
I use Senna plus, prunes, prune juice, water, etc, but when those work, he has diarrhea we cannot control.

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There you go! That's what I mean.
Ask the hospice nurse about the method for turning him to facilitate bowel function. However, he might not be getting enough food in him to make a daily movement necessary.
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My 87 year old Mom has recently been constipated. She normally goes daily, but since she started taking an antibiotic for her bronchitis, her bowel habits have changed. Her nurse said the antibiotics would have an opposite effect and that it lack of water causing it. I do believe this is the case since she recently was advised to take in 3 large glasses of water at max, including her other beverages since she has congestive heart failure and chronic kidney disease. She has also decreased her intake of food, so that has a lot to do with it to. Food in, waste out. Her physical activity has decreased as well since she began needing to use a walker. She does have physical therapy visits twice a week so that helps get her moving some. We have used prune juice as well. (Warm it before serving.) She drinks a cup of decaf coffee every morning after her glass of orange juice. The visiting nurse suggested Mirolax. The doctor said that was fine, but advised to use a Fleet enema. I went to the pharmacy to get one and found they make a saline based one and another with mineral oil. I asked the pharmacists which one I should use and she suggested the mineral oil enema-that one is gentler on the older people. The packaging on the saline type said to ask your doctor if you are over the age of 55 before using. The saline acts faster so it could cause more stomach cramping. I googled information about the Fleet enema and there were some negative comments about it. I decided to use the Mirolax first. I also made my Mom one of the fruit drinks that I make for myself each morning. It's 2 cups of cold filtered water, 1 cup of organic kale greens. Blended in my Ninja, then add 1 tablespoon of organic ground flaxseed, 1/2 chopped apple, 10 seedless grapes, 4 large strawberries and some chopped mango. (You can use the frozen mixed fruit from the store too.) You may add a tablespoon of Agave sweetener if you like. Blend until smooth. I added the Mirolax to it and she drank all of it last night. This morning, she had a bowel movement. Hopefully this did the trick. Now to keep her hydrated and balanced is the next step. Just as they say, everything in moderation and your diet should be balanced with enough fruit, veggies, grains, protein and dairy.
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I feel for you and this is a very common problem. Hydration is key, and it seems as though you might have that under control. Exercise or movement is important, too. Somewhere between all that you are doing, there must be a happy medium!

Remember that even if he doesn't have a BM every day, it might not mean he is constipated. As we age, our body functions slow down, our food intake usually decreases too. Food in, food out. Movement is important to the function of our bowels. Even the bedbound need to be rolled over side to side occasionally for food to make it's way through the intestines.

Usually a hot beverage in the morning works to encourage a BM. Diarrhea could just be the fluids passing around the solids and not necessarily solving the main problem. You might try an enema or suppository to clean him out and then use the stool softener only occasionally to supplement the prune juice.
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Yogurt with active cultures is also very helpful (and yummy). You could add fibrous fruit to it, or make it into a smoothie.
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OK ITS NOT HEALTHY - I am saying that up front so I dont get complaints but
1 cup (bucket if you so wish doesnt matter as long as its equal measures)of each of the following
All bran
Dried fruit
Milk or tea (depending on lactose tolerance but it works better in my opinion with milk)
Put all those ingredients into a bowl (bath if you used a bucket of each!!!) and let it sit covered overnight.
In the morning add a cup of what we call self raising flour (self rising over there?) stir in well and pour into a loaf tin lined with greased paper - bake in a moderate oven for about 45-60 minutes depends on the heat this caKE IS NOT A TROPICAL FLOWER IT WILL LET YOU PRETTY MUCH COOK ANYWAY THAT IS NOT TOO HOT.

Let it cool and then cut into slices and serve with butter on (none of this margarine stuff - real butter!!!!! Oh and just to disgust you all I like cheese with it too! What can I say im a brit and proud of it (even if I would rather live in the states)
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ask her doctor to prescribe MOVICOL, it's a mild laxative, I take-it daily in 1/2 a glass of water.
Beware of constipation, hard stools can cause bleeding anal fissures that can cause
serious problems.
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Is he taking pain medication? Perhaps hospice would consider a trial of a drug called Linzess. Linzess is specifically for constipation caused by pain meds. There is also an drug called Relistor. You inject it into your thigh yourself or with help, and it produces a good bowel movement within 30 minutes, every time. This drug is also for constipation caused by pain meds. If he is not taking pain meds, perhaps a trial of Metamucil and Miralax with 8-10 oz. of water. Sometimes this works too well and you have to stop for 1-2 days, then start again.
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While enemas will clear a blockage here in the UK they are used as an absolute last resort, Fleet enemas are exactly that - fast. better to find a prevention that works for you rather than a cure after the deed is done as it were
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ive researched this previously . beets go thru your system like an overweight kid down a water slide . next best is white rice . it requires very little digestion and indeed has a higher energy return than the energy required to digest it . if you make cold sweetened rice with various fruits in it ( pineapple for one ) your elder will eat it . if they dont , threaten with them with that NH they showed on 60 minutes ..
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My mother was told to lay off the coffee, it us a diuretic and causes constipation from lack of water in your system.
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