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I understand this is a sore point for you. But why do you tell your sister in law each time you take flowers to his grave? I do not understand the reason for that.

You have not said what these 'silly things' are, so perhaps it is in the eye of the beholder. I know for my bil when he passes, I will be putting a Tonka Dump Truck at his grave. It relates to a story that was between the two of us. May appear disrespectful to others, but he would understand.

I spend time in a couple cemeteries in France last year. Seeing what people leave at a grave beyond the usual flowers, gives some insight into the lives of those buried there.
Helpful Answer (5)
trudy6234 Aug 2019
My sister-in-law lives in a different country and she likes to know when I put flowers on my brother's grave.

My thought is, it is best to ignore.  If truly bothering you, just put them in a basket away a little space.  The things might also have had childhood meaning, and your husband's spirit is laughing.  So sorry for your loss.  Do be aware that anger is part of grieving, but it is not worth your effort to aim it at them.
Helpful Answer (5)

Trudy, you are a hero for all your caregiving and I'm sorry for your loss. In reading your additional postings below, it seems you are bitter about the siblings not visiting while your DH was still with you. Perhaps controlling what they leave on his gravesite is some passive aggressive statement from you? Is that why you have not listed what those items are? Although I disagree with how it was expressed by another commenter, in essence I do agree that your energies can be better spent and move forward to a new chapter. Peace to you.
Helpful Answer (5)

Some cemeteries have plaques for easy mowing. Our local one allows fresh flowers from April to October. Nov to March artificial. Maybe flags for military holidays. Other than that, I have never seen silly stuff on markers.

I think I wouldn't have appreciated it either. These things should have been done before he died, not after. There is probably some guilt here. I agree, it will eventually stop.
Helpful Answer (4)
trudy6234 Aug 2019
Thank you so much for your reply JoAnn. Appreciated.

I edited a reply to a post and I cannot post it! Help please.

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You are correct Cali and thank you for your reply. It is appreciated.

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Thank you for your thoughtful reply. yes you are correct, I am trying not to focus on things that make me angry. A grave is a final resting space and as such, it is a sacred space.

thank you,

Helpful Answer (1)

Sorry for your loss of your husband.

In your grief, focusing on the "things" that make you angry will just cause yourself to be tortured.

Can you come back to explain what is really going on, and why it is a problem for you?

Just a are under no obligation now to continue a relationship with his siblings. You can soon as you feel like it, start a new life for yourself. Do you have children?
Helpful Answer (3)

Could you ask them why they do it?, (or would they just be rude?) It does seem disrespectful to you & I'm sorry for your pain.
Helpful Answer (3)
trudy6234 Aug 2019
Thank you so much Tiger. I find it disrespectful. I have made my wishes known and requested that they respect them. It is totally acceptable to place fresh flowers or plants on his grave and I understand their grief. He was a very special person.

Oh, for goodness sake. He is gone. Perhaps there is even some attempt at healing guilt. But with the way you are carrying on about "silly things" left at the grave perhaps they were UNABLE to be with him more because no one could get along. These things clearly mean something to them. Can you not with good grace allow them to each grieve in his or her own way. Arrange them in a little basket or something. They will tire of it. Our ability to find something to fight over just exhausts me when I think on it to any extent. A graveyard food fight now. Lordy. Save us from ourselves. And Trudy, hon, your care for all that time truly was heroic and I am very sorry for your loss.
Helpful Answer (5)
trudy6234 Aug 2019
Hi AlvaDeer,

It has taken me a while to reply to your post as I found it hurtful.

When my husband was alive, his siblings etc were always welcome to visit him but they chose not to get involved in any way.

Yes of course I respect that they need to grieve and have no intention of fighting over issues. Certainly not as you say " a graveyard food fight"

His grave is now a sacred place and I will keep it as such. I always ask / or tell my sister-in-law when I put flowers on my brother's grave simply out of respect for her wishes and in my opinion, good manners.

Thank you for taking the time to reply

People find meaning in many things, I've heard of all kinds of strange gifts and rituals at graves. Unless these things are blatantly disrespectful I wouldn't say anything, simply gather them up on your visits. If the cemetery has a groundskeeper and rules are being broken then you can ask that they speak about it with your husband's relatives directly and don't involve you.
Helpful Answer (5)
trudy6234 Aug 2019
Thank you Cwillie for taking the time to reply to my post. I have removed the items that in my opinion are not acceptable. Relatives now know that fresh flowers, woodland wild flowers and plants are very much appreciated. I am trying to help them in their grieving process but mea culpa, I have strong opinions about items on graves. My late husband liked to place wild flowers on his Mum's grave.

Thank you,

What is the silly stuff" Trudy?

Can you ask the cemetary to keep the grave clear of anything but flowers?
On a regular basis?

Do they sign their names?

How bad is it? Can you press charges for vandalism? Would that be reasonable?
Helpful Answer (2)
worriedinCali Aug 2019
the cemetery won’t get involved in this. They won’t remove anything unless it’s on the list of prohibited items.
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