and our 3 semi- adult children ( that’s what I call them) :-) last year and I’ve had to get help to help me care etc. And now one of my siblings is wanting to know how her money is being spent
Also, my Dad has his own car and I have mine and when I go get stuff for him I use his car and when he runs out of gas I fill it up and put the receipt in the January 2019 receipt envelope. In 2017 year when I was caregiving for my Dad I was using my car to get stuff for him and me and starting seeing a huge gas bill and went into debt and realize I was not being compensated for gas to get stuff for my Dad. So to now I use my Dads car/gas to get stuff for him and this has even out the expenses.
Helpful Answer (2)
Marty30 Jan 2019
This depends a LOT on the circumstances.
If this is for court because you are a Guardian ALL expenses must be reported and accounted for.
If this is for tax purposes the best thing to do would be consult the person that prepares your or your loved ones taxes. And if you are paying for things from your funds find out if this person can be declared a "dependent"
If this is for Medicaid, again check to see what can and can not be included.
There is such a wide variety of reasons that receipts must be kept it is difficult to say...this is why and what needs to be reported and or saved. (one of the reasons Elder Law Attorneys can charge so much...and why Tax Prep is such a big business.)
Helpful Answer (1)
Marty30 Jan 2019
the list is for a sibling who wants to know if mom’s money is being spent solely for her care
What is the list for? Income tax prep?
Helpful Answer (1)
Marty30 Jan 2019
The list is for a sibling
who is wanting to be sure mom’s money is being spent only for her care... but meanwhile they’re not contributing to it in any way
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