
My mother's situation (very poor short-term memory, struggling to take care of herself and the house, cutting off contact with neighbors and friends) have us greatly concerned for her. She is resisting our help to set-up visiting care, to get her rides so she stops driving, etc. We reached out to the legal firm that my parents have done all of their legal work with for 25 years to start the process of getting POA and updating her estate documents. Initially, they worked with us, but in the most recent phone call they were noticeably uncooperative and terse. Today, we received an email saying they were no loner working with us, and we should seek another attorney or firm. Is this a common occurrence? Could it be that they have seen these situations become contentious and they cannot represent both sides?

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Don't waste your valuable time. Find another attorney. They have stated they are not interested, go with it.
Best wishes.
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The fact that they sent a letter sends a strong message. They are not just stating their refusal to proceed, they could be creating a record that could be damaging against you.

In most states, it is best evidence (no undue influence) if the client (your parent) directly makes all the contact and communication (without any participation whatsoever from you). If the client gets themself to in-person legal meetings alone (drive or self-arranged transportation) that is helpful too. You shouldn’t attend any meetings and it is even better if you aren’t physically on the premises.

Proceed with caution.
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Business. Attorney does not want to be responsible if something bad should happen.
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Again, thanks to all of you for the responses. We (the siblings) have decided to try one more time with the lawyer she has been with for a long time, but this time we are backing out and letting Mom contact her without us. We had a bit of a breakthrough with Mom a few days ago, and she said she is good with having my sister, the oldest child, have POA. I think we need to simply tell her that the lawyer does not want to work with the children, only directly with her at least initially, so she'll have to make the call and request a meeting. I know she will feel better working with someone she knows and trusts, I just hope she doesn't relent before we get this done. Thanks again.
Helpful Answer (2)

Imho, for all intents and purposes, there may be an underlying factor as to why your PARENTS' attorney has pulled back/refused to get your mother to sign off as being IN NEED OF an agent, since she would then become the principal in Power of Attorney.
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Unless your mother is declared incompetent, a POA cannot be used to force her to do something she doesn't want to do -- even if the something is decidedly in her best interest.
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Find another lawyer. Maybe they had a bad experience. Maybe they are too personally involved and feel they are betraying their client (?) There are many lawyers out there. Make life easier on your self. Find a cooperative one.
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I think the first step which I am struggling with at the moment with my husband is to get the real formal diagnosis of dementia. If your mom does not want to go to the doctors (just like my husband) then I think we are in the same boat. Just because a person displays signs of dementia does not mean in the eyes of the law that they cannot decide for themselves, especially if they are able to get up, take a shower, keep up with laundry and eat then all these other issues do not get in the way of her living on her own. She may struggle but is she not able?

I do not push my husband and we do not live together and have not for a few years now. At this point I visit, make sure his medications are all set, make food take him to his doctor appointments and currently trying to get him to make an appointment due to his paranoia and confusion. I have set up all his bills to be automatically paid and he has direct deposits for any income. Our finances are completely separate and I leave that all alone until there is strong legal evidence that he cannot take care of himself. The banking stuff is a great concern but I just cannot take away from him because I am afraid that he will spin and when he spins it is not pretty.

If the concern is very strong then I would speak to elder services and ask for a wellness visit. That would be my next step or to speak to the VA because my husband is a veteran.

Best of luck....
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First, I'd speak to that lawyer for a full explanationof the termination. They owe you that! What materials of your mother do they still retain? ---get them. Is there a will involved?
Second: You can establish powers of attorney yourself, then have them notarized. You can find free forms online (like this ) The form must be filled out, signed before witnesses and verified by a notary. Then keep it safe. Pull it out when thee is a need.
Third: do it right away when your mother is still reliable to understand and sign the different powers: health, financial. This is a matter of life and death for your mother for you to make decisions on her behalf when there is a need.
Fourth: Your siblings need a face-to-face meeting to decide how to best help your mother. Then, all or some of you should have a conversation with your mother. Of course she doesn't want to face the realities of age. But you'all need to confront and accept it.
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I agree, if no POA has been established, it is too late to have one drafted now and mom's attorney will most likely not deal with you now until someone becomes mom's guardian. If mom is cutting off ties with neighbors and friends, it might be wise to call APS where your mother lives and have a welfare/wellness check on her.

