
I could go on and on about this. I've lived with her for almost 3 yrs. When I moved in, this is when I realized that my mom has been narcissistic all my life. I'm going crazy. She has made friends and family (especially my 2nd daughter) believe her, that I am so bad and only out for her money. They say I should pay rent and more. My mom is 84 and loves to play the victim. Forgive me as I could go on and on about the things she has done to me.
The last was when her fridge leaked and ins sent her a check. I had friends help with it and got supplies. This way I could include new carpet for her living room because between long haired cats and her accidents, the floor is disgusting! (Carpet is the nastiest floor covering I have ever seen)
I've had to sell a lot of my personal items and lost my truck because I couldn't work. I've applied for disability and of course lost my case. So I do odds and end jobs to pay for my storage, phone and she does pay for my auto ins.
Anyone that can help I can give more on this situation. I'm so at a loss and feel like I'm done. My health has deteriorated!

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In general, and often enough, when children come to live with parents, often in an attempt to help care for them through the aging process, it doesn't go well. They give up their homes and their jobs sometimes, and as often as not they write the forum that they are now homeless, jobless, without a work history, and have been doing 24/7 care with very little if any payment.
I don't know if you live in town, or if you are in the countryside, but without wheels I can't see a way for you to work your way out of all this. I don't know what disability you suffer from; you might consider an appeal on that, and then saving in order to move out. If your possessions aren't worth the cost of storage perhaps consider giving that up.
So sorry for all you are going through. I am certain you are obsessed with trying to find some way forward. These are dreadfully hard times for so many in our country. I am wishing you good luck.
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"I've applied for disability and of course lost my case."

StuckinOr - from what I read, many disability cases are denied the first round, then get accepted after the applicants' attorneys appeal. Have you tried appealing your case? Also, you said you do odds and end jobs, perhaps you're not disabled enough to qualify. I dunno.

As for your living condition, it is very demoralizing living with a narcissistic person. If I were in your shoes, I would try my best to find a job that pays enough for me to move out, even to rent a room in someone's house. That would be better than being subjected to mental abuse, disrespect and being misunderstood by your own children.
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I too live with a narcissistic mother and she has always been this way, I just didn't know it. In fact, I never knew she hated me until I moved back home with her 4.5 yrs ago and I have regretted it ever since. She steals from me; she is verbally abusive and she is ALWAYS the victim and I am ALWAYS the bad guy. Your not alone!

Either stop working above broad and appeal your case because you will get disability on the second try. Or find a good paying job and get out like Polarbear stated!

Me, I have been putting a plan together to get out of this house and away from my mother. I suggest you do the same.

Hugs!!! I know it is tough and can feel like it never ends and very lonely, but it will get better especially if you start making plans on getting out. Think about what you want for your future to look like and focus on that...that is what I have been doing and it has helped me a great deal.💗
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I am so sorry that you are struggling with this situation.

Sometimes there is no pleasing someone. The more that you try. The more they fight against you.

So what’s the answer. Simple, quit banging your head against their brick wall.

People who are hell bent on seeing things their way are not going to change so don’t put forth the effort to try to please her.

Instead, focus on doing what is right for you.

Apply for disability again. Many people are denied before being accepted. Move out as soon as you can.

Best of luck to you.
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Im also working on moving out. Make a plan for yourself, step by step, and keep going.
Al the best.
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