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We don't have much detail about your situation, but a good starting place when dealing with narcissistic folks, is the book "Boundaries" I think the author's last name is Cloud.

It's a tricky dance, trying to help them, without getting embroiled in their manipulations and then enabling their behaviors. There are many, many threads here on variations of this topic, I'd pour a cuppa something and dig around here for a bit, reading others stories. If nothing else, it helps reaffirm that you aren't crazy and others are in the very same boat.

{{{hugs}}} to you, it's a rough road to travel under the best of circumstances, but when you are LIVING WITH THEM . . . . it's a minefield!
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Thank you for answering, I have since explored this sight and been reassured I am not alone. I can't make her change her stinking diaper or clothes. I am trying to be as good as I can and make sure she is safe. I know she needs my help even if she doesn't. I just try not to get to close to her the smell. Oh yes she constantly takes my clothes!
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Look for other stories on this site. Click on ‘care topics’ on the right hand top of the screen, then on ‘N’, and you will find 7 articles, 241 questions and 46 discussions about narcissism.
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Boundaries is key. This site mentions how.

Also, you might want to look into AL for her.
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