You and your siblings should have heart to heart about mom's future. Has anyone be to visit mom within the last couple of months to see how she is managing? If mom is no longer safe to live on her own - where will she live - close to you or one of the sibs? Who will be mom's primary caregiver? Who will be her guardian? Guardianship will be needed to properly care for mom as it appears she is no longer competent.

I wish you all the best.
Helpful Answer (2)

It appears you are trying to work with your parent's attorney that they had relationship with, Why? And, it sounds like your mother is not in favor of what you are trying to do, so yes, I can see this a conflict since your parents are or were the clients not you, and they might not want to work against mother who is "resisting" .

You will be challenged if mother is her own person and not in need if your help, so you cannot simply push your will. Unsure what all requires this attention, however unless harm to self or others, your mother has the right to "resist" your telling her what to do. Be careful sounds like you are heading down a poor chain if events and she has the right to appoint someone other than you, this can obvious set up lack of trust that you are taking away her rights. The legal business of course tire of family squabbles which really look like family taking what they have not earned, and I am sure they could tell this was the deal here. It is a business, of course they have the right to not serve you. You are not their client. I wonder if they will represent your mother? Please think before pushing your Will. Just because we age does not mean we want to be told what to do. I think more Geriatrics have problems with their family than most realize, having more assets do not help with creating warm relationship, validate her, and not push.

Remember you are showing someone how to treat you one day, if you are lucky, how would you like being didmissed and trying to demand change.?

your turn will come if you are botn.relatiinships
Helpful Answer (4)
JoAnn29 Jun 2021
It says the woman is showing signs of Dementia.
See 2 more replies
If the legal team is no longer going to represent your mom; if she is no longer of sound mind you will have to seek an attorney to petition to the Court to grant dPOA to either a family member or a court-appointed one. You should ask the legal firm a reason why they want to drop her, and perhaps ask them if they can petition the Court for legal guardianship if that is the reason being competent issues.

I do not understand or appreciate them not providing you a reason for terminating their services, and the lack of providing options.
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JoAnn29 Jun 2021
POAs are assigned by the person initiating them. A court cannot assign a POA and needs documented proof that a person is incompetent to grant guardianship.
Unless or until your mother is declared incompetent, the law firm does not want to be a party to your interfering with her autonomy. You may have her best interests in mind, or you may be trying to move her to AL to avoid or minimize situations where you might personally have to step in to help.
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The legal firm represented the interest of your parents. They may feel that what the family is requesting is inconsistent with the interest of their clients - your mother . It is not uncommon for conflicts to arise and for lawyers to have withdraw. From representing both sides. Sounds like they are saying - indirectly -- we represent the interest of your mother-- you need to fine your own representation
Helpful Answer (6)

I don’t know where you live but in my state one must prove in a court that a person is a danger to themselves to get poa without the persons consent and signature. Prove they are incapacitated in a court of law. Many parents don’t want to give up their individual power when healthy and alert. Sounds like the law firm was suspicious of your motives perhaps.
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contact a specialist.........Elder Attorney....they work with the situations you are dealing with. I think there is also something you can do to take control without parents approval, but I don't know the technical term. This is a lesson for anyone with parents advancing an older age........get POA's done while they have no mental issues and deal with an Elder Attorney. They can explain everything to you and keep explaining to you understand. I wish you luck but did maybe your parents by chance know that you were dealing with "said attorney" and they contacted them and told them to stop working on it? its possible. sorry and hope things work out.
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rovana Jun 2021
Guardianship/conservatorship - a court proceeding
There may be a conflict of interest issue; that would be my best guess.
Helpful Answer (6)

Thank each of you for the insights and advise. I will share this with among the siblings and we will have to determine the course of action.
Helpful Answer (4)

" start the process of getting POA and updating her estate documents."

