
I have been married to my husband for nearly twenty five years. He is verbally but not physically abusive. We are both senior citizens. He still works full time. I receive social security. I have a disability (Epilepsy since birth).
I did work over twenty years.

I do have a troubled marriage. For nearly the last twenty years my husband plays racquetball four times a week for at least four days a week. He has no interest in me or our condo. Our condo needs serious repairs and he won't even replace or consider fixing the lock on our front door or even replace a burnt
light bulb!! He acts as if the individuals are really his family!!!! No relationship but he does pay the bills, drive me to doctors, and do necessary obligations but nothing else.

I have no friends or family to ask for help. He has put us in bankruptcy, never
telling me he needed money which I would gladly given him since I was working fulltime and had some savings.
He is verbally abusive and often raises his voice to me just having a small conversation or something I just said in jest.

Now at 71 he wants Power of Attorney for a funeral for all his buddies at the YMCA! He does have small savings rather than demonstrate any concern for our condo which is probably lice infested in one bathroom. The other bathroom might at any time create a huge leakage problem and should have been repaired years ago.
I refuse to sign any paper work that would involve an agent under Power of Attorney. I should have divorced him years ago.
I cannot drive and I know he is treating me poorly because I have no other
alternative but to remain in this condo. Half of the condo belongs to me. Yet with the awful condition where could I go? I am sixty-six with some savings but I do have this disability.
I have no faith in him. I am afraid he could bankrupt us again and could care less. He once told me he would NEVER stand up for me in any situation with a neighbor fighting with me or his attitude is always with the others involved in a dispute or any problems I may encounter.
I know I should divorce him but what could I do otherwise?

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How about you find a facility to move into?

will your doctor help you qualify medically to move into assisted living or even a nh? Talk to a social worker and tell them about the abuse you are subjected to. Call APS and report this. They should be able to also help in a placement for you

usually the big financial concern is the spruce left with barely subsistence....but, I am betting you don’t care at this point. So start calling to find the help to get out
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Many others on this forum will respond with good suggestions about where to start. I have never walked in your shoes, but I would maybe consider calling a women's shelter (just to get advice BEFORE you take any action) and probably an attorney (elder law or family/divorce). I'm assuming you don't want your husband to have any authority over you, should you start to have cognitive or more profound physical issues. I would think identifying someone who you DO trust as a Power of Attorney for yourself will need to happen. This person should be 20 or more years younger than you. Otherwise you can appoint a professional to act on your behalf.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "he wants Power of Attorney for a funeral for all his buddies at the YMCA" you mean in his will he is specifying what he desires to happen at his funeral? That would need to be in his will. If he's just verbalizing it to you, I don't think you're obligated to carry that out. Let his "buddies" do that and pay for it. Are you his PoA?

My MIL had a deadbeat husband. She took steps to separate her finances from his (even though they remained married). Owning joint property is a question for an attorney. My dear, I sincerely wish you success and happiness as you move forward!
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Sounds like you need to move on. Assisted living? Nursing home (I'm unclear as to the extent of your disability, so I'm sorry if that is insulting)? Senior housing? Really, who needs that none sense? You deserve better.
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