
If she knows what you're talking about, she can sometimes figure out what you're saying. She lip reads a little (not taught). Can usually understand if you speak clearly and louder within 2' of her "good" ear. When she can't figure it out, she gets frustrated and discouraged. I use the white board frequently, but guests, doctor, nurse, etc., seem reluctant to use it. She is alert and oriented, no dementia, some short term memory deficit which appeared simultaneously with beginning of supplemental oxygen use. Seems happy to read white board, sometimes write a response, sometimes speaks. Two things: How to get others to use the board. Are there any other adaptive aids or suggestions to improve communication?

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I don't have a great answer for you, I just want to share your frustration about medical professionals who refuse to SPEAK UP and SPEAK SLOWLY for patients who clearly have hearing deficits. My mom is very hard of hearing and when I take her to the doctor or to get an x-ray or wherever, it's CLEAR she can't hear because I repeat everything the doc or nurse says slowly and clearly. Do they then mimic me? Noooooo. It's SUPER frustrating.

One thing you could try that we did with my dad when he has a stroke and was in the hospital was post a sign outside his room that indicated he was very hard of hearing and needed to be spoken to loudly and slowly. It helped a bit.

You could ask that note be posted very clearly on any of her files, etc. And just keep reinforcing it. At the doc's office, I'll say, "Mom could you hear what the doctor just said?" And she'd say, "No." So don't be afraid to speak up and act as her advocate. As you can tell, this is a big sore point for me!
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Blannie's suggestion above is a good one. My dad was very hard of hearing and when we'd visit the Dr. and also when he went into the NH, he'd turn to me after someone was done speaking to him so I could tell him what was said and it frustrated me to no end that he was being treated as if he didn't understand English! I would always tell professionals to speak clearly and loudly but it was an uphill battle. I think a lot of people are uncomfortable raising their voice but that's just an opinion.

Good job advocating for your mom!
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Thank you for your comments. It's also very frustrating when I've explained to someone (left ear is better, etc.) and they stand on her right side and because she correctly anticipated what they were going to say, she appears to "have heard" them. Then I remind them "left side" and they reply "she heard me just fine," like I don't know what I'm talking about. Makes me want to scream! Oh well, time for another deep breath. Get a lot of deep breathing in lately.
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I have used a dry erase board at the hospital and dr appointments and it works well. The dr talks to me and I write the gist of the conversation down for her. Everyone I have dealt with thinks it's a great idea. I unfortunately do not have any other suggestions.

Are hearing aids not an option?
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