This statement implies that there was no POA in place, but perhaps some other legal documents existed, such as a will and maybe a trust or other financial holding, and updates were deemed necessary.

There does come a time when dementia puts a stop to their capability to sign legal documents. We had taken our mother to an EC atty to set things up for her when dad was having difficulty. The atty did wills, POAs, HIPPA and set up a trust to protect some assets. He managed to get her through the care and NH/Medicaid for dad.

When dementia came calling years later, we had to revisit the atty. In order to set up a new trust (irrevocable) and Life Estate for her condo (I don't recommend this unless you know the person can live there until the end or close to it!), he took her aside and questioned her to ensure she was still capable enough to sign the legal paperwork. She was only in the early stages, so she passed his test. They *must* ensure the person is still considered sufficiently competent before assigning anyone as POA, writing new documents or making changes to existing ones. If not, it can all be contested by someone later. They do have to ensure everything is legal and the person is capable of making these decisions.

It is possible she didn't pass muster, or perhaps during a call she refused to proceed or was incapable of understanding what they wanted. If this is the case, the only other option for taking charge of her affairs would be to apply for guardianship/conservatorship. Since they've abruptly cut you off, you'll likely have to find another atty to handle that. Because they were your parents' legal representatives, it's probably best they have also declined to do any additional work, as it could present conflict of interest.

One thing you CAN do that does not require any legal assistance is to apply to be Rep Payee for her SS. NO legal help needed. Contact the local SS office to make an appt and apply. It may be done by phone for now (virus), but I went WITHOUT my mother, answered their questions and provided my SS and ID. They will send notice to you and your mother indicating you have applied - gives the person the opportunity to decline (safety for the person.)

Once you are approved, this gives you the ability to manage her SS and Medicare. The first Rep payment will come as a check. You take the approval letter and set up a special Rep Payee account, then call the local office to provide the routing and acct # to have electronic payments done. Only you can access the acct and only her SS should be in that acct.

In order to work with other bank accts and other financials, get medical information from doctors, etc, you will need guardianship/conservatorship. If she's deemed beyond capability to sign legal documents, this is the only option. Any legal documents that existed before will have to remain as is.

A good EC atty can guide you. Many offer a limited free consult, so check around, try several to get answers and estimates. Guardianship takes time and isn't cheap! However, in the end, it does give you MORE power than a POA does.
Helpful Answer (5)

I wish all attorneys were this honest and not just looking out to make a fast buck.

If your Mom has any memory problems she shouldn’t be signing any contracts which is basically what a POA is. I commend this lawyer for being so upfront
Helpful Answer (9)

The law firm works for your mother, not you. That may be what's going on her, because true or not, you may appear to be coercing your mother into making legal decisions. That, or there aren't enough billable hours for the job you want done.

When my folks set up their estate documents I went with my dad to meet the attorney. (Mom was in the hospital at the time.) He insisted of meeting with my dad alone, and he really grilled him on whether my brother and I were coercing him to do these things. My dad made all the POA and trustee decisions himself, but he and I discussed them outside the lawyer's office because he was appointing me to all those roles.

We (my brother and I) never heard another thing from the attorney until I called him to tell him my dad was dying. By this point, the attorney knew I was the POA and Successor Trustee, so he came to my parents' house and worked with the three of us to have my parents resign from the trust and let me take over. I had to sign a document, though, acknowledging that I understood he was serving as my parents' attorney and mine separately. He really crossed his Ts and dotted his Is on the details.

You may need to get guardianship for your mother rather than updating her docs, as an attorney may not consider her to be competent to understand what she's signing. My mother wasn't really competent to resign from the family trust, but my dad was, and the attorney felt comfortable than no one was attempting to take advantage of Mom.

