
Stay at home Mother of a 4 year old with cerebral palsy. My days are spent taking care of my daughter and home. We are usually on the go between appointments and therapies and school. When I get free time I am at my 61 year old mothers house who just moved a month ago, helping her clean and unpack. Recently we found out her roommate, a long time friend for 30 years or maybe longer had bone cancer and has been in the hospital and now 2 different rehabilitation places for a few weeks. He isn't in the best shape and doesn't have any family other than 1 or 2 brothers which he rarely speaks to. Therefore I have taken it upon myself to go and visit him and help get things he needs and swaps out his dirty laundry with clean laundry.

The problem is his health care is only going to cover 20 more days in this rehabilitation center and he is in no way shape or form able to go home. The rehabilitation center also has taken him off of his pain medication and I am just not sure what I can do to help him. But one thing I've learned from being a special needs mom is their are resources out there you just have to search. Which Is why I ended up here writing you. To see if you know of any resourses for us to get him help and the care he needs. P.S. we are in Columbus, Ohio

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Go to Franklin County Dept of Social Services. They will evaluate his needs and help him access the programs for which he is qualified.
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Bone cancer is generally very painful. I question why there is no pain medication.
This is a Welcome to America moment.
It will be an unsafe discharge if they discharge him to the streets, but that won't surprise me.
You need to access the Social Worker right away. If he allows you to act in his behalf with him you can attend meeting with her. She is going to be the best resource of what is available.
So sorry. This is an awful predicament and not unusual as we might want to believe it is.
Keep advocating loudly. The squeaking wheel gets these grease in these cases.
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I would think the rehabilitation center would have an appropriate discharge plan for him. What are they saying the plan is? If he is in no shape to go home, then they can't just discharge him home. What is the social worker from the rehab center have to say?
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You might try this organization:

My first thought was of Gilda's Club, as they might know of some resources.   And  I found a hit for this other organization.

Another option:

with this link:   and this one:

There's a possibility that all the resources aren't financial, but it's worth a look to check them out.  I'd try Gilda's Club first though.

Just remembered:  sometime ago McDonald's has "away from home" residential facilities available for families caring for those with cancer.    I don't know if this still exists, or whether it's still limited to families.

Good luck.  You're a kind, generous and compassionate person to volunteer to help this man.
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He need to talk to a Social Worker at the facility. He has to tell them there is no money for private care and he has no one to care for him. Is it possible to get Medicaid to help get him to be on his own. He is 66 so he has Medicare.

Do not take this on yourself. You have enough on ur plate.
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