
This has been going on for about 2 years now. I am the only in-state sibling and only caregiver in charge of the estate and such. First, she turned my brother against me because I got angry with her over an insurance issue, and she continues to want to paint me as threatening and says she is afraid of me. She has never been completely financially independent. I had always planned her into my own retirement figuring I'd just have to feed/house her, but that's another story. She was going to come out from California to take mom's car and she said she wanted stay for a week to help out and earn some salary. I offered to pay transportation and twice what I get paid for the same week. She said she was coming in August. August 17 I reached out to find out her schedule. She tells me September. I contacted her as nice as I could to ask her to please let me know when she would be here in September and she called me and just tore me a new one and said, "Do I keep my word?" Like my wanting to plan our schedule over the next 5 weeks was this brazen invasion of her privacy. I am so sick of this. I have done everything I can to support her financially and emotionally over many years. I thought of contacting Adult Protective Services or getting an attorney, but I am also afraid of starting something especially expensive. I have suffered physically and emotionally for the last two years due to these accusations and estrangement, what do I do? I am so afraid of her. I can't believe this is happening. She has hurt not just me but my mother and father as terrorizing the caregiver is not helpful to them.

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Why must you keep contact with her at all? A lot of people would have cut her off by this time. Is she on drugs? Does she drink a lot? What else is going on? What do your parents say about it?

I'm very sorry this has happened to you, but you're under no obligation to take care of a sibling you don't like. Her life is what she's made it, and you don't have to participate.
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Father passed away in February. Mom has indicators of Alzheimer's. Thank you all for your advice. I appreciate it. She did apologize this morning. I don't not wish to have contact with her but we are establishing stricter boundaries. Not drugs, not alcohol. I don't dislike her. I have loved her. She is my only sister. Thanks again, people. I will keep trucking along. There has to be a better way for caregivers to be respected and to put money value on our work.
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When you say you are in charge of the "estate and such"... does this mean you're a trustee?

Your Mom and Dad seem to still be alive. Where is she living? Are you sharing the caregiving for your Mom with the sibling you mentioned in the post?

Need to know this info -- it will be hard to give any advice without it.
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We seem to have reached a denouement so people don't need to respond but I also don't want to cut conversation off.
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Get APS for WHAT?
To tell them "My sis won't visit?"

Leave your sister alone. Apparently that is what she wants you to do. You have made a poor decision imho in giving her money and staying so entangled in her life.
And how would you think to give away your mother's care to her unless you are a financial POA? And IF you give away your Mom's car are you aware of the gifting consequences of that for your Mother and her possible needs for future Medicaid help?

I can't imagine all that is going on here, but it sounds muddy or soupy at best. I would think that caring for your Mom would be enough on your plate. Tell Sis to let you know when she's coming and let her know A) you need a week notice and B) it will have to be a convenient time for you BOTH. That's it. The end.

I wish you good luck. Remember, you can't change others or their actions. You can only change yourself and care for yourself.
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Let her go and cut all ties is my best advice . Basically dont rely On this person or talk to them.
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I am sorry that life has become unpleasant and unpredictable regarding your sister. I would not rely on her. She has proven that she isn’t trustworthy.

It sounds like you are walking on eggshells around your sister. That gets old quickly.

Stop tiptoeing around her. If you must communicate with her, tell her the facts and don’t fear her reactions. In fact, don’t place a lot of weight on her responses. If she upsets you, end your conversation with her.

Chalk it up to this is how she is. Don’t expect her to change. Be careful not to enable her in any way. Live your life independently from hers.

Best wishes to you and your family.
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