
You can read my lasts posts to catch up.

I still have not spoken to my mother. Been about 4 months now. My brothers (her angels), took control of her money and care with her blessings.

Anyhoo, the brother who stays the nights with her is going on his annual 2 week vacation. Last year my other brother and myself helped watch her for those 2 weeks. She has caregivers till 5pm but is in no condition to be left alone all night. I figured this year my brothers would have a plan in place, since I’m no longer in the picture. Well guess what? My son received a message from her new POA (my brother), that he needs my sons help watching his grandmother while he’s on vacay! Omg I’m livid once again. My son has not responded yet. I told him to completely ignore them. My son said, they will end up coming to his house and banging on his door, demanding he helps watch her. I told my son not to answer the door.

I can’t believe they will not spend a penny on extra care while on vacay! These are the sons she’s entrusted to take care of her. She is so blind! I want my son to text her, “Hi grandma, I understand you need someone to help you out while your new POA is out of town? Gosh, you know my mom would’ve had everything lined up and organized like she always did. Too bad you revoked her POA.”

Of course I would never want him to text her that.


Yet and all you are at their beck and call for caregiving?
How about everyone learns how to say "no".
It's such a simple word, and takes so little effort.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to AlvaDeer
Twinkletoes5981 Mar 7, 2024
Are you kidding. I’m absolutely not going to help them or her out nor my son! It’s a hard no from my son and myself. I’m done. I’m just livid they have the nerve to try and get my son to help them. Ugh
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Does your mother need help with toileting , incontinence, dressing ? If so , I hope your son says NO.
What grandson would want to do that for grandma ?? Awkward .
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to waytomisery
Twinkletoes5981 Mar 8, 2024
She does need help with dressing, meal prep, showering, and toileting, but only after a bowel movement. My mom has a caregiver for this until 5 pm. The caregiver would already have helped her change into her nightgown before they left. She does not need help going to and from the bathroom otherwise. If she falls or there's a fire, she would be helpless. She has not had a fall in almost two years because she uses her walker diligently. My son wouldn't need to be there the minute the caregiver leaves, either. The most he would need to do is get her a glass of water before she goes to bed. He would need to stay the night for the "just in case” emergency.
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Tell you son to call LEO if anyone shows up at his house. This is completely ridiculous.

Let me tell you, my Narc sister is afraid of me now because she knows I am looking for any situation to have her arrested. I told her she can walk on public sidewalks, but the minute she puts a toe on my property, she is done. I emailed this to her so I had a record for the sheriff that she knows not to come on my property.

You and your son need some therapy if possible to learn how to get out of this coercion where you give in. Get out of the FOG (fear, obligation, guilt)
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Southernwaver
Southernwaver Mar 7, 2024
Happy to read you both have no intention to give in. great, enjoy your freedom
Does your brother/s not have children of their own? If your son does not want to stay with grandmom then he says NO. Your Mom revoked your POA. Brother now has it. With that goes all the responsibility. This year he may not be able to take that vacation. He needs to find options.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to JoAnn29
Twinkletoes5981 Mar 8, 2024
No, neither have ever married nor had children.

That’s exactly how I feel, as far as, the revocation of my POA. My mom essentially fired me but still expected me to be the doting daughter. I look at it like this. My husband divorced me but still expected me to cook and sleep with him. Haha sure.
I can't get with this dragging the grandchildren into their messes even though this is your brother's idea. You can't force someone into a caregiving position if they don't want to do it. Everyone is not cut out for it.

If I was your son, I would not interact with them. They can't force anyone to do this.

Families like this one makes me sick. They don't want to pay a employee to come in and do the work. They feel that everyone wants to work for free. They are meddling busybodies that don't realize that people have school, schedules and work schedules.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Scampie1

Hi uncle.. sure I will watch grandma. I can use $50.00 an hour for school!! Or whatever amount he wants to charge.
perhaps get it up front.. $5,000.00 . Living is getting more expensive..
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to MAYDAY
Twinkletoes5981 Mar 8, 2024
The last time they demanded he stay with her for 4 hours, they did say they would pay him. Guess what? They gave him nothing!
I did tell my son, this time he demand at least $2000 CASH UPFRONT. No ifs, ands or buts. The caregivers would cost an extra $3600 to stay the nights
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I agree that you can't control what your son decides (assuming he is 18+)

Don't insert yourself between him and your brothers or you may wind up being blamed for...something. The only way to stay blame-free is to be involvement-free.

If your son chooses to do it, will you keep your opinion to yourself? As a mother of 3 adult sons, I've learned this lesson. Hope you do, too.

There's nothing like a good object lesson, so if your son decides to help this time, and then his uncles keep leaning on him for future favors, eventually he will need to grow a spine and say 'no' all on his own.

If you campaign at him to say 'no' and then he regrets it... you will get blamed.

As my Italian Gramma would say, "Minda u owna bisa-nessa!"
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Geaton777
Twinkletoes5981 Mar 8, 2024
You are correct! My son is an adult. I need to let him make his own decisions. I will tell him he can do whatever he wants with no judgment. As a single mom, she helped raise him. He called her “mommy # 2.” They were extremely close because of this. I feel bad for my son because I know he loves her despite what she has done to me. I don't want him to think he's being disloyal to me. Right?
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