
Is there away to have an amendment or addition made to the medical POA for me? So that I can continue to take care of the medical & insurance issues daily after Mom or Dad won't be able to give permission. Trying to stay ahead of the inevitable.

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Yes If the parents are still competent and willing to do so, they can add an addendum or revoke the current POAs and have ones drawn up that include you.
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Caring4two Jan 2020
So there is possibly an "addinum" that could be drawn up? Thats what I have been looking for. I guess I just wasnt smart enough to find the right word. Thank you so much. Now I just have to find the right person to do that.

Caring4two, I know this isn't what you asked about but I saw that word "unexpected" and checked your profile, and - are you absolutely sure about this???

I applaud your thinking about the practicalities, and second what has already been explained that your in-laws are at liberty to appoint you as their sole or additional health care proxy/medical POA, or at least ensure you are included on their HIPAA forms, while they are still able.

What gives me pause is the list of ailments and that "unexpected" bit. How long have your in-laws been living with you, and how did it come about that you took on their full-time care? How's it going?
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Caring4two Jan 2020
By "unexpected", I was referring to them never expecting to be living with their children or someone having to take care of all this for them. I volunteered to be their caregiver when after moving them in with us. We found out that it wasnt a temporary thing. They needed full time watch care. Alot unfortunately had went unnoticed because they were such routine people. I dont want any control of any of their business but Medicare & other places have other ideas when it comes to handling their medical needs.
Mom and dad can make a new POA anytime they want. Talk to then about it. If multiple people are named on the POA, be very aware about whether they are co or alternate. Be aware of the hierarchy. Having 3 people being co POAs can lead to a lot of infighting. It might be better to have everyone listed on a separate level. So a primary, an alternate and a secondary alternate.
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I just want something to help me deal with like Medicare, or other insurance also when I have to talk to there retirement company & such. Their sons work during the day & I am home taking care of them 24/7. But I didnt want them to have to redraw up everything to accomplish this. Their sons should be the authorities over their money & ultimate needs. But one day they wont be able to answer those stupid questions to give me whatever company the permission to talk to me.
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