I think those attorneys are being a little weak in just backing out of handling your mom's affairs without specifying why, but they are within their rights to do so.
Helpful Answer (10)
AlvaDeer Jun 2021
So absolutely correct, MJ. when my brother was diagnosed with probable early Lewy's Dementia, due to symptoms he was having, and was still very rational, he asked me to take over as Trustee of his Trust, and POA on his accounts, to take over his bill paying when he went into ALF, to assist with selling his home, etc. When we went to his Lawyer to have all the POA and Trust work done that Lawyer put us both through the ringer and spoke with him also alone. At the end he said "one last thing, I need to tell you, you had better assure me your trust this Sister with everything you have, because as this document stands she can sell the gold out of your teeth". We all laughed, but if there had been a single doubt in his mind that attorney would never have continued with this work, and rightly so.
Attorneys don't make these kinds of decisions lightly; there may be some other factors, and I would very politely ask them.   I've worked for attorneys who tolerated and had to mediate between feuding siblings, but they took a neutral stand and made it clear what they would and wouldn't do.

It may also be that their practice areas have changed.  Law firms with established estate planning and subsidiary practice areas may have spent years building that practice, but may find it's no longer as feasible given that elder law as a practice area is getting more attention, and the focus is somewhat different.  

Most of the ones for which I worked had established practices, sometimes with "clients of high net worth".    These seminar attorneys aren't in the same league, and they may be taking business away from firms with broader practice areas surrounding the whole estate planning field.

I think you're entitled to an explanation.   Attorneys in my experience rarely drop clients.
Helpful Answer (2)

It too late for a POA. Mom has to be of sound mind to assign you. Since it seems she never assigned you, the lawyers cannot allow you to become her POA now or change any of her documents. Even with guardianship you cannot make changes in documents she set up prior to her Dementia. It just going to give you the ability to pay her bills and place her if needed. You will be required by the State to provide an annual report concerning her finances and well being.
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ToBeHelpful Jun 2021

Laws vary state to state, but, at least in New York, it is NOT NECESSARILY TRUE that "you cannot make changes in documents she set up prior to her Dementia."

I'll share my predicament by way of example. My mother is developing dementia, but prior to the dementia, she has a history going back more than 40 years of dubious mental health and exceedingly poor judgment. Sadly, her case is not all that unusual: she has a delusional romantic fantasy about former boss whom she felt was just the cat's meow!

My mother made financial decisions based on the belief that this man (whom she hadn't had contact with in 40 years) had sent her messages through the Editorial page of the NY Times newspaper. She documented her decision in a thank you letter to him. I have copies of the letter.

There is a legal term for the correction/rewriting of legal documents by a conservator/guardian when the person lacked full capacity, which I believe my lawyer called "conversion" (not sure).

There is also the opportunity to contest a financial instrument, such as a "Transfer on Death Deed," after the person dies.

Key is, laws vary state to state, so it really pays to research the law for one's state.

Best of luck to all.
POA cannot be dabbled with if there is the slightest suspicion that the person involved suffers from dementia. It is too late to do POA work when you are no longer competent in legal matters. I am surprised that you were not given a hint, a clue or a reason. If your mother has any dementia you have waited to long to change anything with her cooperation in all likelihood. I would follow their advice and ask your new attorney this question.
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As AnnReid commented, no attorney can represent both sides, this is a conflict of interest. If the attorneys believe she is not competent then all her documents will stay as they were prior to her having memory loss. As MACinCT commented, they may have contacted her directly (since she is their client and not you) and she may have told them "no" to making any additions or changes.

It looks like you may be headed to guardianship for her. If you don't acquire it, then she will eventually become a ward of the county because "someone" needs to be the actual legal manager of her affairs. If this happens, the family will have no further knowledge of her financial management, and only some medical since they will need to ask the family questions about her health history. They will even decide what facility she will go to, but the family can have input into location. If she becomes a Medicaid recipient, this means she will share a room in a facility. I wish you much wisdom and peace in your heart and you attempt to help her.
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I can easily see this happening, and it would seem to me that if there was any sense of disagreement that impacted on the original client, it would be a conflict of interest to attempt to function with both parties.
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