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I'm sorry while I get the bullet points I don't have enough info to know what you are looking help for exactly. "Totally out of her mind" like she had a sudden change of behavior and you want to know what to do at the moment or she's accusing you of things you aren't doing and you don't know how to handle that? Do you work for an agency or are you independent? What is your training? How much family is involved with this clients care?
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It is admirable that you are looking for resources for your client.
As a paid caregiver, the first thing you can do is to learn the correct terminology
when referring to your client as "totally out of her mind".

Even though professionals "get it" when you say that, trying to get in the habit of

1) more accurately describing the diagnosis or behaviors;
2) becoming more sensitive to the stigma attached to labeling someone c r a z y ;
3) showing compassion even when the client is not listening;

In the meantime, does your client have any dangerous behaviors that you are worried she might hurt herself, or someone else?

A resource I have used is: "Parkinson's for Dummies".

No, really, there is such a book, and it looks like all the other books for dummies
series. Very smart people are not embarrased to use them.

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Ahmijoy May 2019
Right on, Sendhelp. OP’s compassion is sadly lacking. S/he needs to realize there’s a person behind that behavior who perhaps once was an intellectual, involved, kind and caring soul. The terminology makes me sad. It would be like someone calling my bedridden husband a pain in the a$$.
You inform your boss - either the family or your agency. If she is out of control and apt to cause harm to herself or anyone else (you) you are justified in calling EMS.
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My maternal grandmother had Parkinson's Disease and my mom handled her along with two sitters before my mom had to put her in a facility.  That was back when there was only Sinemet as the drug prescribed to give to people with that diagnosis.  The most well known person with it is an actor who used to play on Family Ties in the 1980's (Michael J. Fox) and he is doing very well with better Rx drugs.  I would tell the patient's family that they need to make an appointment for a re-evaluation for the patient.  Maybe this person isn't suitable for home care any more.
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Educate yourself as much as you can. My mom has Parkinson's. I attend every doctor appointment with her and her doctors welcome me there as her caregiver. I'm not suggesting that you go to her doctor appointments, you are not family. Ask her family for as much information as possible. Research Parkinson's disease but I have to tell you that every patient is different. I have spoken extensively to my mom's doctor. He is a top notch neurologist and well respected in the field. He treats everyone as an individual because Parkinson's is a complicated neurological disease that effects everyone differently.
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